

"Why are you hard?"

He stared at her, not sure he had heard her question properly.

"What?" He replied, a bit puzzled.

"Are you deaf?!" She spat, full of rage. "Why the fuck are you hard? I don't recall ordering you to be erect for my clients."

Josh returned her frown.

"For your information, they are my clients," Josh responded cooly. "My clients are here for my services, not yours."

Her eyes narrowed, but they still didn't reach his face. They were still staring with fury at his fully-erect penis, as if challenging his hard-on. He could practically hear her thoughts...how dare you proudly display your dick like that without asking for permission first? But Josh could see a glint of something else in her eyes besides anger. Was it lust? He wasn't certain, but he was pretty sure of it. He had seen that look in the eyes of clients before. Clients like Laila, who craved a rock-hard cock. Sylvia licked her lips and swallowed hard, still not able to take her eyes off of it. There it is. Proof she wants the D, Josh thought wryly, confirming his own suspicions. She wanted his dick. He also knew that she would rather die than admit this, though. She spoke again in a barely-audible hiss.

"You work for me, you fucking whore. Clients here are visiting my place of business. Therefore they are my clients, not yours."

Josh shrugged. "Whatever, Sylvia."

Her eyes finally tore away from his fat penis to his meet his own eyes, surprised and apparently appalled that he had the audacity to address her by her first name. His refusal to call her "Mistress" had always been a disagreement between them. Her angry eyes narrowed even further until they were thin slits.

"You never did show your Mistress proper respect," she replied quietly. "Keep up with that attitude and I will not allow you rent a room here. I can fire your ass."

"You could," Josh nodded, "but then you will lose a good chunk of profit. I am one of the top earners in this place. And I can do this job from home if I want to."

This was only half true - Josh would make more money on his own, but he also liked having a discreet place to go for the job. He believed it was better to bring in clients to the brothel than the privacy of his own home. And while prostitution was legal behind closed doors and in brothels, it was illegal in motels, hotels, and other public places. No, it was much safer for him to work here at the brothel. She didn't need to know that, though.

The cock-caged man was still licking her pussy. She shifted her stance to give him better access. Although her eyes were still staring angrily at Josh's face, they kept flicking occasionally downwards to his crotch. She licked her lips again and continued.

"Your room rental is due. Your payment was due yesterday."

Josh had to restrain from rolling his eyes with difficulty.

"You will get your money. Only can we finish this conversation up, please? I have a client that should be here any minute. She might even be here now."

Josh tore his eyes away from the bitch with the annoyingly perfect body and towards the door, excited for Laila's arrival. God, he really needed his dick sucked! His cock was truly painful now. It was starting to turn purple. Even his balls also were starting to ache. If he didn't get release soon, he was going to have one l bad fucking case of blue balls.

"She was already here. I sent her away. I want to speak with you."

Josh turned quickly back to her, horrorstruck.

"You turned her aw-"

She cracked the whip to silence him. He was so taken aback by this, that he actually did close his mouth mid-sentence due to shock. She had turned away one of his best clients, one that would have sucked him dry and paid him well for it...fucking why?!

"Yes, I turned her away. Don't worry, I assured her that she is welcome to reschedule with our business whenever she is able to return. I also provided her a full-refund for the inconvenience. But enough about Linda, or whatever the hell her name is. We need to talk."

Josh looked down, trying to will his dick to go down on its own so he could feel some relief. For some reason though, it wouldn't. He was fuming, furious at her interference with his business. Usually that would have been enough of a buzzkill to soften him, but for some strange reason, it wouldn't. Go. Down! It feels like I took a viagra, he thought with bewilderment. But that's impossible - I haven't taken a viagra in months!

He gave up trying to make himself go flaccid and blurted rudely at Sylvia. "What do you want?"

"Shut up."

"No, I will not shut up!" Josh retorted irritably. "You said you wanted to talk, so let's talk. What do you want?" Josh repeated.

"I said, shut up and give me a minute." Sylvia closed her eyes. She was beginning to breathe heavily, and suddenly Josh understood. She was having an orgasm. Sylvia let out a gasp and a low moan, and began to buck her hips. She made smaller movements and sounds than Tanya did when she came, but watching her beautiful body writhe in pleasure was such a cock tease that Josh felt his dick might explode without even touching it. What I wouldn't give to fuck her...

