
Chapter 163 - Artican Trade in Essos 18 (Rescue of the Princess 02.).

[Chapter Size: 3200 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Essos, 296 AC.


"It seems we are finally switching shifts. Let's head outside, it's getting late." One of the guards yawned as he prepared to patrol the courtyard.

As soon as he took his first steps outside, something sliced through the air and hit his neck. A second dart hit the other guard right behind him, barely giving him time to react before both of their necks were struck, and they easily lost consciousness.

"It seems there's nothing more at the entrance..." A royal guard said, looking at the two bodies as Jon approached. It was him and two more guards, there to get Nyra.

"Remove them from here, it's too much at the entrance," Jon ordered, as he'd done with the other fallen guards, hiding them so they wouldn't be easily seen.

After his men had taken the bodies to a hidden place, one of them brought an object.

"You brought the box..." Jon murmured, looking at the medium-sized box one of the royal guards was carrying.

"Yes, my king..." he replied, handing the box to Jon.

Jon approached the box, hearing the agitated sounds of rats, as he closed his eyes. The rodents inside quickly began to calm down as he dominated their minds.

In the next moment, he opened the box. The rats scurried out and began to spread throughout the castle under Jon's command, as he wanted to have real-time surveillance of the entire place, searching every corner.

The creatures quickly began to move unnoticed, passing by inattentive guards, while Jon and his guards made their way toward where Nyra was, already knowing the path due to his snake.

As they passed through the corridors, he raised his hand at one point, signaling with two fingers the number of guards ahead of them. His two royal guards prepared themselves.

As soon as two shadows emerged, the royal guards swiftly shot their darts, hitting the targets before they could even groan. Hiding the bodies, they moved on.

They advanced through the corridors, taking down more and more guards, leaving a trail of bodies behind. Jon kept his eye on the Martell family. Doran seemed to be with a prostitute in his room. Oberyn was with his lover, while most of the children were busy with their routines or asleep. Only Arianne seemed to be sharing her bed with her personal guard and lover.

It was only then that Jon reached the room where Nyra was, where four guards were protecting the door, more heavily reinforced than the Martell family itself.

"I'll make the first move, wait a moment before attacking," Jon ordered as a snake appeared beside one of the guards' feet. The man noticed the small movement out of the corner of his eye and looked to the side before the snake struck his leg, causing him to scream. "Damn snake!"

The other guards quickly realized the situation but had barely any time to react. The two Arctic royal guards with Jon emerged from the corridor, spitting darts that struck the necks of three guards. The man still with the snake on his leg looked at his friends falling to the ground in surprise before turning to Jon, who spat another dart at him, making him collapse before he could do anything.

"We're here, finally. That was easy," Jon murmured as he approached the door.

"You two stay here and guard the area..." Jon instructed and went over to the snake, picking it up to take it away, as it had done good work these past days.

Nyra, who had been sleeping, woke up startled by the sound of the door opening. She grabbed a small blade she kept beside her and hid it under her pillow.

Jon entered the room at that moment, still disguised, looking at Nyra with care and concern.

"Who are you?" she asked cautiously, not recognizing Jon, though he seemed familiar.

"It's me, Nyra... Jon." Jon said, leaving Nyra stunned.

"Is it really you?" she murmured, still holding onto some hope. His eyes were not like she remembered, but his voice was Jon's.

"Yes, it's me. I'm just in disguise," he said, moving closer to her.

She moved toward him, putting the dagger aside, and embraced him immediately. "Jon, I'm so happy to see you... you're real and you're really here, I'm not dreaming... am I?" she exclaimed in a joyful tone.

"Yes, it's me... I'm here to take you out of this place," Jon said, glancing at her swollen belly.

"We're both happy to see you..." Nyra responded, emphasizing their child.

"He's a boy..." Jon noted before looking back into her purple eyes. He leaned in and kissed her forehead in a tender gesture. "It's all right now. I'm going to get you and our son out of here," he said.

"Yes..." she replied, mesmerized, staring at him the whole time, unable to believe that the man she had come to love was standing before her, rescuing her and the most precious thing to her, their unborn child.

"We can't stay here. Grab your things, let's go," Jon said, noticing that she remained frozen, unmoving.

Nyra snapped out of her thoughts and began to get out of bed to gather a few items. Still in her nightgown, she quickly slipped into a dress and went over to Jon.

"Take my hand and don't let go under any circumstances, understand?" Jon said, and she nodded, allowing him to lead her outside.

She nodded again, careful not to strain herself too much due to her pregnancy.

Jon found his two guards keeping watch. "Let's go, we'll take this route," he said, pointing to a different corridor and knowing there was a group of guards approaching. He wanted to take down most of the guards to prevent them from seeing their fallen comrades scattered throughout the area.

They moved forward, taking down another group of guards and checking the area before finally making their way out, with Nyra following Jon closely.

As they reached the outside, Jon's four guards had already taken down a few more men who had been in the courtyard, waiting for their king. "We'll go down the same way we came in. There's a group of horses I managed to control; they're waiting for us," Jon said, and everyone nodded.

