

(A/N: I want to clarify this for this chapter, the characters don't talk to each other in Japanese. They talk in English, like people at Chaldea do. This wouldn't be the case for say, a story set in Japan with Japanese characters but FGO is anything but that.)

Nicholas narrowed his eyes at the red ball slowly sliding across the pool and pumped his fist, "Alright." With that he was somewhat closer to winning the tenth game after nine total losses, Kirschtaria was going down this time!

Kirschtaria Wodime glanced at the heap of trashed pool cues lying to the side and then returned his gaze to the game, calculating just how he would need to hit to win completely, "Maybe try not breaking this one when you lose."

"Are you taunting me?"

"No?" The Leader of the A-Team slightly tilted his head, damn, even his confusion looked cool and confident.

Nicholas narrowed his eyes at Kirsctaria, "You've played this before haven't you?"

He'd come across this particular table on his search for entertainment and then dragg-... asked Kirschtaria to play with him. The guy said he'd never played pool before but right now, Nicholas wanted to call total bullshit on that.

There was no way a total newbie was beating his ass so bad even though he sometimes played with his friends!

"Not at all." Kirsctaria replied coolly, brushing aside a bang of his long hair, "One doesn't get much opportunity to simply talk with their peers, or do anything at the Clock Tower... Besides, I didn't get much time aside from my research either."

The guy was something of a workaholic, Nicholas had dragged him here after claiming that getting along with their subordinates was something any good leader would try to do... somehow he bought that.

"Do you get me now, dear? These guys are way too boorish sometimes, all obsessed with research and training all the time. They rarely talk to each other! I must say, I'm extremely glad someone like you came along." 'Pepe' spoke out from the side, a wide smile plastered on his... blue lips.

Nicholas slightly flinched avoiding the man's gaze entirely, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Just be normal." He tried to shoo him away with his free hand, discreetly.

"Oh but then I wouldn't get amusing reactions like yours." Pepe giggled, "It seems like you're about to lose again." He pointed at the table between them, "Why not let me help~?"


Nicholas deadpanned at what had transpired in the moment he looked at Pepe, "How do you keep doing this?"

"I calculated the trajectory and amount of force I'd need for the desired outcome."

"Three, three balls went in!" Nicholas raised his fist, he wanted to punch the genius, "What kind of calculations you doing?"

"Elementary ones."

Fucking magus.

Before the situation could proceed any further, a distinct static rang out through the speakers in the ceiling, drawing the attention of all three Masters.

"Nicholas, do you hear me?"

"We hear you, Director." Pepe answered plainly, ignoring Nicholas who was signalling him to say no... fiercely, "Nicholas hears you too."

"We have guests."

"Are they hookers?" The pale haired teenager spoke out, forgetting his previous hesitance.

"...What? How wou- no, it's a delegation from the UN."

"Not my business then." Nicholas shrugged and all three of them could hear disappointment oozing from the speakerphone, "What can I do for you?"

"You can stay where you are, I don't want you coming out of there until they're gone."

Kirschtaria withdrew his pool cue from the table and held up his free hand, "What are hookers?"'

"Oh the-..."

Nicholas was interrupted by a loud crash coming over the speakers, "You don't need to know! And Nicholas, stop explaining everything vulgar to my staff! What I was saying is, stay in there and I'll get you one of those systems you keep posting requests about... And stop trying to pour gasoline over Lev's lab! Also, tell your servant to stop throwing chairs at him!"

A distinct beep rang out afterwards, and communications were cut.

"How did you even manage to convince a Saint to vandalise and harass someone?" Pepe asked in genuine curiosity, crossing his arms and focusing his eyes on Nicholas.

"Told her I caught him tryna burn a Bible." He answered shamelessly, averting his gaze and whistling but failing miserably, "Someone blessed by the man upstairs didn't like that, how was I supposed to know?"

"Religious people can be dangerous if fervent..." Kirsctaria interjected, "I expected you to be able to connect the dots."

Nicholas flinched and grumbled, it was a lot more harmful and effective because he knew the bastard wasn't even trying to throw a jab there, "In hindsight, that might've been too tame." He should have said something worse.

"... I will never understand this vendetta against Professor Lev." Pepe sighed, "But I suppose, it's not really my place to say, is it? Try to keep to a level where you don't bother others."

Nicholas' expression changed into one of such genuine confusion even Pepe wondered if he'd said something wrong, "When have I ever bothered anyone? Bitch, I'm a saint. I even no catalyst summoned one."

"The fact that that is true astounds me more than anything."

"Skill issue." Nicholas stuck out his tongue and gave his fellow master a thumbs down.

"Are you a kid?"

"Why not? They're menaces."

Feeling left out, Kirschtaria said whatever came to mind, "A delegation from the UN? Our first mission draws nearer and nearer... And we're yet to find the 48th Mast-..." The genius stopped himself midway and let out a sigh when he realised he'd started talking about work in what was clearly a casual setting.

"Now that you say it..." Nicholas decided to give him a hand, "It's hella surprising the UN, well, countries like America, China or Russia actually let 'Chaldea' be a thing in the first place."

"That was from Lord Marisbury, he set it up long before they accepted Chaldea... You wouldn't notice but most of the staff is from the Department of Astromancy, outsiders are few and most are magi, so the usual tactics for getting insiders don't really work most of the time."

"What you're forgetting dear, is that most of what Chaldea does is outside the scope of understanding for even the people sitting in power." Pepe expanded on Kirschtaria's explanation, "And people, people aren't quite as accepting of the fact that the world will end..." He snapped his fingers, "Just like that."

Nicholas nodded slowly, it checked out.

Though, it was still surprising that you could find Chaldea listed as one of the organisations under the United Nations with a simple search online. Magi were all about secrecy most of the time, right?

They didn't get to ponder over the intricacies of international politics and human nature any further when the metal door into the room slid aside and a certain ha- not-vampire walked in, her long white coat fluttering from her movement.

Strangely enough, there was no book in her hand.

Nicholas ignored that entirely and rushed over to Kirschtaria with shining eyes, pulling the man closer and whispering something into his ear that made Pepe's eyes widen in surprise.

Hinako stared at the three in curiosity, not for a moment even considering that Nicholas would out her secret just like that, she trusted him enough not to. The guy was a retard but he meant no harm... most of the time.

"Are you sure?" Kirschtaria asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, totally, getting along like bros'll help your synergy or some sh-... something like that. She'll definitely like you a lot after you say it."

"...Y-Yes, Nicholas might be r-right." Pepe averted his gaze, hiding his expression behind his hand and all of a sudden, he became a lot more in Nicholas' eyes, even if he was dressed like a lesbian twink obsessed with BDSM.

Kirsctaria Wodime nodded decisively and with all the confidence and calm of someone chosen to spearhead a mission to save humanity, he walked over to Hinako with firm footsteps and a gaze so focused, even the immortal was startled and looked up at him hesitantly.

"Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo."

Silence descended upon the room for several very long moments.

"Huh... What?! You love what?!" Embarrassment crept onto Hinako's face as her mind finally processed what her respected leader and senior had just said to her, "Why would you tell m-... You love di- What?!"

Her gaze then fell to the two manchildren laughing their asses off behind Kirschtaria, "What the fuck is wrong with you people?!"

That day she was forced to swear for the first time in a long time.


Some feedback? 

I don't usually write Japanese in english text, I genuinely hate doing it but it was the only thing that felt right in this case.


You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

We're actually 7 ahead now and will be 9 by Sunday, the grand orders have officially started.

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