
Chapter 93

   After reading this survey report, Edel has a better understanding of Romania's economic and demographic changes. I forgot to say that the government revenue report has been sent by Prime Minister Steullier who is about to step down. The fiscal revenue in 1910 was 531 million lei, an increase of 8% over the previous year's 492 million lei, which is generally good.

   "I'm very satisfied with Carust's report." Edel said to the chief guard. Romania has never done such detailed statistics before, and this time it is a statistical report made by the Crown Prince himself at his own expense. You can't always let the royal family do this kind of thing, Edel thought inwardly. He intends to leave the statistics to the government, which will also help them better understand the domestic situation. Anyway, the cost is only about 1 million lei. But we still have to wait for the general election of the new government in February, anyway, the new prime minister must also be approved by the royal family.

   Edel now needs to prepare for a job in Austria-Hungary, because he will be on the train to Vienna in another week. He thought about purchasing items again. This time he went to Austro-Hungary mainly to purchase four 305MM shore guns from Skoda Company, and buy some other items by the way. Constanta is too important to Romania now, and the navy cannot guarantee safety by that point. In addition, the existing turrets are aging. Many of them were built around 1890. They can't defend against modern dreadnoughts at all, so they can only buy better shore guns for protection. In the previous generation of Skoda's shore artillery, it is famous, although the classic 350MM shore artillery has not yet been born, it is okay to take 305 to make up the number.

   After preparing to go to Austria-Hungary, Edel boarded the special train to Vienna on January 24, 1911. A state visit to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in name is actually a blind date.

   The train arrived in Vienna on the morning of the third day, and the chief guard walked over and spoke to the costumed crown prince. "His Royal Highness is here to greet you with Grand Duke Otto Franz of the Habsburgs."

   Edel heard that the future father-in-law greeted him and quickly got ready to get off the car.

   The Grand Duke Otto Franz on the platform, this time being arranged to welcome his future son-in-law, also felt a bit weird, mainly due to the negotiation of the Habsburg royal family. Because this time the Romanian crown prince mainly came over for a blind date, it was not suitable for his brother Crown Prince Ferdinand to greet him, and the others had a lower weight. Only the relationship of Grand Duke Otto Franz who should be the old man seemed suitable.

   "It's nice to meet you, Grand Duke Otto Franz." When Edel got off the train, he greeted Grand Duke Otto Franz, who was standing in front of the reception line. He deserves to be the **** of the Austro-Hungarian royal family and the grand prince of Otto Franz who looks like a talent. The Habsburg family is notorious for its licentiousness and misconduct. His wife and children rarely see him, and he is unwilling to hold any position in the empire, and will only sleep in flowers and willows all day long. Even though he married Princess Josepha of the Kingdom of Saxony in 1886, his uncle Franz Joseph, the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, was very dissatisfied, and eventually ended in his abandonment of the succession to the throne. Now that he can welcome himself, it is probably because he is the relationship of his future father-in-law.

   Grand Duke Otto Franz replied with relief seeing his future son-in-law being so enthusiastic. "His Royal Highness, I'm glad you can come to Vienna." After speaking, he gave Edel a hug.

   After the two of them had some courtesy, Grand Duke Otto Franz sent Edel to his place of stay, and he grabbed Edel at the door and told him. "We have prepared a welcome dinner for you in the evening. Be sure to attend."

   "Your Excellency, I will attend on time." Edel said to the old man in front of him with a smile on his face.

   After sending off the Lord, Edel took the chief guard and his party into the room.

   "Carust, I need to prepare for the welcome dinner." The crown prince said to Carust, who was commanding the guards to set a salute.

   "Okay Your Highness." The chief guard replied when he heard the crown prince's order, and he pointed to one of the guards and shouted. "Pick, go get the third white suitcase on the clothes cart."

   "Okay, go right away." The guard named Piccolo gave a point and answered. Immediately put down the work in his hands and went to take out the dress that the crown prince needed.