He lifted Nyra into his arms like a princess and advanced with his guards to move more quickly. Carrying Nyra was no effort at all for Jon. When they arrived, they began to descend using ropes with hooks. Jon easily brought Nyra down, using just one hand to grip the rope while carefully holding her with the other.

"You're my hero..." Nyra's comment made Jon feel slightly awkward.

"Let's save that for later, Nyra... first, we need to get you and our son out of here," Jon said, and she nodded.

"We need to leave this city quickly. It won't take long for them to notice more than fifty guards lying on the ground throughout the castle and come looking for what we've done..." Jon said, and everyone nodded as they moved toward the horses, which Jon had easily controlled after taking them from a merchant or noble in the city.

He led Nyra to one of the horses and placed her in front of him, beginning to gallop with his group out of the area. They made their way through the capital's streets with ease, as Jon skillfully evaded all the patrols. They were now in the northern region.

"Stay alert for any enemy attacks!!" the royal guards commented as they headed toward the northern gate.1

"Don't worry about the gate..." Jon said as they approached it, with no sign of anyone around, as if the place were haunted. Nyra left the capital, surprised by how easy it had been for them. There were no guards to stop them, as all the soldiers on the wall and in the guardhouse had already fallen unconscious, taken down by Jon before even arriving there.

"I don't know what you did, my king. But it was certainly fantastic!" his men commented in awe.

"It doesn't matter now... let's head north... we'll have some time before they realize we went in this direction. We need to reach the meeting point before dawn; there's a ship waiting for us," Jon said, and everyone nodded, galloping in that direction through the desert.

"I'm so happy to see you, I can't believe we're here... that I'm here with you," Nyra murmured, leaning against Jon as he touched her belly.

Jon's touch on her stomach began to glow, making her feel more relaxed. He wanted to check on the condition of the child inside her, including the gender and whether the baby was healthy.

Jon felt a twinge of anger, as the stress she'd endured had harmed the baby a little and could even cause a miscarriage. But Jon wouldn't allow that to happen. He would take care of her and the child, ensuring that the boy, a male child, would be born without any complications.

And so, they continued. "You can sleep; we'll be riding for a few hours," Jon said, and she nodded, unable to see what Jon was doing as he made her so relaxed that she began to drift off to sleep due to his healing.

Nyra finally slept after all that had happened, and Jon remained silent as he and his guards rode through the desert. His rats inside Sunspear had picked up on all the movements in the castle. Doran, who had been enjoying his evening, was interrupted by guards rushing to his room.

"What is this?" he murmured, displeased as he had to help himself up with the woman, walking over to open the door.

"Prince Doran... we have a problem... a large number of our guards have fallen, and your bastard daughter has disappeared without anyone awake knowing. We can't wake up those who are asleep!" the guard explained.

"Nyra?!" Doran, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly began moving to find out what was happening. "Call Oberyn! I want to know where they went, and quickly!" he exclaimed, and thus a great commotion began in Sunspear.

The hours passed through the night as the horses were out of breath after Jon pushed them to maintain the pace. They finally reached their destination, spotting a ship near the coast, with some boats waiting for them on the beach, manned by Arctic men.

"I told you they'd be here soon," said a dwarf in one of the boats, seeing the group approaching.

Jon made no comment as he arrived with his men, dismounting the horses and waking Nyra as she blinked before he helped her down from the horse.

"Let's get to the boats," he guided her.

"My uncle can't come after us, can he?" she asked, a little worried.

"He's definitely sending groups to follow our tracks right now, as we've left prints along the way. But I'll command the horses to continue north. It'll create a distraction, without them knowing we're already at sea," Jon replied.

Nyra nodded, and they began to settle into the boats, with Jon keeping Nyra close the entire time, still concerned about the child.

"Let's go, men! We have a king to bring to the fleet!" the dwarf continued to joke.

"..." Jon remained silent as they moved away from the beach, heading toward the ship.

As soon as they boarded the carrack, Jon led Nyra inside while the men began preparing the ship to meet the fleet in the open sea.

"You should rest a bit; I'll bring you something to drink and eat," Jon said, going to his men to ask for it, while Nyra went to the bed in the room prepared for them.

She saw Jon approaching a moment later, as he grabbed some documents with letters that the ship had received directly for him. "What are you doing?" she asked, watching him read through many scrolls.

"Just some reports from the fleet... they'll be here soon," Jon said before the door knocked, and he went to get the food, bringing it to the bed for Nyra to eat.

"Now relax... I've made sure you won't have any more problems with the pregnancy during the trip," Jon said, and she nodded, starting to eat the fresh food.

"You know, I still can't believe this is happening," she murmured, resting her head on his chest while eating grapes and sipping fresh fruit juice.

"I didn't know... I really didn't know, Rhaenys... If I had known, I would have come to take you before going to Ártica last time..." Jon said, his eyes tired as she turned her face to him.

