
The Good Ol' Professor


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As they disembarked from the boats, Harry noticed Hagrid guiding the first-year students towards a large set of doors. The giant man's booming voice echoed across the grounds, "Right this way, everyone. Mind yer step."

The group of first-years followed Hagrid, their eyes wide with excitement and nervousness. Harry walked alongside his new acquaintances, his mind alert and observant.

As Hagrid stepped aside, an old witch with a serious demeanor approached the group of first-year students. "I will take it from here, Hagrid. Thank you," she said. The witch then turned to the students, her voice firm yet welcoming. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors, and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points, and any rule-breaking will cost you points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." With that, she turned and walked away.

As she departed, the crowd parted, and Draco Malfoy approached Harry. "Potter," he greeted with a nod. His eyes then shifted to Neville, and a smirk formed on his face as he looked down at him. Before Draco could utter a disparaging remark, Harry intervened. "Malfoy. Meet my friend, Neville Longbottom, Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House Longbottom."

Draco's gaze flickered back to Harry, meeting his intense stare. After a moment, he nodded respectfully. "An honor, Heir Longbottom," he said, his tone surprisingly genuine. Neville greeted him back, though still a bit taken aback by the sudden attention.

"I will see you later then, Potter," Draco said, before turning and walking away. Harry watched him go, his thoughts on the complex dynamics of the wizarding world's elite. Unlike Ron and Draco, whom he saw more as chess pieces in the grand game of Hogwarts, Harry genuinely wanted to befriend Neville. Their shared fate, both being the children mentioned in the prophecy, forged a bond that Harry felt was worth nurturing.

As Professor McGonagall returned with a list of names, she instructed the first-year students to follow her. Seizing this opportunity, Harry discreetly activated his Observe function on her, curious to learn more about the stern-faced witch leading them.

[System Message: Minerva McGonagall - Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor House. Skilled in Transfiguration. Strong sense of justice and fairness. Big fan of Quidditch. No malicious intent detected.]

Entering the Grand Hall, Harry was immediately captivated by its grandeur. Towering ceilings enchanted to mimic the night sky stretched above, creating an illusion of dining under the stars. The floating candles added a mystical ambiance, casting a warm glow over the four long house tables filled with students. The hall was alive with the buzz of conversation and the clatter of cutlery, a symphony of school life in motion.

From somewhere behind him, Hermione's voice drifted over, educating a few students. "It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in 'Hogwarts: A History.'"

Approaching the front of the hall, McGonagall stopped before a stool with an old, patched hat. Harry's gaze then shifted to the staff table, observing the professors and other staff members. His attention was drawn to two individuals in particular, who were also looking in his direction. One was a man with greasy hair and a sullen expression, resembling a human bat. The other, an old man with a long white beard, had eyes that twinkled with an unreadable emotion. 'A nice trick to make people look into his eyes,' Harry thought.

Nigel's voice commented in Harry's mind. "You know what they say, Master Harry. Eyes are the mirror to the soul, or in this case, perhaps memories."

Harry smiled inwardly as he used the Observe function on both individuals. He felt their attempts to probe his mind with Legilimency a moment ago, but thanks to the System, his memories remained shielded.

[System Message: Severus Snape - Potions Master, Head of Slytherin House. A complicated past with deep layers. Skilled in potions and Legilimency. Resentments and secrets hidden beneath a cold exterior. Malicious Intent: Detected soft resentment.]

[System Message: Albus Dumbledore - Headmaster of Hogwarts. One of the most powerful wizards alive. Known for his fight against dark forces. A strategist with a penchant for manipulation. Eyes capable of Legilimency, though unsuccessful on you. Malicious Intent: Detected soft intent of malice for the necessity of greater good.]

As the Sorting Hat's song filled the Great Hall, a ripple of anticipation ran through the first-year students. Harry Potter, standing amidst his peers, listened intently. The Hat's message about the qualities of each house resonated with him, each verse painting a vivid picture of the values and traits Hogwarts valued.

Harry, deep in thought, turned to Nigel. "This proves it, Nigel. Dumbledore is not the simple, good old man many believe him to be. He's a manipulative mastermind. He might mean well, but that's the most dangerous kind. At least Dark Lords are open about their intentions."

