
Announcements & People Rushing

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Inn, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 6:50 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

I slowly head down the stairs with the room key in my hand. As I look out at the Inn's bar and tables, players are already preparing to go out for the day. My attention shifts to the barkeeper. Once downstairs, I return the room key to him and head outside.

Light bathes the entire city as the sun is now over the wall that surrounds the city. I look around as I stand in the street, and NPCs are also getting up to start their daily lives.

There are many things for me to do today, but the first is getting out of the city and testing my new weapon. Sadly, I don't know where to go around Geonia's outskirts to fight enemies. I know only one person to ask about this kind of thing.

Sir Rehan.

I haven't spoken to him since I left Haleen's place. But since we're at the (Acquaintance) level of reputation, it shouldn't be too much of an ask to point me in the right direction of enemies.

The walk to the guard barracks will take around an hour from where I am. No time to waste. I start walking through the city, and as I do, I use (Eyes of Creation) on anything that interests me. NPCs and players generate the most information.

As I'm doing this, I notice that NPCs in Geonia average around level 75 to 80. The highest ordinary NPC level I've seen is 86. However, when I use (Eyes of Creation) on guards or NPCs with gear. The story changes.

Their levels range between 110 on the lower end for standard guards and almost 200 for the NPCs that look to be adventurers of some kind. Another thing that sticks out is everyone I've used (Eyes of Creation) on that's above level 100 is also Tier 1.

The NPCs that are Tier 1 have a health pool similar to my current one with (Monument of Sin) equipped. This means that as I am now, I'm as strong as a Tier 1 NPC that's above level 100.

But I haven't seen an NPC above level 200. The closest was nearing 200, exactly level 194, to be precise.

"The 1000x multiplier for my stats is more than just a giant boost... It puts me on equal footing with NPCs above level 100..."

My Mythical grade class lives up to its reputation. Despite this, I doubt I can compare to a level 200+ Tier 2 NPC. I don't know the power gaps between Tiers yet. What I do know is my class is capable of overcoming differences in Tiers.

With the right kind of gear.

Without (Monument of Sin), I wouldn't have the stats I've got right now. This tells me I can become even more powerful when crafting armor. The armor grade will be important, but as long as I have the crafting materials.

I can keep trying repeatedly until I make something of an Epic grade or higher. The 9% chance I have is incredibly powerful.

It's nearing 8:00 AM, and I'm closing in on the guard barracks. My thoughts about how to get stronger are put on pause. As I approach the entrance to the guard barracks, I see something interesting.

Players are freely coming and going from the location. That either means players within Geonia have adjusted their attitudes or Sir Rehan has given players access to the guard barracks.

I don't want to stick out, so I make my way in with a stream of players. Once in the open training fields, everyone breaks off.

Including me.

I scan the training fields for Sir Rehan, but I don't see him out here yet. As I'm walking to the door leading to the area of the guard barracks where his office is, I'm stopped in my tracks.

[Planetwide Announcement: Two anonymous players have gained Epic grade classes.]

[Planetwide Announcement: One anonymous player has gained an Ancient grade class.]

[Planetwide Announcement: One anonymous player has gained a Legendary grade class.]

[Planetwide Announcement: The Orum Seid Bravett royal family, rulers of the Harmeisis Kingdom, has requested all available hands for their new war against the Mordael Kingdom. Players can head to the Harmeisis Kingdom's capital city, Carveiner, for more details.]

[Planetwide Announcement: The Dalicvos Er Jarsiv royal family, rulers of the Mordael Kingdom, has requested all available hands for their new war against the Harmeisis Kingdom. Players can head to the Mordael Kingdom's capital city, Zirdair, for more details.]

[Planetwide Announcement: One anonymous player has crafted the first Ancient grade weapon among the player base.]

[Planetwide Bounty: The Sisterhood of Darina is offering 1,500 Platinum for the safe and unharmed return of Priestess Daphne Winshearth.]

As the messages from the system scroll by on my interface, I conclude that every morning between 8:00 and 9:00 AM, there is a planetwide announcement for events or feats that happened the day before.

This happened yesterday, a bit past 8:00 AM.

Other than what I've just learned from this announcement, what sticks out to me is the bounty given out by the Sisterhood of Darina. The amount of 1,500 Platinum isn't something to scoff at.

If a person or organization is willing to pay this much for the safe return of one of their people. That person has to be important.

Priestess Daphne Winshearth.

I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, but it's a planetwide bounty. The announcement didn't say where she was last seen or where she lived at the time of her going missing or being kidnapped.

There is simply not enough to go on for me to give it a shot. Typically, a VRMMORPG gives the players a minimum amount of info to go off, but AG has proven to stay true to its word.

It won't be spoon-feeding us.

If a player wants to chase this bounty, they'll have to use their head. Ask questions and find out where she lived or was last seen. That's someone else's game to play. But I'm definitely interested in this war the announcement is talking about.

It's the complete opposite of what the Sisterhood of Darina has given. There is information about who's involved and where to go if you want more details. That's a hell of a lot more than what we normally get.

But then again, as of right now, I doubt any player knows any more than where they already are. Finding out where a different Kingdom is and getting there is a feat that I can't do. No one can right now.

I know I'm in the Edaria Kingdom; Haleen revealed that much to me. But aside from that, I have no clue about any neighboring countries and Kingdoms.

It's something to ask about with Sir Rehan or Haleen if I get another chance. It's gonna have to wait until I'm done with everything I want to do in Geonia, though.

Once I'm done reading through system messages, I look around, and players are already excitedly discussing the announcements today. Most are talking about the war and bounty that's been announced.

"Whoa! Can you believe this? I need to find out how to get to one of these capital cities!"

"How can so many players get amazing classes, and I'm stuck with a common swordsman class?! This is shit!! Rigged game!"

"1,500 Platinum!!? That's enough to buy almost anything you want from the Auction Houses! Why didn't they give any information on where to search for this Priestess?!"

There are those who are talking about the new class holders. A total of four new ones. I wonder if I'll ever meet people with these classes. Yesterday, I was in the announcement for getting a Mythical grade class.

I'm surprised players are already leaving the training fields to learn more about these things. I won't be among them, that's for sure. I have my priorities to deal with. 

I can appreciate that everyone is being kept anonymous. The last thing a player wants is to be hassled by others when they're just trying to have fun.

Then again, the world of big guilds and competitive rivalries is an enormous business. It's not like a person who needs money will stay hidden.

My body turns as I start walking to the door leading into the guard barracks. Leaving the players rushing to go and the ones still chatting behind me as I do.

Once inside the familiar hallway, I start walking down in the direction of Rehan's office. The door is within view, and as I approach and place my hand on the wood. I hear a voice from the otherside.

One that I don't recognize as Sir Rehans. But I doubt that I'm interrupting anything important. So I open the door and poke my head through.

And as I do, Sir Rehan's eyes light up like a Christmas tree. There is a happy gleam to his vision, and I can already tell he's gonna use me to get out of something himself. That's the type of person Sir Rehan is.

I just walked into something I shouldn't have.

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