
Looming storm

Moon spins around, kicking a guard's face, punching another into a building, stomping the ground, slightly shattering it. A shockwave echoes as all nearby guards fall unconscious.

"There… Guess imma have to get used to fighting…" Moon stands dominantly, the only conscious guards stumbling back, too afraid to fight the giant. The wind ominously blows Moon's hair as thunder booms. A droplet of water hitting the ground.

"I better find Yuma…" Moon turns around and walks to a door leading inside the factory.


Boombox rushes down the hallway, the lights off as he grits his teeth at a blockade of guards in front of him.

"Sound Mantra" The air around Boombox starts sparking with electricity, a faint humming as Boombox's eyes glow.

"Boombox Blast" Boombox takes a deep breath, releasing a high pitch scream. A shockwave of sound booming. The walls shake and crumble. The floor fumbling under the guards as their eyes go white, their ears bleeding. Boombox instantly appeared behind the crowd of guards with blades drawn.

"Conquering… Blaze!" A shockwave explodes as all the guards are suddenly covered in blade slashes. They all hit the ground one by one, unconscious. 

-"Boombox" Iteyi Kumiguzaki - 1st Commander - Ѥ7,000,000

Boombox quickly sheaths his dagger as he exhales, thunder booms as rain drips from the sky.

"It's raining? Why? I thought we were in the eye of the storm?" Cani runs from behind the corner of the hallway.

"There you are, Boombox!" Boombox looks over.

"Cani… where's yuma?" Cani takes a few deep breaths as the wind strengthens.

"That doesn't matter… we need to get somewhere safe, the storm is closing in!" Boombox looks out the window, the wall of the storm has seemingly gotten closer.

"Why!?" Cani exhales.

"I think the storm was a defense mechanism, so they probably had an electromagnetic barrier keeping the storm circling the island instead of swallowing it, and you shut off the electricity to the island!" Boombox pauses.

"Oh… Oh no…"


Yuma reels his fist back and punches one guy in the face, sending him into the brick castle wall. Quickly spinning and slamming his heel into another guy's cheek, plowing him through two more guards. Landing and spinning around on his heel.

"Come and get me…" A smile forms on Yuma's face as four guards rush at Yuma from each direction. Yuma jumps forward and knees the first in the face. Grabbing his head and pushing him down, vaulting over him to split kick the other two from the sides in the chin. Yuma lands, spinning as air condenses around his foot. Kicking the 4th guy in the face. The air cracks as smoke explodes, slamming the guy into the wall.

"Just one more push!" Yuma lands and plants his feet, lifting both hands. His voice became gritty.

"Reality Manipulation: Repulse!" A shockwave echoes out from Yuma sending the guards flying back, landing into the arms of the other conscious officers. A guard flies in from behind Yuma with a fist of lightning.

"I'll take him" Yuma smirks hearing his voice, Moon jumps from the courtyard, slamming the officer into the ground, shattering it like a volcano and earthquake. The rain stops for a moment before continuing. Moon standing up dominantly behind Yuma.


Ika slides across the deck of the boat, grabbing onto the mast as the waves violently crash. The wind violently blows, the rain hailing from the sky like bullets. The boat rocking dangerously close to the rocks.

"I can't… stay on here!" Ika rushes to his feet as the waves go down momentarily, quickly sliding back. Taking another chance and jumping for the rocks of the island's shore.


Moon and Yuma jump backwards and swap places, simultaneously punching other guards, both sliding back as all the remaining guards cower.

"Good work so far… Moon" Moon furrows his brows.

"Same to you… captain" Yuma is slightly shocked for a moment as thunder and lightning violently boom overhead. Rain pours like bullets and the wind blows like a hurricane. Suddenly, the wind calms down briefly as a calming shockwaves knocks the remaining guards out cold. Chills shoot down Moon and Yuma's spines.

"They're all falling unconscious," Yuma chuckles.

"I could tell… could it be?" Moon turns and looks up, A giant muscular man floating from inside the thunder clouds. As if he himself was made of storm clouds and thunder. He floats to the ground. Moon grits his teeth.

"It's him exactly…" The man gently lands on the shattered concrete floor. His short black hair blew in the wind, parted left. His eyes glowed an ominous red with misshapen black pupils. A large grin plastered on his face.

"Demon Lord Achlys"

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