It was so unfair that she got to cum whenever she wanted to and he couldn't. Probably the dozenth time the bitch has came today, at least. Josh hoped she would be quick with whatever she wanted, so he could jerk off and go home. Finally, her orgasm subsided and she cracked the whip again. The man at her feet stopped immediately at the the crisp sound, and stared up at her in admiration. Then he bowed his head and mumbled in his low growl,

"Thank you very much for my wonderful meal, mistress."

She nodded her head approvingly. "On your feet, 39."

He obeyed. She handed him his leash, told him to go to their private room, and to wait for her there in the "usual" position. He bowed his head again, and lumbered from the room. After checking to make sure the door was tightly shut and the other man was out of earshot, she turned to Josh again.

"I have a proposition for you."

Now his eyes narrowed at her suspiciously. What could she possibly want from me? Josh wasn't sure he wanted to know. He hesitated.

"...a proposition?"

"That's what I said." She replied blankly.

Sylvia looked at him, but this time it was difficult to read her expression. It was as if she was keeping her face intentionally blank. She was like an empty shell. Like a machine.

"Number 39 is leaving town at week, and needs to be replaced. I am looking for a new number 40. I would like you to come work for me."

Josh gaped at her.

"As your slave? Your personal sex slave?"

She nodded.

"Why the hell would I want to do that?!"

She answered in a business-like but lifeless tone. It was bizarre and a bit unnerving to hear her speak in such a robotic manner. It was as if she had memorized a speech. Which Josh reminded himself, she probably had. After 39 times, to her this spiel must be nothing more than routine.

"If you come work for me, you will receive a salary of 10 grand per week, for 5 days and 5 nights. Weekends you would be free to go and do whatever you please, but you could always stay and get paid overtime for weekends, anytime you want. Weekends are 5 grand for both the day and night, or 2.5 grand for one or the other."

$10,000 to 20,000 per week? That's more than I currently make in 6 months! I could finally pay off my mortgage. Hell, I could buy a small mansion in 6 months! Just how rich is this bitch?!

The idea of earning so much cash was seriously tempting. But at what cost? Did he really want to submit to this bitch completely, to become her slave? To take her offer would be like selling his soul....and in time she would suck the life out of him, he was certain of that. There had to be a reason that she had gone through 39 slaves already.

"And to assure you stay extremely healthy, I would also provide you with the best health insurance money can buy, paid out of my pocket. As you can likely imagine, such a steep pay-grade means that I will expect nothing less than absolutely top-tier service from you. Which I am guessing will be a steep learning curve for you, considering your current attitude. You would have to obey to my every whim and fantasy, sexual and otherwise, without hesitation. Anything you do that doesn't please me will lead to punishment. I will have my attorney draw up a contract for you to sign, stating all the rules and stipulations of said contract. Any serious violation of the rules stated in the contract will make it null and void, in other words you will be fired. You will also be provided a safe word of my choosing that you may use only once. Any further use of the safe word after the one time, and again the contract becomes null and void. I will still respect the boundary of the safe word the second time, but then our time together will end. You would be dismissed immediately, paid for your time, and forced to leave my brothel for good. Payment is every Friday by cash. If you would like your money laundered, I also can have somebody discreetly provide that service for you for a 15% percentage cut of your pay."

She is a psycho and a sadist, he reminded himself. Who would willingly sign up for daily torture? Even if it pays a shit ton of money?

Ah, but she's so fucking hot, a smaller voice told him in the back of his mind. He was taking in her perfect body, imagining what life would be like as her slave, doing sexual things with this beauty every day and night. His cock definitely wanted to say yes, as he was still raging hard. He was more horny than he could ever remember being in his life. He desperately wanted to fuck her brains out until he ran of of cum. His brain felt foggy, like it was swimming in soup. He also felt he might pass out - blood pounded through his temple, through his heart, and through his crotch. He knew he should say no, but his current horniness wouldn't let the word rise to his lips. All that money to have sex day and night with this stunning woman? Hell yes!

