
Chapter 23 Is that advice?

"Yes. Issei, I do require something from you. I will come to a point where I will need your power to borrow. I will inform you what that is when the time comes. For now, I'd like it if you could help us train." Issei scratched his cheek.

He wasn't that good of a teacher.

"Well, if you need me to train you, I'd take a bit more time. Let me see if I miss anything on you four."

His eyes went over them. He could smell what they repressed but it wasn't his place to judge. He would work with what they gave him.

"Toujou-san, I take as [Rook], you rely on heavy hits?" The little girl just nodded.

"Kiba-san, you take swords as your main weapon?" The [Knight] had an embarrassed laugh.


His head turned to Rias and Akeno.

"You both strike me as magician users. Himejima-senpai, you use different sort of magic." The smile came back on her face and her eyes closed.

"Issei-kun can certainly read me well. You got three, right?"

Issei looked over at Rias.

"I am going to be saying this and you use the power you inherited from your mother. It is the same as your older sibling uses. The Power of Destruction." R

Rias nodded at him.


"Very well. Gremory-senpai, Himejima-senpai. Magical attacks require more than just a terrain behind. We have to find a place and time for that. I'll leave you up for that. I have to ask this though. What about my residents? Are they free to leave?"

Rias sighed as she heard Issei talk.

"It shouldn't be an issue to get them to get out of the house as long you can track them back. In the course of this week, we are going to prepare and give you the uniforms and files. We placed Raynare and Argento in your call. You will have to look over them. Mittelt is in Koneko's class while Kalawarner is a teacher."

Issei understood. He doubted that asides from Mittelt, any of the girls would have issues with that.

"That is understandable. For some training, I can help your [Knight] and [Rook] for now." Rias nodded to him.

"Very well. Outside, we can train."

Scene skip

Issei found that having an entire forest was a bit extravagant but at least, it meant that he didn't have to look around too far for a place to train Rias and Akeno.

He did ask to take it easy for now as it was just testing out his two new sparring partners.

Koneko went first and Issei had to admit it. This little lady packed a far heavier punch compared to Mittelt.

Courtesy of her [Rook] Piece, Issei assumed. He did admit. She had serious potential. She was mixing her attacks up from different angles. Issei hadn't moved once from his spot.

To add insult to injury, he didn't take out his Gauntlet as he matched her blow for blow.

When two fists didn't connect, Koneko jumped up and tried a high kick. Issei just raised his arm. The heel of her shoe was buried right into his forearm.

It didn't even crack when she felt the pain in her own system.

Issei then just took her feet and was about to slam her body down in the ground.

Then he remembered he had to be nice. And to train them. Without a healer on standby, he couldn't just maim Koneko.

So Issei just turned her around and his hands were under her armpits.

Due to their height difference, her feet dangled fifteen centimeters above the ground.

"Down," Koneko said one single word.

"I don't hear please". Issei shot back as the three Devils looked at him.

"Down, please." With a big smile, he put her down.

"Alright. You want to hear my five cents on you?" Koneko nodded.

"You can mix up attacks and you certainly know how to handle yourself in a scrap. Problem is that you don't know how to handle an opponent who is physically stronger than you."

"Issei, I do not allow." Issei raised his hand and Rias knew what it meant.

"If you would notice. I did not bring out my [Sacred Gear] or any other weapon, I own. I did this with my raw strength." Kneeling to Koneko, Issei took a kinder approach.

"If you can't get your foe down, in CQC, use your environment. Throw a tree at me, get the earth to rumble. You got it?"

The tiniest of smiles appeared on her face.

"Got it. Anything else, chief?"

Chief. He could come to like that name.

"Besides strength, you don't have much else. While I am not going to ask what else you have, I will tell you that you lack speed. You don't have to be a [Knight] but as a fighter, speed can be a boon. We'll come up with something."

He was about to ruffle her hair but then kept back. That would be too close.

"That is enough for now. We'll have plenty of time to train." Holding out a small fist, Issei understood. He bumped it and Koneko went to join Rias and Akeno.

Yuuto came back with two wooden swords.

"I take you don't have a sword but please understand that we can best fight like this." Issei grinned as he took it up.

"Oh, I do. But I don't want to pull out all at once."

"Oh, is that advice?"

"Yes. Never pull out all the stops at once. A date is to be simple."

Issei said as Kiba raced at him.

The Dragon had seen it all before.

Kiba and Koneko were too close-minded about using their powers. The extensive speed of the [Knight] was made worthless as Issei easily could keep up with his attacks. It was like he knew what Kiba would do before he even got close.

Issei just held his own as he didn't even fight back. He just replied to Kiba's swipes and strokes.

After fifteen minutes, Kiba looked like he was about to throw up while Issei stood before him.


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