"It's all right. You're here now, that's what matters. This child won't be a political pawn for my uncle, and she will have her father..." she replied in a soft tone.

"Yes, and our boy won't be a bastard either, because we will get married as soon as we reach the main ship," he said.

"Are you serious? This is unexpected... Did your queens agree to this?" she asked, happiness evident in her voice.

"It's all fine. I've always told them I would marry more wives, and they knew that from the start, so everything is fine between them," Jon said before continuing in a more serious tone. "And none of your uncle's plans will come to pass." Jon spoke with a certain fire of anger in his eyes.

Rhaenys understood. "Yes, he wanted you to take the Iron Throne for us. He can't get in contact with Viserys and Daenerys anymore. My uncle believed you have enough power to conquer the Iron Throne and wanted me to be your queen, and our children to be the rightful heirs, including this child," she said.

"I have other wars to worry about than the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms right now... I have no interest in ruling the Seven Kingdoms at the moment..." Jon said, though internally he thought he had the right to it, but he still had a war in the north to focus on and shouldn't be concerned with that now.

"Speaking of which, your uncles were in Pentos... I met them," Jon said, as Rhaenys looked at him in surprise.

"Really? Are they well?" she murmured, unsure of what Viserys' personality would be like.

"Viserys is mad, like his father," Jon said with a hint of anger, while Rhaenys looked stunned by this information.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"I'm saying that Viserys Targaryen is the son of the Mad King, literally. We had a conflict, and I punched his face so much that I felt satisfied with every blow," he said, leaving her a bit shocked.

Jon continued before she could make any comments. "But his sister is different. She's a sweet and innocent girl, who's suffered a lot at the hands of her brother..." he said.

"And where is she?" Rhaenys asked, worried, as she wanted to see her aunt.

"She's with me. I took her from Pentos, she's traveling with us," Jon replied.

"Wait... Are you serious?" Rhaenys couldn't help but feel delighted at the idea, as she'd always wanted to meet other Targaryens.

"Yes, you'll meet her as soon as we reach my ship. Only Ygritte is traveling with me this time, but she's doing a great job making Daenerys feel comfortable and relaxed," Jon smiled.

After all, using his Warg powers, he could see through Ghost and saw Ygritte, with rare patience, teaching Daenerys how to draw in her room. It was surprising, as Ygritte, unlike Seryna, who was calm and cheerful, had a much shorter temper.

"I really want to see her," Rhaenys said. "Besides, how are we going to get married?" she asked. "I'm sure you won't want a Seven wedding, right?" Rhaenys asked, a bit excited, wanting to know what Jon had in mind, since the Seven didn't align with their beliefs, especially after the chaos he caused in Oldtown.

"No, definitely not. Speaking of that, how was the impact of my attack on Oldtown for Westeros?" he asked.

"Well... What do you think? It's having a massive impact on all the houses. All the maesters of every noble family are acting depressed and lost right now. And as you know... there are many problems with the scholars. After all, an entire generation of archmaesters was wiped out by you, and the remnants of the Citadel are struggling to teach the younger ones now. There's not as much material like books and other things left after what you did," she said with some concern.

"They should have thought of that before even trying to threaten me," Jon spoke firmly, without a hint of regret.

"I always believed you had a very serious reason for doing what you did, so I trust you," she said, moving closer to him and kissing his lips. "I'm so happy we're going to be together," she repeated.

"Yes, I plan to have a wedding in the style of the old gods. We don't have a Weirwood tree anymore to do that, but I have a Child of the Forest with us. They can officiate the ceremony," Jon said.

"A Child of the Forest?" she asked, suspicious, not fully understanding what he meant, but Jon's face became serious as he looked at her.

"There's something you need to know first, Rhaenys, before we proceed with this... But let's leave that for later. I want you to reach the main ship first," he said.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, not liking his words.

"Let's get to my ship first, and then we'll talk. I just ask for a little more patience," Jon said. After all, he didn't know how she would react to his words about his identity and their blood relation, but he remained resolute. She, realizing she couldn't say much more, relaxed, though curiosity consumed her.

Their ship sailed for two days until the Arctic fleet was finally spotted in the middle of the sea.

Doran had already given up hope of finding them, knowing very well what had happened as he shattered a cup in front of his entire family.

"It seems we underestimated the Arctic king... They took Nyra right from under our noses," Martell commented with a certain venom in his tone.

"I underestimated him," he continued. "He definitely knew about Nyra... But how did he get into the city? Was he on those ships the whole time and slipped past my spies?"

Doran gazed at his family, who stood there with varied expressions, then turned his eyes to his brother with a serious tone. "I want you to go after them and bring Rhaenys back," he said, feeling the same anger that much of his family felt upon realizing they could be plundered so easily without even noticing.

After all, they knew Rhaenys had more affection for her uncle than for anyone else in her family. Oberyn was not pleased to learn that, just a few days ago, Elia's daughter had been taken without them noticing, while countless guards fell to the ground. He had to go after her.


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