   European aristocratic etiquette is very cumbersome, especially the royal family. For this trip, Edel prepared more than 20 sets of dresses, including attending dinners, lunches, afternoon tea, traveling, hunting and so on. These dresses are made by well-known designers, and each one costs thousands of pounds. In the past, aristocrats went bankrupt in order to buy clothes, and you can see the luxurious life of the aristocrats.

   Edel rested until four o'clock in the afternoon, got up to eat something, and prepared to put on his black evening dress.

   "Carust, isn't it okay?" Edel asked, standing in front of the mirror, looking at the attendant who was busy with him for half an hour.

   "Alright, Your Highness."

   The attendant who is more proficient in costume replied.

   Edel looked at himself in the mirror, who was obviously dressed in retro style, and for the first time became afraid of dressing. In the mirror, I felt like I had returned to the Eighteenth World, which made Edel, who was influenced by the simple style of later generations, feel weird.

   In the evening, Edel rode a carriage on the road to the Hofburg Palace. It's off work now, and the streets are full of traffic. Edel looked out the window, and cars were driving fast on the road. Most of them were Model T cars, but there were also other models dotted with them. Workers off work on both sides of the road also rode their bicycles on their way home, most of which are classic two-eight bars, which also shows the recognition of this bicycle by people from all over the world.

   It seems that Bielski did a good job at the bicycle factory, thought Edel sitting in the carriage. Edel hasn't cared about Bieleski's work for a long time. Only in every income report did I see this stubborn Polish figure.

   "Your Highness, we are at the Hofburg Palace." The chief guard said to the pensive crown prince.

   "Then let's go down."

   The chief guard opened the door first and led the crown prince out of the carriage. Standing at the gate of the Hofburg Palace, Edel looked at the huge palace in front of him. The history of this palace can be traced back to 1279. Almost every generation of emperors remodeled or expanded their palaces. Therefore, the Hofburg Palace is a witness to various architectural styles in Europe. Whether it is Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, or the imitation of classical style at the end of the last century, the Hofburg Palace brings them together.

Here is a record of the prosperous age of the empire under the enlightened rule of Empress Maria Theresia. It also records the brilliant achievements of Joseph II who inherited his mother's business and carried out drastic reforms. Of course, it also records that Emperor Franz I married his daughter in order to settle disputes with Napoleon. Shame. Of course, in the era of Emperor Franz Joseph I, the prosperity and decline of multi-ethnic countries are indispensable.

   When Edel sighed at the palace, Grand Duke Otto Franz saw him approached and asked. "Edel, are you shocked by this palace?"

   "Yes, your Excellency, I am sighing for the hugeness and long history of this palace." Edel answered his future father-in-law.

   "Okay, let's go in. Today you are the protagonist."

   Grand Duke Otto Franz led Edel into the gate, crossed the Heroes' Square to the ceremonial hall where the party was held. In Heroes' Square, Grand Duke Otto Franz gave a brief explanation to Edel, Prince Eugen, who was invincible in the Turks, and Grand Duke Karl, who successfully fought against Napoleon. It can be seen that Austro-Hungary still attaches great importance to Edel, and held a welcome dinner for him in this 1,000-square-meter ceremonial hall, which is usually the place where the emperor ascended the throne and held balls.

   When Grand Duke Otto Franz took Edel into the ceremonial hall, the guests who had already arrived knew that the protagonist tonight had arrived.

   "Edel, you have to have fun today, this is specially organized for you." The **** and future father-in-law teased Edel.

   "Your Majesty, come here." Just as Edel was about to answer, the duty officer made a notification and everyone stood up. Then a gray-haired old man walked in, and Edel and everyone hurriedly saluted. "I have seen your Majesty."

   After everyone had finished their salutes, the 80-year-old man walked up to Edel and said. "This time I mainly came to see my niece's son-in-law. As expected, he is a talent and a good hand in governing the country. I am relieved to give Mary to you."

   Edel responded politely. "Your Majesty, you have a good reputation."

   "No" Franz Joseph I waved his hand to stop Edel's speech and continued. "I have carefully watched your performance in Romania in recent years. Whether it is in internal affairs or in the military, your achievements are the best done by your European peers. In time, Romania will grow and develop under your leadership."

