

After some time of playing, when Tony and Max logged out, they were greeted by Dragon Fist.

"You two fools, do you even know what time it is?" Pepper then scolded them non-stop for a few more hours, and when Max checked the time, he saw it was 5 am.

"Darn, no wonder she was angry," Max mumbled.

"Well, it was fun. Not our fault... ack!" Max accidentally voiced out his thoughts and received another Dragon Fist.

"Fun, huh? Let me see how much fun this is," Pepper mumbled and hopped into the capsule.

"You can return to playing with Pepper," Max said to Tony, but then Pepper came out.

"Hmm, I will play later. First, I have work to do," Pepper said and then told Max to go home.

Pepper and Max said goodbye to Tony and went to their car.

"Now, where should I put it?" Tony mumbled, seeing the capsules.

As for Pepper and Max,

"Is that game your company's new product?" Pepper asked.

"Yes, how was it?" Max nodded and asked back.

"Hmm, I can feel all my senses. It's literally like a new world. It will surely be a super hit," Pepper said.

"I know. All the beta testers said the same thing," Max nodded and replied.

"Hmm, so when will you launch it?" Pepper asked.

"After a month or two," Max replied.

After that, both returned home, with Max going to sleep and Pepper also, but midway, "I can't sleep."

Although she worked day and night, thanks to her new Dragon physique, she doesn't feel fatigued at all. As for Max, he is just lazy.

"May as well check out the game," Pepper thought and then contacted Tony, and that day, the Fire and Ice duo was born.

Max then also installed several capsules in Twilight Isle and, with system help, in Infinity City too. Although that caused the world to have a group of unknown rankers.

And now, after a few months, everyone is playing the game, with many companies also utilizing Max's virtual world as a meeting point. According to them, it's fun and less time-consuming.

"I wonder what will happen if I enable currency exchange now," Max, seeing the popularity chart, murmured. Up until now, various people advised him to start the currency exchange, but he never listened.

"Hmm, if I open the currency exchange, the rich will just buy their way to the top. But I should at least make it so game currency can be exchanged for money," Max mumbled and enabled the one-way currency exchange.

The impact was big; several rich people were born overnight. Although most people are now cursing Max for breaking the world economic balance.

And it's not true; they just wanted to keep this sweet pie in check, which Max wouldn't allow. The moment someone goes against Max, he dumped his whole company info on social media, which mostly consisted of their crimes, causing his opposers to lose even before the true battle starts.

"Max, are you ready?" Pepper's voice sounded.

"I am," Max replied; today is another boring party.

Max sighed and sat in his Rolls, along with Pepper.

"Stop sulking. Social interaction is important for your level of people," Pepper said, seeing the gloomy face of Max.

"I know, I know," Max shook his head and said.

As they were talking, the car suddenly came to a halt. "What happened, Bucky?" Max asked.

"A human-shaped monster is wreaking havoc," Bucky replied calmly.

Max looked outside and saw it's Abomination. "Edward will save people, and Bucky, kill him."

Max said, and Bucky and Edward came out of the car.

"He is weak," Bucky said after using his observation haki.

"Yes, it's only superhuman strength and regeneration," Edward nodded.

Edward then raised his hand, and all the blood on the ground and splattered around came to life. It became ropes and other stuff. Edward then started utilizing it to help people, while Bucky just stood beside him.

As Edward rescued people, he also used blood flames to heal everyone, thanks to Edward, casualty rate is now zero.

"He spotted us," Bucky said as the Abomination is now looking at them.

"Kill him before he kills anyone," Edward said.

Bucky nodded and then formed an ice spear and threw it at Abomination. The Abomination, who was coming to them, thought upon seeing the ice spear, 'An ice pick?' From his perspective, its size is too small.

"Fool," Edward said as Abomination didn't dodge the spear.

"Not a fool, just overconfidence," Bucky shook his head as the ice spear lunged into Abomination's body, and within seconds, he became an ice statue and then ice mist.

The general who was watching all of this from above looked at Bucky and Edward and said to his men, "I want their information." His gaze lingered on them until they returned to their car.

Max, who was watching all of this, thought, 'Don't give me a chance to kill you, Ross, because I might.'

"It was weak," Pepper said as Edward and Bucky returned.

"It was a failed experiment after all," Max replied.

"Should we still go to the party?" Bucky asked.

"Leave it, return home. I don't think it's available anymore," Pepper shook her head and said.

Bucky nodded and then started driving back home.


"This Max's bodyguard is powerful, and as for him, he is the same guy from that video," Fury said, seeing Edward and Bucky in action.

"The sister was Pepper, most probably," Phil stated.

"It's her; there was news of an attack on her," Maria shook her head and said.

"If it's really her, then Max is more dangerous than we thought," Fury said.

The same situation happened in Hive, but Fury decided to have Max as an ally. The Hive had other plans.

"It's him. Kidnap his sister. I would like to see how he would retaliate. It's not only him who has mutants," Adeline Kane, a member of Hive High Command, ordered.

The soldiers working under him relayed the news to all their associates.

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