
Chapter Four

Xing returned to the spot where he encountered the gods to search for evidence that he had indeed witnessed immortals that night. As he scoured the area, he came across a golden feather. It possessed a magical quality and emitted a strong aura.

"I was correct. It was indeed a bird spirit that appeared!" Xing exclaimed, picking up the feather and placing it in his jade, which caused it to disappear magically.

A few days later...

"The Xing family is hosting a grand celebration today. I heard that both Mr. Chao and Mr. Xing's sisters are getting married," Mr. Lin stated.

Inside the house, Sui He and Yao Yao were dressed in elegant red hanfu gowns. Their tear-stained faces revealed their reluctance to part with their family, especially Xing. "Brother! I don't want to leave your side. I just want you to be with me forever," Sui He sobbed as she embraced her older brother. "Shh, you are a grown lady now. It would not be appropriate for your makeup to be ruined," Bai chuckled.

"Don't be silly. Our little sister is just being emotional due to her novels," Chao Xing smirked, wiping away her tears with his hand and placing a kiss on her cheek. Fen Hua emerged from her room to behold her beautiful daughters. Overwhelmed with both joy and sadness, she approached them and embraced them tightly. It was an emotional moment for all of them.

Su Feng and Yao Yao could not bear the pain of leaving behind the family they had grown up with. If they had their way, they would never get married and cancel the wedding instead. Despite it being a love marriage by mutual consent, they were still not prepared to part ways.

"Mother, I will be getting married today. After today, our lives will never be the same. We will have many responsibilities, such as giving birth, raising children, and being a mother. I just want Yao Yao and me to remain as carefree as we were before – reading novels, wandering around the village, and having Xing by our side," Sui He said, tears streaming down her face like a river.

"Come on, Yao Yao will be by your side, and you can always visit us whenever you'd like. I am just glad that you and Yao are marrying each other's brothers. Either way, you won't miss home too much," Bai said, rubbing their backs and offering them comfort.

After a heartfelt conversation, they all headed outside where the wedding procession awaited. Two men dressed in red stood waiting for their future wives to join them. As their eyes met, their hearts fluttered. Shi Liu gazed in awe at Sui He, while Yuan Zhao looked at Yao Yao with the same admiration – both brides looked breathtaking.

The two couples stood at the wedding altar with their spouses across from them.

Their faces were partially obscured by red veils, but Liu and Zhao could sense their beauty.

The priest began to speak. "Pin Yin Kou Tou 寇拖. First, bow to the heavens!" The couples bowed. "Pin Yin Kou Tou 寇拖. Second, bow to the ancestors and your parents!" They bowed again. "Pin Yin Kou Tou 寇拖. Third, bow to each other! You promise to respect and be there for each other, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in prosperity and in poverty. 你們承諾互相尊重,彼此陪伴,無論順境或逆境,無論疾病或健康,無論貧富," the priest recited.

The couples entwined their arms and shared a symbolic drink from the Nuptial goblet. "The wedding is solemnized. 婚禮隆重舉行!"

Everyone cheered, including Xing, who repeatedly toasted to their happiness. They ate and drank to their heart's content. It was a joyful occasion, not a somber one.

At that moment, Xing's best friend arrived. It was already dark outside, but his grand entrance was marked by fireworks lighting up the sky and lanterns floating about.

"Luo Shiyi, I thought you would miss Sui He and Yao Yao's wedding," Xing said, embracing Shiyi and guiding him to their seats.

"Where have you been all this time? We were worried that you might have gotten into trouble, as you often do," Bai asked, passing a glass of wine to Shiyi.

"Oh, what's the worst that could happen? Besides, I couldn't miss the union of my favorite people, could I?" Shiyi replied smugly.

Su and Yao blushed as they hugged Shiyi. Even though he was seldom present, they cherished his presence. Xing had never had friends before, but Shiyi was an exception. The villagers often speculated that the two best friends were in love with each other.

"Brother Shiyi, we missed you so much. A lot has happened in the past few days, but it's all behind us now, and we are all together," Su said, still holding onto Shiyi. "Yes, all that matters is that you are here, witnessing our wedding. That's all that matters! Thank you for the fireworks, Shiyi," Yao added.

"Oh my, when did you two become so emotional and kind? Did Xing bother you while I was away? If he did, I'll spank his butt for you!" Shiyi chuckled.

"No, we just miss the old days. That's all," Yao replied, and Su nodded in agreement.

"Alright, alright. Now get off me before your husbands beat me to a pulp. I'm sure they are eager to enjoy their wedding night," Shiyi teased, pointing at the two brothers, who appeared excited and impatient. A pink blush adorned their faces, as well as those of their wives.

"Shiyi, can't you ever be quiet? You're embarrassing them," Xing scolded, kicking Shiyi's leg.

Shiyi looked at the two men and Xing's siblings, who were mortified by the embarrassment. They wished the ground would swallow them whole. Observing their comical expressions, Luo Shiyi burst into laughter, rolling on the floor while clutching his stomach.

"Why must you be like this, Shiyi? Yao and I, along with our husbands, are heading home. It's quite late!" Sui He spoke, beads of sweat forming on her face. She held onto Yao's hand, gesturing for their husbands to follow suit and quickly head home before Shiyi could say anything else that might further challenge their dignity. They hastened their footsteps but heard Shiyi utter more nonsense.

"Yes, run away and head home. Just keep your voices down, or the entire neighborhood will be disturbed by your passionate lovemaking," Shiyi was about to say more when his mouth was suddenly filled with a steamed bun. "Shut up and let's eat. You'll wake up Mother if you keep shouting," Xing said, annoyed.

If there was one person who could simultaneously irritate and amuse Xing, it was Luo Shiyi. After a few minutes, Shiyi's laughter subsided.

"Hey Xing, I heard rumors that you were in a coma a few days ago. What happened?" Shiyi inquired, as Xing's gaze shifted to the stars while he continued to drink his wine.

Just as Xing was about to respond, his attention was diverted by the sight of a flying sword. It moved with the agility of an eagle. Fortunately, Xing possessed heightened senses, a secret he had never shared with anyone.

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