
New Members Of The Court

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text > = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: ?????, The Tarnished Court Base, Time: A Few Seconds After The 'Villains' Showed Themselves)


Izuku in the others were on their guard as they saw the people that were considered villains, but I consider them to be another part of my family, and I'll be damned before I have my family be afraid of one another.

"*Sigh* Boss, these guys are annoying... Can I just burn the ones that aren't my brother?..." And, this is why he's the problem child, I swear I'm going to kick his ass so hard that his spine comes out like a PEZ dispenser!

"Dabi, if you singe even a single hair on their heads I will kill you, and place your soul in Endeavor's underwear...." With the serious/cold tone in my voice they knew I was going to make good on my word, both the Todoroki's in the room shivered at the idea of that punishment falling onto them.

"Listen, Izuku, everyone, they are not villains, they are the people that have been thrown away by society, they are the tarnished that I have gathered to my cause." All except the current members of my court were confused at what I meant by my cause, as they had no recollection of me having any big goals, other than enjoying life with those I love.

"Wait, Eve, what is your cause? You never told me about a cause, or even why you decided to train me." Well yeah, Shinso, who's going to accept an offer to get stronger from a mysterious voice that tells them it wants something in return?

"My cause is rather simple, Shinso, I want a world where people aren't, so easily cast aside like this one, where people don't worship these heroes as if they are gods that can do no wrong! Izuku can verify that not even the top hero is perfect, or that he isn't even the most kind-hearted of people." At my words Stain gritted his teeth, because he remembered the day I showed him that his perfect hero is nothing but another fake, just like all the others he's killed.

"I-I... W-well, it's possible that he just wanted to stop m-me from getting hurt..." I can see the sadness and doubt in Izuku's eyes, his world is already on the brink of shattering after his earlier talk with Ass Might.

"Izuku, he told you to give up on your dream because you don't have a quirk, even though Eraser Head fights as if he's quirkless anytime he goes against someone with a mutation quirk. And, his old sidekick Sir Nighteye who can see into the future for only an hour, for twenty-four hours after that he is essentially quirkless, yet he fights just fine as a hero after his hour is up.

Telling you to give up are not the words of someone who doesn't want you to get hurt. They are the words of someone who looks down at you, even though you have been training your ass off for years to become a hero, since we were kids. You've even been able to keep up with Aizawa when we all train, you could easily become a hero without a quirk!" He actually did manage to keep up with Aizawa, hell he even managed to beat him in a spar match last week once he learned all his moves.

"W-well... he also trusted me with his secret..." He's almost there, just one more, and he will realize the truth of what happened without listening to the part of him that's still a hero fanboy.

"Izuku, that wasn't trust, that was a sad man who never goes to therapy, trauma dumping on a teenager who looked up to him, and that same man then proceeding to insult that teenager's dreams to become a hero." There it is, the look of realization of the reality that the world isn't black and white, instead it's all just different shades of gray, and many of the heroes are some of the darkest shades there is.

"I-.... How could All Might do something like that to my son..." Inko rhetorically asked, next I'll have to get Inko to believe the reality of the world, I don't even need to work that hard to get the others to see it, I just need to continue working on the Midoriya's who have looked at the world the most positively out of everyone.

"Just as easily as Katsuki Bakugo uses his explosion quirk on Izu here." At this information all the people in the room had varying looks, some with looks of curiosity, some worry, some anger, and Inko with a frozen expression.

"W-what are you t-talking about, Eve?...." At her question I faked a look of shock/curiosity. Izuku would have looked at me with a pleading look, if he wasn't looking at the ground with hints of rage in his eyes.

"Have you not seen his arms? Ma'am he has burns and bruises across his entire body caused by that Pomeranian of a guy." At my words Inko had a look that had zero emotion, she looked over at her son, gently grabbed his arm, and slowly rolled up his left sleeve. It was there that she saw all the burns and bruises that had been treated over the years, some of which left scars from when Bakugo was in a particularly angry mood.

Inko's face morphed into the most rage filled expression that I had ever seen, she even began to release an aura of bloodlust that dwarfed Stain's by miles. Her bloodlust and anger froze me in my seat, even the members of my court began to shake in fear of Inko, and the others were as pale as a ghost, except Izuku who the emotions were specifically aimed away from entirely.

