

A month passed, Kakashi continued to teach Isshi all he knew, including ninjutsu.

Surprisingly Isshi was able to understand it as fast as him so he started debating on actually graduating early but decided not to so he could grow his body and chakra more like he wanted to.

Teuchi agreed to Sakumos contract and Teuchi planned out the restaurant details and Sakumo payed for it all.

Teuchi also started hiring people he deemed talented and worthy, and even young ones who can take over him when he's too old.

Sakumo explained that they all would come together for a full week to test the dishes to understand who can make them to separate the work loud.

When Sakumo returned home he explained to Isshi to come to explain all the food recipes and ingredients to the staff.

Isshi agreed.

The restaurant was 2 stories high, not too big but not too small, it's able to hold quite a loud of people and also had 2 private rooms knowing that sometimes people or ninjas want to talk privately.

When they arrived the staff was surprised Sakumo brought a child with him, most likely his son so they all greeted him.

" This is my son, Isshi. To go into deep detail he suggested me to open the restaurant and hire Teuchi specifically for this to work. Even though I'm the owner I have nothing to do with the food that is made it's him. So he will be your boss and give you advice and tell you how everything will work." Sakumo said pointing at Isshi.

Everybody was surprised but knowing about Sakumos popularity and background they didn't take it as a joke.

" To explain, Uncle I've heard how your old boss didn't respect you as his best cook, you would often fight a lot over the price of your ramen. You are kindhearted and put your all into the ramen you made so your popularity with people is grand. So having you here will give the restaurant the popularity it needs to start off well, but after that it's up to everybody to make it even more popular. To do that I needed Uncle to hire people he liked and deemed talented. Since the restaurant won't be revolving in solely ramen but it will certainly be our main dish as the one Uncle makes is the best. " Isshi explained getting nods from everybody.

" The main reason for this is that I don't know if uncle will be great at cooking other types of foods, not that I'm underestimating your ability it's also to not give you a lot of workload. Our dishes will be somewhat hard to make but I'm sure it will be popular amongst people, I'm not a cook myself so this is purely off theory, so the cooks are to put life into the theory. You'll also be tasting the food, whatever you deem not good enough will be scratched and replaced by a new dish, Are you ready for your training? " Isshi asked getting a yessir from everybody.

" Good, let's start with the first dish! " Isshi yelled excitedly.

Isshi and the others worked hard and found the dishes to be weird but they didn't judge right away since they can judge after it was cooked.

Isshi wrote down many dishes from his past life, it was a fun and exciting moment for everybody trying to cook things they never knew about, this made the cooks happy.

After the week passed everything was ready, adding 30 different dishes, everybody got together again for the last time before opening the restaurant.

" Today we will open the restaurant at 12pm, Ichiraku restaurant will be open for business. Though we may not get a lot of customers that's okay, the point is to start rumors of our restaurant, the more it travels the more curiosity from people, the curiosity the more customer, when we get more money we will do remodeling to fit more customers. Everybody ready?! " Isshi shouted, everybody at this point knew what a genius and amazing person the child Isshi was as they all shouted Yessir!

For the first few days it was slow, people mainly came for the cheap prices and teuchis ramen, but on Isshis order they gave free dishes as well so they can taste the other dishes.

By the 2nd week more people came quickly, popularizing the restaurant, and by the end of the month there was a large like waiting for people to come in.

We remodeled the place adding more space and also creating a few more private rooms, 10 in total.

" I didn't expect your restaurant to grow this popular this fast Sakumo, I'm surprised you even opened a restaurant. " Hiruzen said.

" I wouldn't have but Isshi suggested it, honestly everything from staff to food options was made by him with the help of the cooks ofcourse. " Sakumo said shocking Hiruzen.

" He's smart. " Sakumos added with a smile.

" Hm, he starts the academy tomorrow right? " Hiruzen asked looking at the document with the names with all other academy students.

" Tell me, what have you come for? " Hiruzen asked.

" I want you to surround him with as many intelligent and talented students." Sakumo explained.

" Hm, is there any specific reason? " Hiruzen asked curiously.

" After just 2 months of training him he already almost caught up to Kakashi and even surpassed him in kenjutsu. He's very talented and will become very strong. It doesn't matter if the other kids are cocky or not. " Sakumo explained.

" So you want him to have a challenge as he grows in the academy huh? " Hiruzen realized.

" Yes. " Sakumo nodded.

" Alright I'll get it done before morning. " Hiruzen said.

" Thank you, if you have any private missions please call me. " Sakumo said and bowed before leaving.

{ Plot changed- Kakashi won't be graduating early ( 3x Gacha tickets )

(A/N Kakashi was the youngest and had the best score when he graduated early, this is actually a great achievement giving the change to be a major event even though it's not actually major in the anime. )

Plot change- Ichiraku ramen shop wasn't created 5 Gacha tickets }

(A/N Ichiraku ramen shop is a major event in the anime, almost all important characters ate and hung out there and even had a somewhat good relationship with Teuchi. )

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