And yet he also couldn't bring his lips to form the word yes. He was sure she didn't care much for vanilla sex, and he was even more sure she wouldn't give a damn about his pleasure. She is a narcissist, the voice of reason in his mind said. A sexy-as-fuck narcissist, but a selfish bitch is a selfish bitch!

Josh then realized he had been staring at her for a solid 30 seconds while his hormones and his common sense had been playing war in his mind, and she was waiting for him to speak. For once though, she didn't seemed irritated at his lack of response. In fact she seemed to be waiting patiently. Her face was still peculiarly blank while she gave him time to think it over. He needed to give her an answer though, and now. But what should he do? What should he say?

Then the voice of reason had its final word, through the advice of an old friend from years ago. His friend had told him once, "Don't stick your dick in crazy."

It was decided. Reason had won. Josh felt his head shake slowly side to side, as if someone else had taken control of his head and neck. Someone else made his lips, tongue, and voice move to form words.

"Thank you for the offer, but I am going to have to politely decline."

Her eyes grew wide with shock.

"What did you say!?"

Josh felt someone else move his lips again.

"My answer is no."

Sylvia then went through three facial expressions in a very short span of time. First her mouth fell open in shock, followed by a flash of fury, before landing on a dazzling smile. All of this happened in a span of 4 or 5 seconds. She went through these expressions so fast it was quite unnerving.

Then she started to walk towards him, seductively swinging her hips.

"I don't think you're seeing the big picture."

It was Josh's turn to look bewildered, stunned by her swift change in demeanor.

"What do you mean by that?" She didn't answer, but turned around and bent over at the waist, slowly untying her fuck-me shoes. Her pale ass looked as ripe and detectable as a delicious peach, her pussy lips leading to a small slice of heaven. It was sticking out temptingly between her juicy round cheeks. Josh felt his mouth actually fill with water at this breathtaking sight of her bare pussy and ass in full view. She is literally mouthwatering! She remained bent over at the waist but turned her head around to look at him, watching him check out her ass. She grinned even wider, her smile equally sweet and sexy. The kind of smile that could put a man down on his knees.

"What I mean is...if you work for me, I can give you so much more than money. There could be so much in store for you."

"And what might that be, exactly?" Josh was so turned on. She looked good enough to eat. His eyes wouldn't, couldn't look away from her. Josh absentmindedly took tight hold around his thick shaft, his eyes never leaving the beauty before him. She stepped out of her shoes and turned around. She slowly started to walk towards the bed where Josh lay. Her eyes twinkled.

"Don't be so thick-headed, Joshua. I can see the way you look at me. You want to fuck me, don't you? To taste me. Well, if you agree to be my boy toy, I will make sure that you get exactly what you deserve. My slaves always get what they deserve."

Is she saying what I think she's saying? She will let me fuck her?

She climbed on the bed and straddled over him, flatly planting her feet alongside his hips. She squatted down with graceful ease. She gently removed his hand from his dick and replaced it with her own. He gasped at her touch. Her hand was so warm. She lowered herself even further, with the tip of his cock just below her pussy lips.

"Imagine getting to have a taste of this this pussy all the time. It could be yours, if you want it. All you need to say is yes. Become my slave, Josh. Submit to your desires...submit to me."

She gripped his dick even harder and gently rubbed his engorged cock head back and forth along her lips. They were slick and covered in her juices from her prior orgasm. Josh was shaking all over.

"And if you are a really really good boy for your mistress, and beg for it...maybe... just maybe..sometimes I will permit you to cum."

Sylvia then gently bent his dick downwards and lowered herself even closer. He felt the bottom half of his shaft become enveloped in her warm and wet outer labia, his cock head sticking out towards his stomach. She rocked back and forth slickly along his length, simultaneously running one fingertip around the tip of his mushroom head in a dizzying twirl. At the same time, a fingertip of her other hand gently grazed across his heavy ball sack. And Josh exploded.

