

Viey moaned again, half in protest, half in arousal, then loudly in pleasure as Granuk scooped up a handful of his pre and tenderly massaged it into the harpy's cunt, his fingers dipping deeply into her tight pussy to smear the transformative fluid into every inch of her hole. The oni repeated that several times, each round pushing deeper and deeper, carefully taking time to let his precum soak into the tiny girl's pussy - it wouldn't do to tear her open, after all.

Finally, after several minutes of attentive massaging, he lifted the tiny harpy up, then slowly set her down onto his cock. The long, trilled wail she let out, like warbled birdsong, was music to his ears as he slowly slid Viey onto his cock. It took quite a while before he was fully sheathed inside the harpy, but once he was, he groaned in pleasure at the tight, warm embrace of her cunt.

And then he grinned, marveling at how she somehow hadn't cum the whole way. "You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" he asked. The weak, whimpered growl that answered him made him laugh as he changed his grip, easily sliding his arms underneath Viey's flexible legs and holding her under her arms - or rather, wings - with his big hands. "Let's see how long that lasts."

A bolt of realization struck the harpy - evident by the way she tensed nicely around Granuk's cock - but before she could make a sound, the oni lifted her up, nearly all the way off his cock, before slamming her back down.

She came instantly, throwing her head back with a wail as she squirted.

Slowly, he lifted her up again, and this time, at the top, she weakly shook her head, making wordless noises of denial. He slammed her down again, repeating the orgasm and squirt, though her voice was merely a loud moan this time.

Granuk kept up the assault, slowly lifting the harpy up before forcing her quickly back down onto his cock, and Viey gratified him by cumming and squirting each and every time, her noises becoming weaker and more slurred with each repeat.

Then, as his pleasure hit a plateau, just below what he needed to cum, the oni slowly picked up the pace, until he was practically jacking himself off with the tiny, moaning harpy, who was cumming almost nonstop. Right before he came, as he groaned loudly, he slammed Viey up and down in one, two, three forceful cycles, the last one deep enough that he nearly penetrated her womb as he came. The spray of his cum renewed the harpy's screaming, the aphrodisiac-filled fluid pumping renewed vigor into her vain, over-stimulated struggles.

Once his orgasm had tapered off, and Viey had gone limp with fatigue, Granuk lifted the harpy up and set her down half-atop Mirel, the two laying in opposite directions. After a couple moments, the two females shifted, moving closer to each other, both women's heads tilting towards the other's cunt, which both leaked Granuk's pheromone-filled cum. It didn't take long at all before the two had their faces lodged firmly between each other's legs, the wet sounds of eager tongues and throaty moans making Granuk grin.

He then turned to the rabbit-faun, the last of his claims. The girl cowered away, her gaze darting between the oni and the two women beyond him, anxiety and fear etched into her expression. That alone caused Granuk to pause briefly. Every other female they had taken - even the beautiful one that had gone unclaimed - was at least partially enthralled by the pheromones of the four orcs, even without direct contact. So why wasn't this trophy showing any signs of it?

The faun caught Granuk's confused expression, and she glared at him defiantly, daring him to... to... The oni wasn't sure. He grunted, giving up the line of questioning running through his head - eventually, anyone would succumb to orcish pheromones, unless they were an orc themselves. Even if this rabbit-faun was resistant, she'd eventually become his. Though it was curious how responsive she had been earlier, when he had first taken her as his trophy...

The oni sighed, then reached over and pulled up the picket. Quick as lightning, the rabbit-faun rolled away, her arms and legs coming free of their bonds, and she started to flee, stumbling briefly as her limbs protested their sudden exertion after a full day being tightly bound.

Those stumbles proved to be her undoing, as Granuk, while shocked by the rabbit-faun's freedom, reacted quickly, surging forward and quickly tackling the girl only a few seconds after she had begun her escape. Pinning her facedown under him, he just stared for a moment as she struggled and screamed and cursed him in elfish, trying to process how she had gotten free. He glanced back towards the ropes that had restrained her, and saw that quite a few were frayed and had snapped. Looking at the faun again, he noticed just how sharp her nails were, and the orc laughed at he and his Blood Brothers' oversight.

"Granuk!" Vakkli called out. "You get'er?"

"I have her, don't worry!" the oni called back.

"Good!" Drundu lent his voice to the shouted conversation. "Chase at night, with elf pursuit, bad!" Granuk just barely heard Balakrun's hum of agreement.

The oni turned his attention back to the rabbit-faun, who was still kicking and struggling under him. With a sigh of annoyance, he wrapped one arm around her delicate throat, his other sliding down her body to spread her legs as he positioned himself to enter her. "I don't mind a chase," he murmured into her long, fuzzy ear, "but you should know, I'm a good hunter."

"Go die in a ditch!" she spat back, before going rigid as Granuk began to smear his precum against her cunt. "Stop! No!"

He began to press into her, taking his time, enjoying her struggles, the stretch of her pussy around his cock. "N-No! Stop! Don't-"

Granku suddenly slid all the way in, and the rabbit-faun's voice caught, a squeal emerging instead of her protests. And then, she surprised Granuk yet again by crying out, this time in a language unlike any the oni had ever heard, though she was clearly still protesting. Granuk ignored her unknown words, though he enjoyed her pretty voice as he ploughed into her tight cunt. He held her close, almost cradling her against his body as he fucked the tiny rabbit-girl, reveling in the way her protests slowly dwindled, her voice changing tone from anger and fear to arousal and pleasure, and her struggles became more inviting.

She began to clench down with each withdrawal of his cock, and open welcomingly with each forward thrust. Her body arched beautifully against him, shivering from her growing sensitivity. She came suddenly, going tense and shaking violently when Granuk thrust a little deeper, the tip of his cock striking the closed entrance of her womb, drawing a breathy, lolled-tongue moan from the girl.

The oni sped up, eager to truly claim her, his trophy. But just as he began to cum, a voice, androgynous and coming from everywhere and nowhere, spoke wordlessly to him.

"Notice: Post-Reincarnation time equivalent to Pre-Reincarnation time. Initiating memory merger."

As the first spurt of his come splashed against his claim's cervix, Granuk blinked, confused and startled. Then, a pressure, painless but intense, erupted in his head, and he remembered...

He remembered...

...Granuk remembered...

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