
Idea 13 HP x Revillage

You can choose parring(Donna) maybe soulmate au where until Fem harry is old enough its platonic to romantic though if chosen from hp world(Fleur) Fem Harry's partner has to be open minded for obvious reasons

Slight Abuse warning

The Dursleys are on a business trip turned family vacation to Romania and have no choice but to bring their 6 year old unwanted niece FemHarry(Hope). Vernon isn't happy so on the first night in the hotel he beats Hope to wear she is on the verge of death for the first time and so Hope no longer feeling safe and fearing for her life has a bit of accidental magic to get to a safe place which happens to be where Mother Miranda is on business and because Hope is surrounded by wild magic she can scence that Miranda will keep her safe and accidently shows her all of her memories and creates a magical parental bond with her. Here Miranda learns of magic and because she is stunned and furious from seeing Hope's memories a member of the ministry finds them and seeing that Miranda is out of it takes them to the department of secrets? who immediately notice the bond cause even though Miranda is out of it she is still subconsciously protective and cause the Romanian Ministry is more reasonable then most they explain everything and give her the option to blood adopt Hope she does obviously(they use Gringotts to get Hopes inheritance including the cloak which Miranda will eventually loathe cause mischief(Hope, Angie, Cass and Dani). The head researcher ask Miranda what she is and though reluctant her being the scheming women she is sees an opportunity not just to learn more about magic but to help her children (cause its a good Miranda fic) she tells them though nothing about the candou so they just think they have creature blood and cause the Romanian ministry is pro creature they help but with the stipulation(experiment) of the village agreeing to house refugees of creature blood which eventually attracts actual magical creatures (who attract poachers so food for the Dimitrescu family and other vamps when out of regular supply) those with creature blood includes vampires, werewolves, veela, and merfolk etc.(couldn't think of more) it eventually becomes a wizarding mixed(muggle) village. When Miranda comes back to the village the people of the village are initially weary but seeing no harm done and in fact seeing their lives improving they warm up to these strange new people with open arms mostly because they arrived with Mother Miranda. Miranda calls a meeting to have her children meet not only their youngest sibling but also the Chiefs of the clans that arrived and who will be the representatives for there people and learn of magic. Hope has all of her siblings and the chiefs wrapped around her fingers. Hope grows up with a village of people who care for her and see her as Miranda's heir and because of that she grows up knowing of the creature blood customs(help can't find a better explanation) and the like.

When it comes time for school letters she decides to go to Hogwarts(cause birth parents) but doesn't like it not only cause of Dumbledore but because of the prejudices to so she decides with Miranda to go to Beauxbatons and makes connections(Fleur). When the tri wizard tournament (17 cause there is no way Romania who knows who Hope is and what could happen if anyone finds out who she is would risk it when she was 14 even if she goes to school in France) happens Hope is the Beauxbatons champion Fleur could be her trainer? At the end of the tournament because of a certain nosy headmaster everyone learns who she is the British ministry tries to get her back it doesn't work but cause of prejudices they won't stop cue Hope getting dragged into the British wizarding civil war. Miranda who was going to put a stop to it because Momma bear was stopped by Hope who wanted to prove herself or she got Cassandra's bloodlust who knows either way she joins though she technically has a army of people willing to fight for her because with out her they wouldn't have the village. After the war was over which happens pretty fast Hope becomes the master of death and stops aging at either 18/20 so she won't need the candou unless she got really hurt be for her MOD power sets in and it didn't heal. You could choose to do the game with Hope saving everyone maybe by making a fake village to mask the real one or go au into a completely new territory maybe by having the world find out about magic and what umbrella Corp were doing and the aftermath of that with the magic conclaves as safe places?

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