
Having Dinner Together

Sunday is when adults get a day off after working for 6 days a week. Even though they have to go back to work the next day, they still try to enjoy the short day off even if it's just by staying at home and watching movies all day.

As for Amanda, she rarely gets a day off, even on Sundays because she has to change shifts when she can't work on weekdays. However, after Ashley helped Jhon with his work, Jhon gave Amanda the day off on Sunday.

Of course Amanda was very happy, especially now that she was with her beloved son again. After what happened to her two weeks ago. When everyone was asking Lucas about who brought him home.

Amanda asked Lucas to say that someone he didn't know drove him home. Saying that he couldn't remember his face because he was too scared.

'When I told Kylie about this, she got angry with me for not telling her in the first place. I knew she would...' Amanda thought as she watched Lucas who was busy playing with his toys.

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