
Chapter 178: The Chosen King (II)

After Melisandre's speech, someone immediately brought up the three petrified dragon eggs. 

Everyone had heard of the story when Magister Illyrio Mopatis bought three petrified dragon eggs as a wedding gift for Daenerys and Drogo.

but now, as the three dragon eggs appeared before everyone, they were astonished to find cracks covering the surface, as if baby dragons were about to hatch at any moment.

Following Alaric's arrangement, Daenerys inserted Lightbringer between the three dragon eggs and unleashed the sword's power.

Golden flames immediately engulfed the dragon eggs.

In full view of everyone, the reaction of the dragon eggs became intense; the broken eggshells moved.

 After a while, the three dragon eggs were shattered one by one, and three baby dragons hatched from them amidst the flames.

One was crimson, another emerald green, and the third golden.

The three baby dragons struggled up Daenerys's leg and climbed onto her shoulder, intimately wrapping around her neck, as if playing with a mother.

This scene, seemingly fulfilling the prophecy, stunned everyone even more. 

Wasn't this waking dragons from stone? Daenerys's identity as the reincarnation of Azor Ahai was almost beyond doubt.

So Melisandre shouted again.

"After a long summer, when the stars bleed, and the cold darkness covers the world, at this terrifying moment, a king shall pull out the burning sword from the fire. 

That sword is Lightbringer, the sword of a hero, the bearer of which is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, and they shall be the only king in the world. 

The king shall save the people and drive away the darkness. 

Daenerys Targaryen is the last princess of House Targaryen, the rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Now, she has drawn the sword of the chosen king in front of everyone."

"Look! The signs of the prophecy have been fulfilled!

That is Lightbringer! Azor Ahai has returned to the world! Hail to the warriors of light! Hail to the messengers of Dragon God! Hail to the only king on earth!"

The guards of Pentos were the first to kneel silently, followed by her Dothraki warriors.

Melisandre was the first to place her staff at her feet.

"The chosen king," she said loudly.

"The chosen king," she heard Harry Strickland respond.

"The chosen king," Mero said. .

After them, the merchants and nobles also knelt down, followed by the mercenaries, no matter which mercenary group they came from. 

Daenerys only needed to look into their eyes to know that they had submitted to her. 

Today, tomorrow, and forever, it wasn't submission out of fear of her power, but a heartfelt submission from the bottom of their hearts.

Daenerys Targaryen stood up, her golden dragon hissing and exhaling a puff of white smoke from its nostrils, joined by the other two in roaring. 

They spread their translucent wings and beat the air.

Then, the resounding music of the dragons echoed through the night sky, the first time in hundreds of years.

The sword-pulling ceremony was quite successful.

In fact, after everything was over, more than half of the people on the scene followed their previous vows and truly pledged allegiance to Daenerys. 

Among them, most of the representatives sent by the Free Cities chose to pledge allegiance to Daenerys.

Although they were called Magisters, in essence, they were a group of merchants who were more concerned with economic interests and had less demand for governance. 

This was one of the reasons why these cities would choose to regularly pay protection fees to nomadic peoples like the Dothraki. 

Now, facing the powerful Dragon God faith and the chosen one, Daenerys, their first response was to surrender and join.

Of course, there was another reason, which was the endless stream of new products from Pentos recently, such as crystal-clear glass, sleek and exquisite porcelain, and recently, even fabrics and sturdy cement that were cheaper than before. 

They even heard that Pentos was developing an alternative to parchment made from plants, a new type of paper that was not only cheap but also whiter and easier to use.

This continuous stream of new products quickly swept through the market of Essos, making Pentos' merchants wealthy, and Daenerys was considered the wealthiest person. 

The businesses of the Magisters of the remaining cities in the Free Cities suffered significant losses under the impact of these more exquisite and cheaper products.

This led them to believe that Daenerys or the Church of the Dragon God had mastered some technologies beyond this era. 

Therefore, the Magisters hurriedly approached Daenerys when they saw her becoming the chosen queen with a soaring momentum, just to be defeated by Pentos in future business wars, and perhaps even get a share of the pie from Pentos.

The above was the choice of most cities in the Free Cities, but there was still one city that chose to confront Daenerys, and that was Braavos.

In fact, the Nine Free Cities were nine independent political entities, and their greatest connection was their common origin—they were all descendants of the original Valyrian colonizers. 

So fundamentally, they did not oppose Daenerys' rule as she belonged to the Targaryen family, which was Valyrian. 

After all, it was the Valyrians who led their dragon legions to colonize the Free Cities.

However, Braavos was an exception. 

It was the only Free City founded not by descendants of Valyrians but by people who refused to be colonized by the Valyrians, a secret refuge for those people. 

Compared to other cities, Braavos' cultural traditions were completely independent.

In addition, the rulers of Slaver's Bay in the south of the Free Cities were also unwilling to accept Daenerys' rule. 

This region had many small city-states, as well as three large slave ports—Yunkai, Meereen, and Astapor. 

The slave trade was the absolute pillar industry of Slaver's Bay, and the ruling classes of major cities were the biggest slave traders. 

For the kind and compassionate Daenerys, the slave trade was unacceptable, although she did not directly abolish it, her policies consciously or unconsciously targeted slavery, making it the most irreconcilable contradiction with Slaver's Bay.

In fact, although Daenerys did not directly abolish the slave trade under the advice of Alaric, the number of slaves in Pentos was still decreasing steadily. 

This was undoubtedly due to the influence of the new technologies and policies provided by Daenerys.

Now, the production of goods in Pentos was showing signs of industrialization, and such production methods were contradictory to slavery. 

According to Alaric experience from Earth, with the emergence and popularization of capitalism in this world, slavery as a backward system would soon be impacted and eventually disappear.




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