

"Disgusting?" Bernard widened his eyes in disbelief. "This is the sweat of a deity, containing the law patterns of divinity. Among all the gods, only the Goddess of Lust can perspire. And you call it disgusting."

Diana stuck out her tongue and muttered, "It's still disgusting!"

"Such a child, lacking in discernment," Bernard remarked.

Owen interjected, "That's good to know there are limits. I was worried that in the future, I might be captured by other races' powerhouses to be used for seeding their kind."

A sly smile appeared on Bernard's face, "Such a life, just thinking about it seems quite blissful."

Owen was speechless and turned to leave, "Mr. Bernard, I'll be going now. I can't stay here another minute."

Bernard didn't try to stop him but casually said, "I'll send you off."

"No need," Owen replied, thinking Bernard might transform into a dragon again. "It's too much trouble."

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