
Aftermath Work

The basilisk Medusa seemed to understand that she was about to leave this place where she had lived for many years.

But she was ready to live in a new home and didn't seem the slightest bit reluctant to leave.

She even kept hitting the ground with her tail to show her excitement.

"Lucas, let's go! I can't wait to meet new friends."

The reason why the basilisk said so was because Lucas told her that no creature in the secret garden will be hurt by her eyes.

After entering, she can finally meet new friends with confidence and boldness.

As the master of the secret garden Lucas can set the rules for the Basilisk's eyes.

This also made him feel the power of Helga Hufflepuff again.

She opened up a small world where all creatures living in it must abide by the rules set by the space master.

Lucas felt it was a pity that he didn't live more than a thousand years ago, otherwise he would have been able to meet the Founders.

He came to the basilisk again: "Can you make your body smaller?"

"Small? I don't know, I think it should work!"

The reason why Lucas asked was because he discovered that some of the pipes here were actually not as thick as he had imagined.

But the basilisk has lived for a thousand years, so it is impossible to only have the current size, so it is likely that it subconsciously kept its body within the range allowed by the pipe.

Under Lucas' gaze, the body of the basilisk gradually shrank.

In the end, it turned into a big snake with the thickness of an arm and a length of four or five meters.

"Is that all right?"

"No problem, let's go."

Lucas held out his palm, and Medusa put her head in his palm knowingly.

Just a blink of an eye and the chamber of secrets was left with only Harry and Ginny lying on the ground.

After a while, Lucas reappeared in place carrying a large package in his hand.

Looking at the edges and corners inside, it looks like there are a lot of wooden sticks inside.

He glanced at the two sleeping people to make sure that the two of them won't be able to wake up in a short time.

Lucas walked into the Slytherin statue with the package.

After setting everything up he patted the dust off his hands.

Looking at the huge snake-shaped skeleton in front of him.

This snake skeleton was left by a giant python in the secret garden and it should have been dead for a long time because the bones had become brittle.

It just happened to be perfect to replace the Basilisk.

After some time Harry woke up confused, but then he suddenly remembered what happened; Tom Riddle, the diary, and the basilisk, all those memories came flooding back.


He got up from the ground and looked aside anxiously, but finding Ginny lying shyly in Lucas' arms he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, like he lost something important.

But he was still relieved to see that Ginny was fine.

"Lucas, you're here. Where's Ron? Where's Professor Lockhart?"

"They're fine, you didn't return for a long time, so I came to have a look."

Harry frowned and asked, "Where's the basilisk? Where's Voldemort?"

"What basilisk? What does it have to do with Voldemort? When I came here, there were only the two of you, and the diary was the only other thing."

Harry followed Lucas' gaze and the familiar diary appeared in sight.

He hurried over to open it and look through it, but nothing unusual was found.

Harry stroked the diary where it had been pierced by the sword, then he took another look at the place where he had just been lying down and saw the Gryffindor sword quietly placed there.

Confirming that everything was the same as in his memory he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nothing, nothing happened, let's leave quickly!"

When he said this, Harry's expression was slightly smug.

He turned and picked up the Gryffindor sword and the Sorting Hat.

Just when he was about to leave.

Suddenly, they heard some cries from the side and saw as Fawkes crawled out of the ashes.

Harry's face was full of self-blame: "I'm so sorry Fawkes, I didn't expect Voldemort to use the Killing Curse on you, fortunately you are a phoenix."

Picking up Fawkes, Harry walked out of the secret room without looking back.

As for Ginny behind him?

Isn't there Lucas to help take care of her?.

Lucas looked at the frail baby phoenix in Harry's arms and once again verified his guess.

Phoenix rebirth also needs to consume energy, and this energy is accumulated in the process of its growth.

Since Fawkes was hit twice by Lucas with the Killing Curse, this second rebirth time was obviously longer than the first one.

Moreover, after rebirth, he was not as energetic as the first time, and seemed very weak.

Once again he confirmed some valuable knowledge.

Lucas looked at Ginny Weasley contentedly.

"Ginny, are you alright? Can you stand up?"

Ginny blushed at his gentle tone and nodded slowly, then shook her head quickly but didn't say whether she could stand up or not.

Seeing this, Lucas smiled, got up and hugged the little girl in his arms.

Looking at his face close-up, Ginny shyly buried her head in Lucas' arms.

When the two reached the pipe they entered from, Harry and Ron had been waiting for a long time.

"Ginny, are you okay!"

Although Ron is a jealous git and has a bad temper, he still cares a lot about his family.

Just after leaving Lucas' arms, Ginny was still a little bit lost.

Hearing her brother's inquiry she nodded absently: "I'm fine, thanks to Mr. Grindelwald for taking care of me."

After saying that, she secretly glanced at Lucas.

Unexpectedly, the other party just happened to be looking at her with a small smile.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Lucas' mouth, Ginny shyly hid behind Ron.

Ron is normally at odds with Lucas, but since the blond boy did help to save his sister this time, he walked up to him slowly, and said very softly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Humph" Ron snorted coldly, took his sister's hand and walked to Harry's side.

At the moment Harry was watching to see if they could climb up the pipe, but didn't find any way of doing it so they were stuck.

"Harry, what's in your hand?"

