

"I don't know what type of origin he must have had to be able so cold and dangerous. But one thing is sure and that is that, the young man wasn't raised with love in mind. That was why he was relatively new to this love and all and Aurelia gave the wrong impression the first time Thier love was supposed to bud..." Mr.. Atherston pretty sure of his words.

"And one thing I know about Khan is his hate for the royals. I could tell that by how he related with those of the royals after returning for the mission. He isn't fond of the pride and all the camaraderie of being royal class.

And just as we heard, Aurelia ignored him in the event, and he must have it must be fur to the royal stuffs that he hated so much. That I'm sure is enough to eliminate any speck of love that must have been on Khan's heart at all...

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