

Sophia had told herself that Luca taking care of her from afar was enough. She tried to convince herself that both of them being busy was for the best. Yet each time she stepped into the car that was sent for her without a sign of Luca around, she felt particularly lonely. 

At least he was still texting her and occasionally calling her. 

Until he stopped one day. 

There was no good morning. No checkup throughout the day. 

Sophia was so worried she stepped outside to call him and see if she could make any contact at all once Rosa was in the bakery and could deal with customers.

It rang but there was no answer. 

She didn't bother leaving a voicemail because what if she was bothering something important? It would be embarrassing for anyone if their girlfriend was nonstop calling or texting just because they hadn't had contact with one another for less than a day. 

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