
Rescue Mission (3)

Earlier while Ren was posted on the roof top waiting for the assailants to arrive with the hostage, the plan had already been altered.

Dominic who was the one who was to collect information so they could carry out the operation smoothly already knew that Ren was in his block. Being the most talented of the first years, it was already clear what Dominic would think to do, he wouldn't open the portal at the block where Ren was.

Right around the time the sun was going down, Dominic and another person who didn't look to be a student, well, because he wasn't and had snuck into the academy grounds through the forests even though it was guarded.

They waited in the bushes close to a lone path people rarely used, well, other than one person in particular.

"I've already scouted this area countless times and I'm sure people rarely use it apart from our target because it's just a longer route that still leads to the dormitory."

"It should be easy then."

"I hope so. There's another girl who walks with her back to the dormitory, I believe they are friends based on the relationship, so we should also be prepared for her presence."

"Then we just take them both?" The other said with a lustful look in his rather cold eyes. It was quite unusual to see it as it felt out of place.

Dominic noticed it clearly since he wasn't a stranger to this comrade of his.

"No, that's not necessary, besides we have a lot of young ones back at base, you can go wild when you go back after this mission." Dominic said. He was trying to persuade the man rather than give an order, after all, they were of similar rank.

"That's an entire week away, I don't think I can wait. It wouldn't be difficult, you know, to take them both." The man said, this time a telling grin appearing on his formerly cold face.

"Retrain yourself, if you do, I'll make sure to take you to a place I know before we return, within the seven days." Dominic was determined to stop him, at least this much.

"Whatever, you've killed the mood. Are you interested in her or something? Why so defensive? You haven't developed an attachment, have you?" He said the last part coldly, but Dominic wasn't bothered.

"DO I look like a person who cares for such things?" He responded in a more serious tone.

"Whatever, just don't forget your promise."

The man was crouching behind Dominic, just a little bit to the side. Dominic's expression grew colder after their conversation, and his mind was not completely set on the mission before them either. 'This bastard, I'll make sure to dispose of him before we return. I hate his type the most.' Dominic's expression grew even angrier, but he controlled himself immediately. He was going to create suspicion around himself is he kept up the attitude.

Around that same time, a young girl in her teens with red hair and scarlet eyes could be spotted walking over with a friend who had blonde hair and greenish eyes. No doubt, both girls were beautiful even though they were only around sixteen, it was visible that they would become stunners in future.

Dominic heard a low hum come from behind, he was certain of it and already resolved his mind again, 'he's definitely not living past this week.'

Using hand signals, or more accurately, an improvised hand language to communicate with the man behind him, Dominic gave the order of when they would attack, and once Yulia and Lucy came close enough, Dominic and his comrade made their move.

'WHAT THE-' Yulia had little time to react as all she saw was someone come up from the side and the next moment she was knocked unconscious. While Dominic took care of Yulia, 'What does this fucker think he's doing right now?!' "Hey, Marcel! Not now…" Dominic almost shouted but remembered to control his voice so it came out as a whisper, or at least, close to a whisper.

Marcel who took knocked out Lucy without her knowing what even happened was crouched down over her body with both hands on her chest fondling her breast while she was unconscious. After about three seconds, his right hand slide down over her stomach to her knees, then back up as he made his way through her thighs grabbing them passionately until he was over her underwear. The expression on his face became visibly lewd, and Dominic could no longer take it.

"DO you think this is the time? Cut it out!" This time, he was unable to control his voice and he slipped and said that one out loud.

Marcel reluctantly stood up, and unashamed with an extra lump on his trouser. Seeing this, Dominic was fed up, "enough, we move now!" He said, no longer restraining his voice.

Without waiting, he turned and headed into the forest area off the road and a distance behind where they were hiding. He simple stood there for some seconds with both of his hands closed in a clap before grabbing each other.

"Look, kid. We may be similar in rank, but I'm stronger than you are. Don't act like my boss just because you head this mission." Marcel seemed pissed following Dominic's tone just then, but Dominic didn't care.

"Just take the girl and let's get out of here." He said, to which Marcel did after some seconds of just standing there.

At that time, a portal similar to the one seen in dungeons had formed right beside him, and it seemed he had to keep the posture for it to remain open.

While he maintained the portal, Marcel brought Yulia with him on his shoulder and left Lucy where she was.

Dominic who was maintaining the portal suddenly showed a worried expression. Well, it wasn't really visible, as Dominic himself had a pretty good poker face.

'Footsteps, and its coming this way.' He thought to himself. He was sure Marcel could hear them too, after all the footsteps were pretty audible, 'but why is this fucker still walking so comfortably?!' "Hey! Hurry up, will you?"

The path they were currently on and the same one Yulia frequents was in-between the wider forests within the academy and a part of vegetation maintained that separated it from the normal route that was shorter.

The footsteps came from that other side, and as if intentionally, Marcel walked even slower before coming to a stop to face a charging Ray head on with a powerful kick aimed at Ray's gut. To his surprise, Ray was able to react in time and blocked the kick, but it was not perfect and he was still hurt pretty badly.

"HEY! ASH! COME HERE FAST! INTRUDERS!" Ray forced out the most detailed explanation he could give at the top of his voice.

Noticing what Ray had done, Marcel still didn't seem worried. Ash came running from the small area covered with trees, and probably because of the word 'intruder' others who were close and heard him Ray's voice rushed over also. Apart from Ash, Linda and Damien, the other roommate together with Ray and Ash also came. The first thing they did was check if Ray was ok since they met him on the ground.

"I'm alright, but it looks like they want to kidnap one of our students!" The others could see Yulia on Marcel's shoulder unconscious, and Lucy who had her shirt unbuttoned with her bra exposed and her skirt looking touched also laid unconscious. The scene had a lot to say for itself.

With a confident smirk, Marcel walked into the portal before Dominic followed. Luckily, the portal seemed to not have closed immediately, so without much contemplation, Linda ran forwards towards the portal, "Get Ren!" She said before disappearing into the portal.

"We can't just leave her to go alone, we have to follow and help! Ash, you go get Ren, I and Damien will go and assist Linda!" Ray said as he stood on his own and started running towards the portal. Ash who was still a little confused just watched the other two run into the portal.

'ARE THEY CRAZY? THOSE GUYS ARE OUT OF OUR LEAGUE! AND WHO'S TO SAY THERE ISN'T A GANG ON THE OTHER SIDE?' He was definitely not ready yet. Looking at Lucy who was laying on the ground like that, he decided it would be a good idea to move her away from there first, but as he moved towards her, he saw the size of the portal reduce a little and became ever so smaller than it was.

"FUCK!" Seeing that, Ash already knew what was more important, so he hurried towards block G as fast as he could.

I really have a bad naming sense, so the serial version has to be adopted, pun intended. Thanks a lot for the support so far, if whenever we hit 100 powerstones, I'll release an extra chapter.

Killix_Kreedcreators' thoughts
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