"ł ₩łⱠⱠ Ɇ₦Đ ₮Ⱨ₳₮ ฿ⱠØ₦ĐɆ ฿₳₴₮₳ⱤĐ!!!" Okay, she doesn't even sound human anymore, now I can see why I never saw a fanfic that brought in an angry Inko. She is downright fucking terrifying, its a good thing that she doesn't have the Conduit Gene, or she could be a straight-up demon in human skin.

"*Clears throat* Inko, if you kill him he won't really pay for what he did to Izuku." I tried to keep my voice steady, because truth be told I am scared out of my damn mind, especially since I know that if she used her quirk properly she could paralyze a person easily with just a sway of her hand.

Her bloodlust lessened a bit after a couple of minutes, but it didn't go away completely, she looked at me with a quizzical look. "What do you suggest then, Eve?"

"It's simple, Inko, I can connect to all the cameras and tech in Japan, getting evidence of the crimes committed in that school, under the watch of the teachers would be child's play, for me to get." A look of realization appeared on Inko's face, as I used the monitor behind me to bring up a video of the Midoriya's in their home last night, eating dinner.

"No criminal can hide from our Little Sister's eyes..." Stain said while looking at me, turns out with me seeing them as family, and making sure to show them that I have the power to make their dream's reality, they started to address me as 'Boss' 'Red' and, just like Stain, 'Little Sister'.

"Wait, what do you mean by your little sister, she's my sister!" Hm, note to self, Tenko is possessive at the fact that I'm his sister, though he's never had a problem when I call Izuku, little brother, so maybe it's only a problem if I don't openly consider someone family.

"Tenko, little brother, they are family to me too. Remember, how no hero saved you on that day, that was how they were too, no hero came to aid them, so I came along to bring them into my family, and gave them a place to belong." He froze at my words, as he remembered how people just told him 'a hero will help you' as they left him to wander the streets, where no hero came, and he was eventually kidnapped to be a part of that experiment.

"She has a point, the HPSC used me as a tool to get rid of the heroes that they didn't approve of to keep this image of a perfect hero in the public view, and when I finally began to break from the guilt of killing so many, they wanted to kill me. I only killed the president of HPSC before he could shoot me dead.

After that I was going to be sent to Tartarus, forever known as the villain that killed heroes after a mental snap, because that is what the HPSC told everyone, and that's what everyone believed. I was going to rot in that prison without ever having the chance to tell people the truth, and tear down the HPSC for good. That was until, Red here, broke me out, and showed me a way to bring the truth to light."

Another note to self, if I ever need a PR Team, definitely make Nagant the head of it, because holy shit that was probably the best way to bring in new members to the court. Seriously, I think I barely even need to say anything else to convince them to join after that speech.

"Eve, let me join your cause, please...." And, there it fucking is, the first person out of them wanting to join... Wait, that was Izuku, huh, I expected him to ask midway through, or the second person at least, not the first out of everyone. Though this world was meant to be a Villain AU, so I guess I should have accounted for this.

"I want to join too, I want to get revenge on this world for casting aside my boy..." Oh, thank fuck! Inko's bloodlust finally died down enough to where we can all stop shaking. After the Midoriya's saying they wanted to join, the rest started to ask to join too, even Tsu and Kyoka, looks like the years of showing them I only do something this big with a genuine reason paid off.

"Oh! Wonderful, Boss, please tell me you picked out codenames for them already, they can't possibly go out without one!" Really, Compress, you think I would invite them without a codename already prepared for each of them.

"Of course I did, Compress, but first I need to activate the Conduit Gene, after all, members of my court deserve only the best, whether it be equipment, power, or luxury." I got up from my throne like chair, and walked up to Izuku first, as he's the only quirkless person here.

"Will this hurt, Eve?" He asked as I placed both my hands over where his heart is located. It's logical that he would question this, after all he's only seen someone have the gene activated in Infamous.

"No, all you will feel is a warm feeling flow through you, and then you'll feel like you have a control of a limb that you never even knew you had." He nodded at my words, he knew that I wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone of them. After he nodded, I released pulses of red electricity from my hands that entered into his chest, and then into his heart where it spread throughout the rest of his body, activating the latent gene in him.

