
Chapter 62: More For Me!

Chapter 62: More For Me!

"Lora look-"

"Don't call me that Jessup." 

I looked at her for a solid few seconds while slowly nodding my head up and down.

"Okay, Alora. This is part of life. They're stressed, so they say things to vent. I would worry once they acted on those words. They have not. Look around you. Their world is burning around them. Why should they care about bullying or harassing others? I don't care about them and I don't expect them to care about you or me either. If this helps them vent in a safe and healthy environment then just take it for the team. That's life. Now let's go."

I turn around and continue walking. I walk three steps forward and stop. I take a pause and sigh before turning around only to see Alora still standing in the same spot while looking out at the road and the moving carriages.

I thought about walking anyway, but I thought it best to stay and talk. So I walk back to listen to whatever she has to say.

I leaned my back against the railing that's used to prevent jaywalking and prepare to listen to anything Alora has to say.

"I thought my boyfriend would be a little more upset. Instead he's asking me to whore myself out for peace."

I just took a heavy breath in and out of my nose before finding the most neutral words I could think of, "Alora. At home I am whatever you want me to be. Here? On this road. In this city. On this continent. You are my bodyguard. Nothing more nothing less. If you can't handle that then go. Perhaps this report of yours will be deemed enough by our people and worthy enough for Lord Dredan himself, but you better make sure to tell our people that you left your prince among the very people he plans to conquer alone. Go. Begone."

Before I could hear her voice or see her reaction I quickly turned away. I don't have time for these lovers' spats. I dont have the energy to deal with these petty arguments. I don't have the patience to be judged for saying words I didn't say. If you want to accuse me of anything then speak the truth and stop pussyfooting around. 

Instead of worrying about Alora I spent my time traveling to the Masters place. After 15 minutes of walking, I finally got there. Alone.

There was a part of me that regretted saying that to her but honestly I mostly felt annoyed at the moment. She has one job and she can't even be grown up about it. I don't need a girlfriend right now. I need somebody to slit someone's throat if shit hits the fan.

Instead she is probably crying in an alleyway somewhere. 

"This is such a pain in my ass."

I stood in front of a large gate in front of a small manor. It was a nice place, it had a very English vibe. It stood at a healthy distance away from the surrounding buildings and a large front yard with an enchanted water fountain in the middle that made the water do tricks that defied gravity.

"Why do rich people always own fountains that do water tricks?"

What happened to good old fashion splashing sounds? Yeah, that sounds underwhelming.

I walk up to the gatekeeper and tell him who I am and that I would like to give the master of the house his payment.

After reading my credentials and checking my ID he guided me to the door after ringing the bell.

Could Have just done that myself but oh well.

After waiting for a few seconds somebody came to the door. It was the slave from yesterday dressed in his butler outfit.

I was about to greet him until something strange happened. The boy just collapsed on top of me. I tried getting my bearings while the gate keeper just yelled at him.

"Mr. Weasel! Get off of him right this instant! This is highly unprofessional! Wait til your master hears this!"

I just looked at the gatekeeper for a second for a split second like he was an idiot.

"That won't be a problem. He'll be dead by tomorrow I think."

The gatekeeper's face went pale, "The master must be angry again. If you'll excuse me."

"And he's gone." I sighed after hearing this.

I can't catch a break today. Instead of questioning things I just lower the kid to the floor before walking inside.

When I walked inside the manor, the first thing I saw was the body of a maid. I bent down and noticed the same thing from the last guy. 

Barely awake, and without a mark on her. I thought it was poison but that would require a puncture wound or a premeditated attack.

"Unless… It's metaphysical in nature."

When I say metaphysical I mean it's related to the soul or mind. In other words, they'll probably live. 

After checking the women's chest pockets I didn't find anything of value. So I decided to move on until I found another person leaning against the wall on the floor. This time it was the cyclops from yesterday.

"Not very good at your job are you?"

