
Chapter 120 : Body of Lightning

Hearing knocks on the morgue as it's locked, Aza's attention shifted towards it, unlocking the door via her magic as it's locked from the inside.

Entering inside, pushing the double doors were a few Mages, all whom obviously knew of the reputation of the Black Witch.

Not questioning her presence there, they took a few steps closer and lowered their heads down, gazing at him and beginning to comment. 

"This is him? He made my young brother eat out a man on the street in front of everyone... He violated him, disrespected him!" one of them yelled.

Remaining quiet, Aza simply observed his angrier expression filled with hate and disgust for the corpse on the table.

"The fall of the town in Svartalfheim, he killed my daughter.. She was only 6!"

Pouncing him on the chest, Aza, and in the background Cassandra and Ajahr, listened to them speaking of his crimes.

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