After a couple of minutes of sending the pulses of electricity into his heart I stopped, and green flames started to flare in his chest, bringing a green glow that showed from under his skin. The flames started to rise up his chest to his throat, where they continued to glow under the skin, eventually they rose up to his mouth and proceeded to spill out, as if he were breathing fire right on to me.

The other's were scared at first when they saw the flames cover my form, but before they could move to help me, especially Shoto wanting to cool down my possible wounds, the first members of my court stopped them, and signaled them to watch instead of intervening.

Soon after the green flames died down, and moved to go back into Izuku's body, when they left me it showed that I was perfectely fine, not a single burn on my body. I learned from training Spinner that whenever I make a Conduit a part of my power stays in them, and because of that they can't harm me with their Conduit abilities, no matter how much they try I'll be perfectely fine.

"Welcome to the Conduit life, Izuku, but here in The Tarnished Court, you will be known as The Ember Prince, or Ember for short." A new Conduit has been born, and unsuprisingly he was a fire type. Looks like he did inherit some type of fire from his father, just not the type that go into a quirk.

"Hell yeah, another fire user in the court! Ember, welcome to the flame gang!" Ha, of course Dabi would be excited, that's another person that he can really go all out with in training. Even if the other's are strong in their own right, not all of them can keep up with him like, or rather beat him, like Spinner and I can.

"Now, little brother, give me your hands, so I can activate the genes for you too." I walked over to Tenko as I reached out my hands to activate the gene again. He gave me his hands, and I gently held them repeating the same process that I did for Izuku.

This time after a while, instead of fire, small particles of dust started to appear out of Tenko's hands, at first there was barely enough to notice, but when they came together they swirled around his hands like a fierce tornado. As more dust particles came from his hands, the speed of the small tornado's encasing his hands increased ever more to the point that it would have shredded wood easily if it was caught in the dust.

But, soon the intensity of the dust died down, and the particles began to sink back into his hands. The third Conduit of my court has been born. "Welcome to the Conduit life, little brother, but in The Tarnished Court, you will be known as The Dust Prince, or Dust for short. Sorry that I couldn't come up with anything more creative."

"It's okay, since it's a name you chose, I'm happy about it." How the fuck did I get so lucky to have a brother like Tenko, seriously don't other people usually have shitty siblings, or something?

"Hm, Dust could be perfect for helping me plan to take out false heroes..." Stain, please don't destroy my brothers inoccence too much, okay. "He could also be a good training buddy for me!" Hell yeah, Spinner, Tenko really needs more friends other than Izuku, Toru, Mei, Uraraka, and me.

Next I went over to Mei, she's the next one that I'll make an officiall Conduit today. "Close your eyes, Mei, this will only take a moment."

She quickly closed her eyes as I instructed, it's cute knowing that she trust me so wholeheartedly. I gently place my hands over her eyes, her skin soft to the touch, and I release the pulses of electricity again to activate her gene. Though, unlike the others, her element came out like tears flowing down her cheeks.

It was metal, more specifically aluminum, that fell from her eyes as if she were crying for a wounded loved one, each piece came out in the shape of a tear, with the occasional spiked shard flowing down her face. Seeing her 'cry' the pieces of aluminum something came over me, like an urge to make her happy, and to see her smile, before I even realized it I kissed her on the forehead, much to Mei's delight.

A gentle blush grew on her face as I slowly finished the process, stopping the pulses of electricity, and causing the aluminum to sink back into Mei. I could feel the others staring a hole into my back, fuck, they definetley saw me kiss her on the forehead.

"Well, welcome to the Conduit life, Mei, but in The Tarnished Court, you will be known as The Alloy Princess, or Alloy for short." As I was about to step back, and walk over to Shinso to activate his gene, Mei suddenly hugged me. Her face pressed between my breast, turns out Wendigo accelerated my growth and now I'm six feet tall (183 Centimeters), and because of our difference in heights her face was perfectely aligned to be on my chest.

I think I feel someone staring at us with a burning gaze, I looked to my right to see who it was, and it's Kyoka suprisingly. How the fuck? Does Aphrodite's Blessing work more effectively the more time I spend with someone?

There isn't much that I know about a gods blessing, but from what I can tell it makes those that I care for a lot more likely to become a yandere towards me. I've spent plenty of time around Kyoka when we practiced songs, and when she taught me how to play the violin (suprisingly she's pretty skilled at it). So, perhaps all that time I spent bonding with her increased the effectiveness of the blessing, either way I can tell from the look in her eyes that she is ready to kill Mei for hugging me.

