
Introducing the Doll to Your Brother (1)

"I think it would be easier if I just showed you to her." Evan raised his eyebrows while his eyes looked down at the tiled floor of his office. "I thought you, of all people, would believe me."

Evan rarely sounded like he wanted to be believed because he didn't care what people thought of him. But right now, he tried to maintain the last few pieces of his dignity left, and Freiheit was the only person who could help him with that.

"Okay." Freiheit finally noticed the gravity of Evan's hurt tone. "I decided not to make fun of you anymore and give you the benefit of the doubt. But you have to tell me the details completely and believably so I won't regret giving it to you."

Evan sighed in relief, thankful that, in a world that was ridiculing him, he still had the freedom to listen to him, albeit with a judgmental face.

"Where do you want me to start?" Evan asked.

"From the beginning," Freiheit replied.


"This is a bit too hard to believe," Freiheit rubbed his chin, man-spreading on Evan's sofa. "How can you honestly convince me that the sex doll I brought you can magically turn alive?"

"I don't know." Evan shrugged his shoulders. "You tell me. You're the one who brought her to me."

"Well," Freiheit sighed. "I guess a story with magic is more believable than the mere idea of you risking your whole "I hate women" persona just to make out with a woman in public."

"I still hate women," Evan said, crossing his arms over his chest. "That never changed."

"What about, what's her name again?"

"Eternity," Evan supplied in irritation. How dare he forget the name of his doll?! "Eternity Doll."

"Ah, yes." Freiheit waved his hand dismissively. "Anyway, what about Eternity?"

"What about her?"

Freiheit can't help but frown at Evan's insistent usage of 'her' as his sex doll.

"Do you hate her?"

"She's not a woman," Evan replied matter-of-factly. "She's an Eternity Woman, a sex doll. Though she told me she didn't like being referred to as such."

He chuckled, remembering the first time he called her a sex doll, and it caused her to be flustered immensely.

"She talks?!" Freiheit gasped.

"Have I not established that already?!" Evan groaned at how much of an inattentive listener his brother was.

"Anyway, I think I get your point. 'She's'--" Freiheit said with emphasis to appease Evan, while Evan nodded approvingly. "--an exception to your hatred towards women."

"Because she isn't one," Evan reminded him.

"Right," Freiheit drawled, not because he necessarily believed in his brother but because he wanted to act like Freiheit entertained the notion. "I guess we all fall in love in weird places, or rather, objects."

"I am not in love with her!"

"Sure, you aren't." There he was again, with a tone that merely entertained Evan. "What was this called, objectophilia?"

"But she isn't an object!"

"You also argued that she isn't a woman," Freiheit pointed out. "Make up your mind, brother."

Evan stopped his lips from forming a pout. He guessed that he'd been spending so much time with Eternity that he had almost made that face.

How immature and highly effeminate.

Instead, Evan huffed indignantly.

"Anyway," Evan decided to change the topic, knowing that it was a lost cause to argue with Freiheit, knowing he had the upper hand. "I'll let you meet her after office hours."

Freiheit gave a wide grin.

"Sounds like a plan."


"I'm back," Evan announced as he turned on the lights in his apartment. "Come in, Freiheit." He turned to his brother for a second, motioning for him to enter as he removed his shoes.

"How strange," Freiheit noted as he entered, removing his shoes. "You've been living alone in this apartment for the longest time, and yet, here you are, saying 'I'm back' as if you're living with someone else now."

"I am living with someone else now," Evan pointed out.

"Ah, yes. The doll."

"Oh, stop talking with that tone! The reason why I brought you here is that you'll meet her, and believe me!"

"Sorry, sorry." But he didn't sound sincere.

"Eternity?" Evan called as he searched for the doll. "Where are you?"

"Probably 'sleeping,'" Freiheit snickered.

"She probably is," Evan agreed, much to Freiheit's annoyance.

Evan headed to Eternity's bedroom, while Freiheit, having the common sense to not barge into someone's private quarters (that's not their office), decided to wait in the living room. As Freiheit said, Eternity was sleeping soundly on her bed.

Or rather, she was deactivated soundly on her bed.

"Eternity," Evan said, shaking her shoulders gently. "Wake up. We have a visitor."

Eternity slowly opened her eyes.

"Oh, good morning, Evan." Eternity rubbed her eyes, sitting up on the bed.

"It's evening, idiot." His words might sound harsh, yet his tone was affectionate. "Get yourself ready. I want you to meet my brother."

"Your brother?" she repeated. "You mean the man who brought me to you?"

Evan nodded.

"I must get ready," she chuckled. "I have to thank him."

"Thank him for what?"

"Making you my master, of course." She giggled as she hopped out of bed. "Now, please go outside, Evan. You can't possibly watch me as I make myself presentable."

Evan's face started to feel warm. 

He nodded and went outside her room. 

He headed to the living room, where Freiheit sat comfortably on the sofa. Once Freiheit saw him, he perked up in his seat.

"Well?" Freiheit asked.

"She told me to get out."

Freiheit guffawed.

"Who would have thought that the only being that can order Evan Holz around is a doll?"

"Shut up."

Freiheit roared with laughter again.

The irony.

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