   Edel never expected Franz Joseph I to comment on him this way, and believes that the words of the old emperor will spread in Europe soon. Now Edel is not ready to stand on the stage for everyone to study.

   Edel immediately denied that "Your Majesty's praise made me terrified. Romania can have today's results thanks to the hard work of my father and the entire Romanian people."

   After seeing Edel's denial, Franz Joseph I did not continue to speak. He took Edel to the steps of the hall and said to the guests who came to the dinner party. "This time let us welcome Crown Prince Edel of Romania to Vienna. Let him feel the enthusiasm and hospitality of Vienna."

   The guests who heard Franz Joseph I raised their glasses and shouted together. "Welcome, Prince Edel."

   Edel also raised his glass to signal and finished the glass with everyone. After all, Franz Joseph I was an 80-year-old man. After the welcome dinner, he returned to the rest area of ​​his room on the grounds of physical exhaustion.

   After Franz Joseph I left, Grand Duke Otto Franz appeared again and said to Edel. "I will introduce someone to let you know."

   After introducing a few people to Edel, Grand Duke Otto Franz took him to a young girl. Edel could tell at a glance that this was his main purpose, Princess Mary. But he still pretended not to know him, waiting for the introduction of Grand Duke Otto Franz.

   "Edel, this is my daughter Sophie Marie."

   After hearing the introduction of Grand Duke Otto Franz, Edel smiled and said to the princess. "It's nice to meet you, Princess Sophie Marie."

   Sophie Marie looked at the Romanian crown prince led by her father. Said with a smile too. "I am also very happy to meet you, Your Highness Edel."

   "My biggest surprise today is seeing Princess Sophie Marie." Edel praised the beauty in front of him.

   "Your Highness is polite." Sophie Marie replied a little shyly.

   Grand Duke Otto Franz said to the two of them after watching them gradually talk. "I have something else, let's talk about it."

   After watching Grand Duke Otto Franz leave, the two immediately got into the women's pile. Sophie Marie sighed as she watched her father still playing like a playboy. "Make you laugh."

   Edel persuaded. "It's nothing, everyone has their own way of life, as long as they like it."

   "Thank you for understanding." Sophie Marie said to Edel next to her.

   "Mary, can I call you that way?" Edel asked the princess beside him.


   "I'll come here this time..."

   Grand Duke Otto Franz watched the two chatting happily among the women. From time to time, the daughter was amused by Crown Prince Edel and laughed. Knowing that my daughter has found a good home this time, Grand Duke Otto Franz also knew about Edel before, knowing that he has only two maidservants~www.mtlnovel.com~ There are no other women outside. Although he is a playboy, as a father, he still hopes that his daughter will be happy.

   There was no eye-opener bothering the couple at the dinner. Every guest knew who the protagonist of the dinner was.

   At the end of the dinner, the two had already known each other for a long time. Seeing that the time was almost up, Sophie Marie said. "Edel, I am very happy to be with you."

   "Me too, the only regret is that I met you for too short a time." Edel said love words.

   "It's late today, so go back and rest early. How about we see you tomorrow?" Sophie Marie said.

   Edel saw that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and knew that the dinner was almost over, and he also needed to go back to rest, and agreed. "Well, we'll see you tomorrow, beautiful princess."

   "Goodbye my prince."

   After the two said goodbye, Sophie Marie returned to her room, and the maid Anna asked curiously. "Princess, how about this Highness Edel?"

   Sophie Marie recalled the chat with Prince Edel, blushing. "He is handsome and gentle to people, and he speaks very witty."

  The maid Anna looked at her master's sweet smile and knew she was in love.

   After parting with Sophie Marie, Edel greeted Grand Duke Otto Franz and walked out of the Hofburg Palace. The chief guard who was waiting at the gate stepped forward and asked his crown prince. "His Royal Highness how is this dinner?"

   Edel replied, recalling his experience with Sophie Marie. "Very good, this is a good start."

   After speaking, he got into the carriage and talked to his chief guard. "Call me when I'm staying, I'm exhausted today."

   "Good lord."

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