"Alloy, Dear, I still need to activate the gene in Shinso, so can you please let me go?" She flinched a bit, I guess she forgot where we were at the moment. Mei quickly let go of me, blushing up a storm as she backed up from me a bit.

"Hm, isn't she the girl that you talked about that loves to invent, Little Sister? I wonder if she can make copies of herself, or others with her Conduit powers?" Big sis Magne has a point, if Mei put her everything into her training it may be possible for her to make a metallic army that only she can control!

"That would be nice if I had someone else who can make copies of people, so I don't need to work as hard. Ha! I don't need any help from a newbie!" Twice does know that I can make copies of people too, but he knows that my copies are mainly used to keep my companies, and our base a float.

Finally, I walked over to Shinso, the final unawakened Conduit in the court, I wonder what his element will be, shadows, fabric, gravity, air, smoke? Well, let's see what it could possibly be.

"Shinso, keep your head steady, you may hear a light ringing, but then your hearing will clear up like nothing happened." He nodded to my instructions, and I raised my hands to the sides of his head, where I cupped them around his ears. Then, I repeated the process, pulses of electricity going from my hands, and moving into his eardrums where it continued to spread through his body.

In less than a minute his element began to show itself, just like the rest, but it didn't show itself as a physical element, instead all of us in the room could hear it. It started as a methodical beat that came from inside of Shinso's body, but soon after it started to pick up in its pace, like it was trying to match the beating of his heart.

But, unlike the others, it didn't make itself dangerous or intense, instead it just calmed back down without trying to do any damage. I couldn't fully tell, though I believe the sound calming down was it being sucked back into his body, as if it was never there from the beginning.

"Finally, welcome to the Conduit life, Hitoshi, but in The Tarnished Court, you will be known as The Soundwave Prince, or Soundwave for short. And, now its time to officially welcome the rest of our new members in the court!" I walked back over to my throne like chair, and sat down, ready to officially welcome the rest to my court.

"So, Soundwave here can control sound itself, that's wonderful! He's perfect for putting on a fantastic show in our next event!" Compress has a point, since Shinso's abilities run on sound itself that means he can absorb any sound to fuel them, so a battelfield is the perfect place for him to have a limitless supply of fuel!

"He could also be outstanding at misdirecting our enemies to make them underestimate us, or overestimate our numbers." Of course, Nagant, is focusing on the tactical advantage of having someone with sound abilities in the court.

"Everyone, it's time for the rest of you to get your codenames!" Its best that I get their attention, afterall these names will be with them for as long as the court exist.

"Shoto, you are going to be called here, Glacier, which is short for The Glacier Prince. Tsu, you will be called here, Lilly, short for The Lily Princess. Kyo, here you will be called, Reverb, that is short for The Reverb Princess. Toru, you will be called here, Light, that is short for The Light Princess. Ochaco, here you are going to be called, Gravity, short for The Gravity Princess. Finally, Inko Midoriya, here you shall be called, Duchess, short for The Duchess of Control."

"Hey, Boss, why are all their codenames releated to royalty?! Why are we the only ones that don't get names like that!" Dabi, you know damn well that you chose your own codename.

"It's because they are members of my family, it was an option for you guys to have similar codenames, but you all chose your own before I could even give you one." The medieval royals all claimed to be chosen by a god, and in this case my family are genuinely chosen by a god, at least to a certain degree, as I'm still just a demigod.

"Wait, Eve, you haven't even told us your codename. Also, where's Himiko, I thought she'd be here too with all of us?" I knew I was forgetting something today! I brought out Himiko's body, and she quickly went into it, where she proceeded to sit on my lap, welp this is happening now.

"Hello, mi amor, are you comfy?" The girls that I have known for a while now to be interested in me froze at my words, I taught them some spanish, so they knew exactly what I just called Himiko.

"Mhmm, best seat in this place!" Heh, the girls will be frozen like that for a while, its best that I finish with telling them our codenames before they finish digesting the information.

"Our names in the court are, The King in Red, and The Scarlet Queen, but everyone here just calls us Red/Boss/Little Sister, and Scarlet." Ah, today is chaotic as hell, and soon we will be making our debut to the whole world.

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