Seeing Ron staring at Fawkes curiously Harry explained it to him.

Knowing that it was a phoenix, Ron's eyes lit up: "Why don't you let it go out and report the news?"

"I heard that Phoenixes have the ability to teleport through space with their fire."

"No Ron, don't you see Fawkes is already weak!"

Looking at the dozing phoenix in Harry's arms Ron scratched his head with an awkward smile.

Just when everyone was at a loss, there was a rustling sound coming from the pipe.

It seemed that someone was sliding from above.

When the sound became clearer, they quickly moved aside to make room for whoever was coming and after a moment they saw a platinum head emerge from the dark pipe.

Draco Malfoy, this guy who had been petrified for nearly two months suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Draco?" Harry called out the other person's name in surprise and the two hugged each other.

Draco also comforted Harry, saying that he was fine.

Just as the two of them finished talking about the recent events, Lucas' voice came from beside them.

"Oh~ I'm so glad to see you again, Draco!"

Draco looked at his best friend standing not far away and walked towards him.

There was also a hug, and Draco asked softly in Lucas' ear: "Is everything resolved?"

"Of course."

After a short hug, Draco untied the rope around his waist.

"Professors are ready on the top, let's go up."

He handed the rope to Harry, and looked at Lockhart who was lying aside and giggling stupidly.

"What's wrong with this idiot?"

"Draco, be polite, although he is indeed an idiot now, he's still better than before, so you can't say that about him."

Hearing Lucas teasing remarks, Draco was even more puzzled.

Harry kindly explained it to him, but the spoken version is of course the same as in the original.

Lucas had already modified Harry and Ron's memories.

There will be no mistakes like this...

Everyone tried their best and finally climbed up through the lengthy pipeline.

Being the last to come up, Lucas was also responsible for bringing Lockhart up with magic.

"Professor McGonagall, I defeated the heir, the heir is Voldemort, and the basilisk, I defeated the basilisk, with this sword in my hand!"

Harry looked extremely agitated at the moment, not caring about the occasion.

In front of all the professors and many students, he briefly talked about the events that transpired in the Chamber of Secrets.

Looking at his excited look, Professor McGonagall hastened to appease him.

Everyone was naturally happy when they heard that the basilisk was eliminated.

Lucas even saw Professor Snape look at the pipe several times, he was probably very tempted by the materials on the basilisk.

It's a pity that it didn't wait for a few professors to send someone down to check and the entrance to the chamber of secrets closed again by itself.

Harry who ran around for a long time also fainted at this time, and afterwards he spent several days in the infirmary.

A lot happened during this time.

First of all, after the crisis was lifted, Hogwarts returned to normal with the Quidditch matches and visits to Hogsmeade being brought back.

It's just that because the final exam is approaching, the students are no longer that interested in participating in these activities.

Then the news that the Chamber of Secrets was opened was published again in the newspaper.

Rita Skeeter's powerful pen has silenced the Ministry of Magic.

No matter what she said before, the Ministry insisted that what they destroyed was the real culprit.

But now that the Chamber has been opened again and with the blood written on the wall as evidence, Fudge couldn't say anything more.

It's just that he didn't follow through on his promise to resign and step down.

Even though he received countless howlers every day, he still insisted on his position as Minister of Magic.

The reason is simple.

He didn't know where he got the news from, but he learned there is nothing in the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets, just an empty underground space.

As long as he hangs in there and waits until someone is sent to take a picture, he can stand up again.


Pyne Carrow opened the door and entered the office.

"Minister, are you looking for me?"

"Has the person sent to contact Rita Skeeter returned?"

"Not yet."

"Tell her that if she can get the photo of the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets this time, I will let the past go, and she can go back to the "Daily Prophet" to work."

"Will do minister, I'm going to send her a message right away."

Pyne Carrow left his office, but only wandered around the Ministry before returning.

Both he and Rita are part of the Saints Group, so naturally, there is no need for him to pass on the message.

Leaving the Ministry of Magic aside, the best news for Hogwarts is that Dumbledore is back.

And it is thanks to Rita's recent reporting that Dumbledore convinced more than half of the governors.

The school board not only lifted the expulsion order, but also restored him as Headmaster.

The first thing Dumbledore did when he returned is to announce that the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam will be waived this year.

This good news made the students very happy.

They had thought they were going to have to answer another questionnaire about Lockhart's favorite things.

But Lucas felt very strange, he remembered that in the original book, it seemed that all the exams were canceled.

But these have nothing to do with him, anyway, the exam was not difficult for him.

Now that the final exams are coming in a few days, Lucas and Hermione began their rivalry against each other again.

The two refused to give in to each other since they both wanted to be the first in their year.

Cho stood aside and didn't know who to cheer for.

After the exams were over Lucas looked confident, but Hermione also looked sure of herself.

Just when the two were about to check their answers to the exam questions Professor McGonagall came to find Lucas.

"Mr. Grindelwald, Headmaster Dumbledore asked you to go to his office and said that he has something very important to talk about."

Lucas nodded his thanks.

After comforting the two girls, he walked towards the headmaster's office on the seventh floor.

He knows what's coming next.

Dumbledore must be going to ask him about the Chamber of Secrets and whether he can deceive the cunning old man depends completely on his next performance.

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