I went past a few more people while I collected a few paintings, furniture and other loose items I could find until I reached the stairs. There I walked up while passing another maid. After searching her pockets I continued onward.

After looking around I finally found what looked like the office.

There were two guards leaning against the double doors barely moving. It almost looked like they were paralyzed. 

"Note to self, don't hire cyclops as body guards."

After looking around for a few seconds, I finally came up with a brilliant idea in case there was an assassin inside.

"HAHAHA YOU'RE A FUNNY GUY. WHO KNEW CYCLOPS COULD BE SO FUNNY. ANYWAY I'LL SEE AROUND MAN. I GOTTA TALK TO THE MASTER OF THE HOUSE NOW!" I yelled at the top of my lungs to let the intruder know that I was coming and that they should hide or run away.

A brilliant strategy if I say so myself. I was about to open the door until I realized something dreadful.

What if the intruder doesn't run?

"F***. What if they're on the other side of the door with a sword ready to cut my head off at any second?"

I couldn't help but turn around, "This was a really bad idea. I'm going home."

It was at that second I heard the double doors creaking open. My body froze up and I couldn't help but feel shivers down my spine. Until finally I heard a voice.

"Ah Jessup. I thought it was you screaming. Please come in."

Oh god.

This is so much worse than I thought. I hoped that the master was long dead and the assassin had run away long ago. Yet what stood in his own office was none other than the master of the house and the very reason I came here.

"Are you just going to stand and stare or would you like me to call the maids for tea?" The elven man was about to walk outside but I quickly rushed up to him.

"Uhh… What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm just hugging my new business partner!"

Yes, I just wrapped this old fart in a giant bear hug before I closed the doors behind me. Thankfully he didn't see anything.

"Master Eli!" Nice! I remembered his name, "I'm here to give you your payment. Is it possible you can send a message to your storage providers to transfer the goods to me immediately? I need this limestone today. Preferably as soon as I leave"

Master Eli just looked confused for a second until he answered, "I can send a message right now if you need. I just need to call the butler-"

"No need! Isn't there a faster way of doing this?"

Master Eli pressed his lips together, "I have a special comm that can allow instantaneous messages, but it costs quite a bit just to use it."

"Perfect! I'll add it to my tab!"

After waiting for a minute he pulled out what looked like an antique laptop from his safe. Safe code get! Not only that but I could see several stacks of gold coins in a neat and tidy file as well as a bunch of paperwork.

After placing the laptop on the table he opened it up, dialed a few numbers and started speaking to the person on the other side. I could faintly feel psionic energy wafting off of the thing.

After we're done making the trade I suddenly felt the need to announce something, "where's the toilet?"

"Hmm? Oh, down the hall to the left."

After walking to the double doors. I quickly announced something, "Thank you Master Eli! This limestone will be used to build safe roads for many poor villages! If you excuse me, I have to use the toilet! I'll be gone for exactly 5 minutes to give you another hug!"

"Please don't."

After exiting the room I could feel the sharp knife in the air. I could almost smell the heavy breathing. Yet I couldn't feel the threat of death. After getting my bearings together I headed down the corridor to see if I could loot a few more rooms.

After grabbing everything of value I noticed that the 5 minutes were up so I cautiously walked up to the double doors and immediately noticed the blood spilling under the doorway.

After opening the doors I found the body of the old fart, whatever his name was, lying on the ground with his head nowhere to be found. I guess the assassin wanted to keep it for the bounty.

After scouring the room and taking everything I could throw in my storage box I noticed the real prize attached to the wall. Obviously I'm not going to try to open it. It's most likely booby trapped to go off.

So I pull out my magic sword that gramps gave to me and I cut the safe out of the wall and place it in my storage box as well.

Now that everything is looted I look at the guy's body and realize he's still wearing his jewelry. 

"I guess the bounty was worth more than everything in here. How wasteful."

Oh well. More for me. 

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