
Fakeness Of The God's Island...

Here's the edited version of the chapter:

"According to what I learned about the event that happened earlier, it was said that the boy who used your dorm room before refused to leave, and that's why you used his head to tear through the building and then nailed him to the ground from a twenty-story skyscraper," Mad Envoy asked as Khan swallowed hard.

"I have never met him before until then, and neither has he. Anyone who followed well would see that I'm being targeted. Those three idiots who attacked me at the hall, the one I flung down the building, they are all just goons for the main enemy that has some sort of conflict with me," Khan said with an uncaring personality as he downed another glass of juice.

"And you think it must have been due to you calling them clowns?" He asked as Khan shook his head.

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