Nigel's voice resonated in Harry's mind. "Indeed, Master Harry. The line between a savior and a manipulator can be as thin as a wand's core. It's all about perspective and, unfortunately, manipulation often wears the mask of benevolence."

At the staff table, both Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore were visibly taken aback. They had attempted to probe Harry's mind with Legilimency but had failed to breach his mental defenses. Dumbledore surmised that Lily's protective spell, which had saved Harry from Voldemort, was still shielding him. Snape, however, believed that Harry was a natural genius in Legilimency and Occlumency, a talent possibly inherited from his mother, Lily. Yet, Snape's disdain for the boy, who bore such a striking resemblance to James Potter, lingered.

Harry, aware of their scrutiny, ignored the duo, focusing instead on the Sorting Hat. Using his Observe function, he studied the ancient artifact:

[System Message: The Sorting Hat - An enchanted hat with the ability to sort students into Hogwarts houses based on their personality traits and values. Created by the founders of Hogwarts. Possesses a high level of intelligence and insight.]

McGonagall then addressed the students, "When your name is called, please step forward. I will place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your respective house." She then proceeded to call the first name, "Hannah Abbott."

As Professor McGonagall began the sorting ceremony, the Great Hall fell into a hushed anticipation. Each student's name called seemed to echo through the vast chamber, marking the start of their journey at Hogwarts.

Hanna Abbott walked nervously to the stool and sat down. The Sorting Hat barely touched her head before it shouted, "Hufflepuff!" Hannah's face lit up with a relieved smile as she joined her new housemates at the Hufflepuff table, welcomed with applause.

Terry Boot was next, his steps measured and calm. The hat deliberated for a moment before declaring, "Ravenclaw!" Terry, with a composed nod, made his way to the Ravenclaw table, where he was greeted warmly.

Lavender Brown's turn came, and she practically bounced to the stool. The hat's decision was swift. "Gryffindor!" it announced. Lavender beamed, rushing to join her fellow Gryffindors amidst loud cheers.

Justin Finch-Fletchley, with his easy smile, was also sorted into Hufflepuff. He looked genuinely pleased, joining his housemates with a friendly wave.

Seamus Finnigan's sorting was a lively affair. The hat seemed to enjoy teasing him a bit before finally declaring, "Gryffindor!" Seamus's grin was infectious as he made his way to his new house.

Hermione Granger, her face set with determination, walked up. The hat seemed to ponder longer with her. "Gryffindor!" it finally announced. Hermione's relief was palpable as she joined the Gryffindor table, her face flushed with excitement.

Gregory Goyle, looking somewhat bewildered, was quickly sorted into Slytherin. He lumbered over to his house's table, where he was received with muted nods.

Daphne Greengrass approached with an air of confidence. The hat announced "Slytherin!" almost immediately, and Daphne, without a hint of surprise, elegantly walked to her house table.

Neville Longbottom's sorting was met with a bit of tension. The hat took its time, but eventually, "Gryffindor!" rang out. Neville, looking relieved and slightly surprised, joined Gryffindor amidst encouraging applause.

Megan Jones, a girl with a bright smile, was sorted into Hufflepuff. She skipped happily to her table, greeted by cheers.

Ernest Macmillan, serious and upright, was also sorted into Hufflepuff. He nodded respectfully to Professor McGonagall before joining his house.

Draco Malfoy strode confidently to the stool, his demeanor unshaken. The hat barely grazed his head before shouting, "Slytherin!" Draco smirked slightly, taking his place among his housemates with an air of entitlement.

Theodore Nott, quiet and observant, was next. "Slytherin!" the hat declared. Theodore gave a subtle nod, his expression unreadable, and joined his house.

Parvati Patil, chattering nervously until the last moment, was sorted into Gryffindor. Her nervousness turned into excitement as she took her seat at the Gryffindor table.

Padma Patil, in contrast to her sister, walked up calmly. "Ravenclaw!" the hat announced. Padma smiled and joined her housemates with a serene expression.


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