Josh screamed in ecstasy as rope after rope of cum began to spurt out of his shaft unto his stomach. Sylvia laughed heartily as he came in torrents. Josh felt the overwhelming pleasure of his orgasm flood through his brain. He was no longer lying on a bed. He was no longer in a brothel. He had transcended to a higher plane. He had climbed to the tip-top of Nirvana. He was flying through space faster than the speed of sound. Sylvia relentlessly pumped his dick as he squirted heavily over and over again. She was still laughing.

Finally, after what felt like several days, Josh slowly made his way back to Earth. He kept his eyes closed as he rode out his final waves of pleasure, feeling the last of his cum oozing out of him. He felt as if all of his body's nerve endings were at a fever pitch - he had never cum so hard before! He felt tingly and numb, yet could still feel the ceaseless pounding of his brain and his heart. Feeling like he might pass out, he kept his eyes closed. He was afraid that if he opened them the room would never stop spinning. It took him another moment or two to realize that Sylvia had climbed off of him. He didn't seem to know where he was, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was riding this cloud 9 as long as he could, because this was as close to heaven as one could get on Earth.

A million miles away, he heard a distant voice asking him, "Your rent?"

All he could manage to weakly respond with was, "Top drawer." It felt like the distant conversation of two strangers, in some other time or place.

Somewhere miles away he heard a drawer open and the rustling of cash. Then the sound of the drawer closing. Then the sound of shoelaces being tied, followed by the click-clack of heels on the hardwood floor.

"So what will it be? Will you do it? Will you become my next slave?"

Josh didn't even stop to think it over. He was far too gone for that. His lips moved of their own accord. They wheezes out a weak "Yes!" He opened his eyes to take in her beauty one more time before she was gone. She was at the door. She opened it to leave.


She turned, looking more beautiful than ever.


"Why me?"

She smiled radiantly again, making him feel as if his heart might melt. She was so gorgeous.

"Because I find you to be a highly attractive man. Also, you have a reputation among the clients of my brothel for having a knack at giving women really good orgasms through oral stimulation. To be frank i want to help you reach your fullest potential in that regard, by eating out me, and me only. I will make you a God at eating pussy. Believe me, you will get lots of practice. You are a little rough around the edges, it's true, but nothing that a little training can't fix. Meet me tomorrow morning at 10 AM in my office to go over and sign the contract. See you tomorrow, Romeo."

With a wink, she closed the door behind him. She was gone.

With a heaving sigh, Josh laid his head back down on the bed, looking down at himself. A gigantic puddle of semen was splattered across his muscular abdomen and chest. Looking down, he was surprised to see that he was still hard. How could I still be hard after an orgasm like that? But he didn't care. He had just agreed to become the boy toy of the bitch. He was excited, but a little anxious and scared - what if she forced him to wear that cage? He didn't know if he could handle it.

Might as well enjoy my own pleasure while I can, before it's taken away. He reached down and began to stroke himself. The room still lingered with the scent of her arousal and perfume. It was not difficult to picture her there with him. He pictured her perfect ass, her sexy smile, and her magnificent tits...He thought about the warmth and softness of her skin, about how expertly she had handled his manhood.

It took nearly two hours and 4 more rounds of masturbating before his cock finally went flaccid. And every single time, he thought of her. Sylvia. His new mistress. Two hours later he was covered in cum, his body felt weak, and his dick felt sore. He slowly rose with a groan from the bed and began to clean himself up.

He couldn't wait to go home and get in his own soft, warm bed. He needed to go home and get some sleep. He needed to clear his head and prepare for meeting with Sylvia tomorrow. He showered, taking care to clean himself thoroughly. He dressed and straightened up the room, preparing to leave. His head was still spinning as he went about his nightly clean-up routine. In his dazed confusion, he failed to notice the now-empty envelope left on top of the drawer. If he had been in his right mind, he would have noticed that Sylvia had not only taken her portion for the rent, but the rest of his well-earned money from Tanya. But he had other things in his mind as he closed the door and walked outside to the parking lot.

Thoughts bounced crazily in his head as he drove his Dodge Ram across town. The next day, he realized he couldn't remember one moment of his drive home at all. One minute he had started up his truck, the next he was pulling into his driveway. It was a miracle he hadn't been in an accident. His mind was on Sylvia - his mind only had room for Sylvia

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