
Chapter 17: A piece of discovery

Yago Residence

The sun has already fallen when Osamu returned to training Ground 3. He immediately went home thinking that his parents might be worried.

Going back, he was actually surprised that they understand why he was late to come home due to his work as a ninja.

He didn't tell them that he was currently on leave for a month before he can start going to missions as a Chunin.

He played a bit with shiori after dinner and have her tucked on her bed once she was asleep due to exhaustion.

Even his parents were not fighting as they usually do in their bedroom.

Osamu then went to his own room and contemplates what happened so far.

He will be learning new Jutsu with the third who was actually now his great great grand master. He still can't help but think it's his Golden fingers when it comes up to his mind.

Besides that, he was able to have a summoning contract and was able to discover a way to improve his strength exponentially despite having Chunin reserves.

Senjutsu or Sage mode.

Though he needs to wait for tomorrow to receive Katsuyu's way of absorbing nature energy which will probably give him the same sage mode as Hashirama.

Osamu being a reincarnator, already has a lot of ideas inside his mind without relying on sage mode, just like how he successfully discovered how to created an energy ball.

Speaking of which, he still needs to name the jutsu. Bijuudama were called that because they belong to tailed beasts.

How about him? Does he name it human ball or homo ball? Calling it energy ball seems appropriate enough but feels insufficient.

Having no luck, he parked the naming of the jutsu for now and focused on what else happened.

Earlier, when he absorbed nature energy without any guide on his finger which immediately turned pale, it was due to over absorption of nature energy.

And that only happened because he willed it to make Katsuyu see that he indeed was able to sense and easily control nature energy due to being used to control 3 types of energy inside him.

Now however, what if he controlled the amount of nature energy he absorb?

Instead of combining it with chakra, what if he combined it with spiritual or physical energy alone instead? And earlier he combined it with both but not chakra, so what happens if he combined chakra and nature energy? Will it have the same results?

The more he thinks about it, the more he becomes curious.

And like any curious cat, he killed himself, I mean he of course tried to find out.

Entering his shuchu state, Osamu focused in an instant.

He used his index finger as a medium for his curiosity. Gathering enough spirit energy and just like before, his Spiritual energy becomes like a thin glove that covers his finger, he then gathers nature energy with the same amount and have it fused together.

If earlier in Shikkotsu forest it turned pale, right now it turned dark akin to a shade of metal.

Seeing this development, only one word comes to his mind.


Specifically, Busoshoku or Armament Haki.

When Haki comes into play, he thought fo the other two types. Kenbunshoku and Haoshoku.

As soon as he thought of other things, the dark shade on his index finger vanished.

Osamu tried to gather more spiritual energy on his hand. This time covering it until his wrist. Then he did the same thing as he combined nature energy in it.

As soon as he did so, however, the cover didn't pass until his wrist, it was only until the middle part of his hand. The rest of the spiritual energy which was not covered dissipates.

He applied more spiritual energy and nature energy but he was stuck with the same results.

'is it because this is the limit of my strength as of now?' Osamu asked himself then tried to puncture his floor with bjs index finger.

His finger easily created a hole with but a simple poke. The floor was made of wood so it might have been a bit softer, he thought of testing his fist against a stone next time.

Just like that, Osamu tried it in various parts of his body except his Jr., he also tried stabbing it with a kunai but felt no pain, infact it only feels like someone was gently poking him with their fingers.

The night passed and Osamu slept early in the morning after exhausting his spiritual energy.

The only other part of his body he was unable to cover with armament Haki bedsides his Jr., was inside his head where his shuchu state mainly operates.

He was not even aware that his shuchu state can now stay for as long as he has enough spiritual energy which also replenishes when he's not doing anything.




The next day

Osamu found himself looking at the third's list once again as he was tasked to pick a jutsu.

Having two elemental affinity, Osamu scrolled on the water jutsu list which he can easily learn. Since he already has a lightning style jutsu which he can now use multiple times, probably 3-4 times, after achieving Chunin level chakra which happened after the Chunin exam.

Then he remembered his deal with Kakashi about the shadow clone jutsu. He will have to find Kakashi later on and see if he was on a mission. He can always ask the Hokage about it.

Once he finished searching, he picked the water shuriken jutsu, a Genin level jutsu with it's upgraded Chunin level which is Windmill Water Shuriken Jutsu already included in the scroll.

"Oh, nice choice. Well would you like to study the flying raijin now?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Then, the same as yesterday, you will be under surveillance and once your done you can return them the scroll. I won't accompany you today because I have a lot of paperwork."

"That's okay Hokage-sama." Osamu happily accepted the 2nd's notes about the flying raijin jutsu.

Osamu went to training Ground 3 and started reading the scroll while in shuchu state to expedite his understanding.

He of course didn't forget to bring his own scroll where he can right his own notes one's he's done the 2nd's.

The scroll containing 2nd Hokage's notes was something important to Konoha and can only normally be accessed by higher ranked Ninja's or the Hokage himself.

Which is why, Osamu thinks that Hiruzen being on his side and easily agrees to him was his golden finger. For that to be true, Osamu cannot be sure.




Root Base

Under Konoha

Danzo was in a bad mood. Yago Osamu was nothing extra ordinary. He was but normal Genin some time ago.

Danzo was aware of his existence, he was always aware of the existence of any and all academy students and their performance along with future capabilities.

Osamu falls to the below average type due to his intellect which he showed by staying on top when it comes to theoretical knowledge.

However, that was not all. His interest in sealing arts, medical arts and Genjutsu cemented his precise chakra control which earned him a bit of recognition from Danzo.

The nail to the coffin however was his reported performance in the last Chunin exam.

The way he easily captures his foes under Genjutsu. And for his Genjutsu to be more potent than normal, was all the reason Danzo needed to make his move.

Who would've thought however that he was not alone in monitoring the boy. Hiruzen, plans to teach the boy due to their connection with each other.

'if I can't have him as a tool for the root, then I suppose, there's nothing wrong if his first mission as a Chunin goes wrong right?' Danzo thought as he began to arrange the accidental demise of Konoha's new Chunin.




Osamu understood.

However, there's a difference between understanding and comprehending.

Flying Raijin uses chakra obviously, however the amount of chakra needed to pull it off was not something he currently have.

Therefore, practicing flying raijin was not his current option.

Another thing, he needs to be able to sense space-time fluctuations or the law itself. Although deeply discussed in the scroll, one must have an affinity to space-time law.

Why was it space-time law? Not just space?

Because according to Tobirama, you don't want to teleport form point A to point B but in a different timeline. Like your currently in point A and want to teleport to point B, however upon teleporting, you were indeed in point B but you appeared the day after.

Hence, teleporting involved space-time laws, not just space.

It was a few minutes to lunch time so Osamu returned the scrolls to the Anbus monitoring him.

"I will continue to study these tomorrow same time in the morning. Please tell Hokage-sama that I'll directly come here tomorrow without going to his office so I don't disturb his work." The Anbus just nodded and left.

As soon as they left, his stomach growled. So he went back to the village and find the nearest establishment where he can have his lunch.

Coincidentally, he saw Teuchi's Ramen shop.

'why not?'

Osamu went in to have his lunch so he can have enough energy when he goes to the Shikkotsu forest later.

End of chapter


I think my pace slowed down. I wonder if it's good or bad.

I_am_Dumb_Iknowcreators' thoughts
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