
Passing The Test...

"Guessing by the fact that you're still standing here, I might say you're the one that survived, or you wouldn't be here..." The monster asked him as Khan smiled before turning his attention back to the figure.

"So tell me. Who is the real monster between you and I? Who should be more feared? A cursed creature like you, or me, a brutal survivor of a survival massacre..." Khan asked, as the darkness in his left eye rotated like an abyss, and his golden hair began flapping around his head, even as he beheld his smile.

"You're no brutal survivor. You're just a lucky person who happened to survive due to being perceived as a weakling..." The figure said, not at all intimidated, and Khan's eyes flashed with a light before reclining back on the deck.

"I wish you were right..." He answered as he kept his gaze on the dark inky stretch, with no more intent to continue the talk.

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