
Prove it!

The prince's answer surely attracted Emery's attention.

'The will of the sword.'

There was nothing else it could refer to except for the Excalibur hidden behind the doors of the Divine Knight Order's base. But, he needed to be sure, so he asked.

"What sword?!"

Arthur was startled a bit, he looked at Emery before answering.

"Excalibur, the sword of the divine… Wait, the Fey knows it as the Sword of Destiny… Don't you know about this, Merlin?"

"Yes, I do, what about it and what does it have to do with you helping Morgana? Just tell me where she is and I will get her out right now!"

"I told you, calm down. I assure you she is fine. I have ordered my most trusted knight to watch over her… First, I need you to believe that I sincerely hope the relations between the kingdoms and the fey will work, for that I think the way to save Morgana is not by breaking her out by force, but by convincing the king.

Emery paused and gave it some thought. Although he was strong enough to storm the castle and get Morgana out, somehow the High Priestess' words kept on replaying in his mind.

"What do you mean about all this being the will of the sword? Prove it to me and I might believe you."

This was the best middle ground he could achieve with the current information he had. With this, he could know a little about the secrets behind the sword or definite proof that the prince was full of shit.

The prince thought for a moment before answering.

"This is difficult to really prove, but… There is a way!" The prince rubbed his chin and said. "Wait for me for... a few hours. When the night falls, I can prove it to you."

Emery had gone through countless betrayals and trusting this man blindly would cost him. He could not trust Arthur, but this time he will trust the lady of the lake's words.

"Tell me what you are planning and I might consider it."

The prince was hesitant, but he finally explained about the secret room where the destiny sword was located. When the night fell, the prince planned to get Emery inside and show him and prove his words.

Emery decided to stay calm and not act rashly. It was partially his fault that Morgana was captured and whatever his next move was, he needed to make sure the course of action would result in the best possible outcome for her.

"Fine, I will not cause any trouble, but I need to see her. I need to know if she is alright. Tell me where she is."

The prince took a deep breath, thought for a few seconds and said.

"I guess trust has to go both ways, alright! I will help you see her"

Arthur called for Gaious and talked to the old man before speaking to him again "Gaious, will bring you to her, but please remember, do not take her. Not now!"

Emery nodded in agreement.

The prince quickly left riding in his horse to try finding a way to open the room, leaving Emery alone with the court magician.

Right after the prince was out of earshot, the old man tried to reassure.

"Don't worry, the prince was telling the truth." The magician said.

Emery didn't answer, but gave him a cordial nod. There was no reason for him to trust this old magician either, no matter how sincere he looked.

To make sure everything went without a hitch, Emery used his [Shapeshifting] ability again to change into a random person.

Witnessing the magic at work once again surprised the old magician.

"Where did you learn magic, Merlin? That was a fascinating spell… Are you a fey, too? I thought only female fey could do magic."

"Just lead the way." Emery dismissed.

To be honest, Emery was also interested to ask where Gaious learned magic and perhaps in the future, they could help each other. His third year was approaching and Emery needed all the leverage he could get if he wanted to even stay alive at the end of it. But at the moment, he could think of nothing else but Morgana's safety.

The old magician asked Emery to ride a small, unassuming carriage and together they arrived in the back area of the Camelot castle. At first, Emery assumed they were heading to the dungeon, but the magician asked the guards to escort them to the castle tower.

Guards stood around the door at the base of the tower and, upon hearing Gaious' order, they opened the door. Gaious told him they were going to ascend to the top floor.

The top floor of the tower looked luxurious, with white walls and a floor made of pure marble causing their steps to echo throughout the place. They stopped in front of a pristine wooden door, where a golden knight Emery recognized as Gawain was standing guard along with half a dozen other knights.

So far, everything was going smoothly. The prince appeared to be telling the truth that he prepared his trusted knight for this.

Gaious looked at Gawain and said.

"I came here at the behest of Prince Arthur. Me and my pupil here need to ask the fey a few more questions."

Gawain nodded and undid the locks of the door, letting both of them in. The room inside, in contrast to the beautiful door, looked relatively simple. A chair and study desk were placed next to the window. The bed was big enough for two, but apart from that, there was nothing else notable.

Emery saw a glimpse of red. Morgana was sitting on the chair right next to the window, looking outside and basking in the warm light of the setting sun.

Right as he glanced at her red hair, Morgana looked at him,

Recognition flashed on her eyes and she glared at him, her cold gaze instantly sending a chill down his spine.

Chapitre suivant