
Take Them All Back

Inside Villa 026, Duan Chengzhi and others were startled by a loud crashing and the sound of metal being crushed, jumping up in fear.

"It's bad, it's bad! An armored vehicle has broken through our gate!" a panicked voice of a young woman monitoring the cameras came through the walkie-talkie.

Duan Chengzhi hurriedly pulled back the curtains to look towards the entrance!

He was instantly terrified, his face ashen, and he began to tremble uncontrollably.

The women were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground!

"What is this thing? An armored vehicle?? And it's a modified one?!"

"Who on earth are these people?!!"

Duan Chengzhi moaned in pain and fear with a trembling voice.

"We're done for! We're finished now!"

The door of the armored vehicle opened, and three people stepped out.

The man in the lead was holding a long-handled sword with flames, his face expressionless.

Two women followed closely behind him.

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