
..to witness Golden Judgement.

As the world fell silent collectively, the trigger magic started working.

Countless golden circles started appearing in the sky of Marie Geoise. From those circles emerged countless golden swords, their numbers so vast that instead of appearing as individual swords, they formed a golden land.

Max, waiting outside, used his new spell that he had learned the moment he reached Tier 7 level.

"Tier 7 spell: Void Imprison." With Max's words, a transparent film surrounded the entirety of Marie Geoise.

Max, in his White Tyrant form, moved in front of the Transponder Snail and then said, "Greetings, everyone. You might have heard of me, The White Tyrant, Captain of the White Devil Pirates, and today you will all witness the end of real tyrants, the World Government." Max let the Transponder Snail broadcast the impending events to the entire world.

Sengoku and Akainu, sitting in Marineford, stood up upon seeing the White Tyrant. They gnashed their teeth in anger and started leaving the meeting room. However, their bodies froze up to their necks, except for their faces, which were fixed on the screen.

"What are you doing, you bastard? Can't you see that a pirate is attacking the World Government? We have to go and help them!" Akainu shouted, while Sengoku maintained his silence, simply staring at the screen.

The supporters of Akainu stood up and attempted to attack Aokiji, but Aokiji froze them up to their necks. He calmly stated, "All of you will no longer belong to the Navy. I am taking back all of your positions."

Hearing Aokiji's voice, many frowned, but none of them voiced their complaints. Aokiji's powers now surpassed even Navy hero Garp; he had defeated Garp in battle just a few days ago.

Garp smiled happily seeing this scene, while Tsuru observed the unfolding events with a contemplative gaze.

Akainu attempted to use his lava fruit to free himself, but Aokiji raised the ice to his mouth and remarked, "Any more movement, and your whole body will be frozen."

Akainu's eyes became bloodshot upon hearing Aokiji's threat, but he no longer struggled. Aokiji's warning had clearly worked, and all present stared at the screen, witnessing the unfolding events.

Soon, four old men, along with various masked figures, emerged from the central building. One of the sword-wielding old men slashed at the golden sky, a purple slash moving toward the heavens. However, it broke the moment it touched one of the golden swords.

These swords were made up of Saint Judgment Magic. The more sinners they had in their range, the more powerful they became. Marie Geoise could be considered literal hell on the surface.

The old men, realizing the futility of their efforts, gathered together and faced the screen. One of them, the oldest and seemingly the most authoritative, raised his voice, "White Tyrant! What do you seek to achieve by attacking Marie Geoise?"

Max, still in his White Tyrant form, stepped forward and replied, "I seek justice for all those who have suffered under the tyranny of the World Government. The time for their reign is over."

The masked figures surrounding the old men exchanged uneasy glances. The atmosphere within Marie Geoise was tense, and the world awaited the outcome of this audacious act against the heart of the World Government.

"Do you think you will succeed with this mere Gold fruit?" one of the old men said, looking at Max.

'Gold Fruit? Ahh, they are thinking those golden swords are a product of the Golden Fruit,' Max raised his brows and chuckled inwardly. Then he thought, 'Well, it does not matter anyway; the final circle is complete.'

The old man frowned, seeing White Tyrant not responding to him. He mentally smirked, thinking he had unveiled Max's trickery. "How about you serve us, and we let bygones be bygones," he said haughtily.

Others chuckled too, hearing him, and looked mockingly at Max.

"What jokers," Max thought. Then he turned towards the Transponder Snail and said, "Let the Golden Judgment begin." With Max's words, the countless golden swords started falling, each of them targeting specific individuals.

As the golden swords descended, they pierced through the air, heading towards the old men and the masked figures. The impact was immediate — the Saint Judgment Magic within the swords reacted to the sins of those within Marie Geoise.

The old men and the masked figures screamed as they felt the burning pain from their very souls. The swords didn't even give them time to blink before reaching them. The golden swords transformed into streams of light, wrapping around them and revealing their deepest sins for all to see. The world watched in shock as the once-invincible figures of the World Government were exposed for their crimes.

Garp, seeing all this, clenched his fist so hard it started bleeding, while some navy personnel bowed their heads in shame. In those pictures, there were also people wearing Navy uniforms aiding in the crimes.

The sword of judgment fell on every sinner of Mary Geoise. The once Marie Geoise, which used to be a horror for all unfortunate souls, was now screaming with the voices of its rulers.

Max watched as suddenly a dark pulse rushed towards him, but it got blocked by the Void Imprison barrier before it reached Max. Max mockingly smirked and looked at the attack direction, seeing a robed figure emerging from the central castle.

The moment the robed figure emerged from the castle, the saint circle surrounding the Castle shined, and more golden swords appeared and rushed at the robed figure. The robed figure looked at those swords, and a dark mouth expanded from him, gulping all the swords.

Max raised his brows, looking at the unexpected result, and thought, 'Who is this guy? Is he the one my friends mentioned, the one that commands the Five Elders? What was his name again... Lim, Tim, Jim... Whatever, he will be dead anyway. Those swords weren't normal anyway.'

The swords formed by Saint's Judgment attack the soul directly, so him eating them wouldn't affect him in the slightest. Or was that meant to happen?

"System, what's that guy's Devil Fruit power?" Max asked, as even after 5 minutes, nothing happened, and this guy kept eating the golden swords like they were toys, not a soul-slashing attack.

[It will cost 150 UP]

"...Do it," Max said after a moment. Previously, he notified the system to not ask and directly take the UP, as long as it's below 100 UP. This is the first time a question has cost him more than 100 UP.


Don't forget to leave your power stones 

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