

The scenery was wonderful, the sun had already set, but thanks to the light of Polyphemus, it looked more like dusk.

The tree of souls, which stood in the middle of the village, a tree that reached about 30 meters high, with its long, thick branches covering a lot of ground, brought fluorescent purple and blue light, with its dangling tendrils, which shone with indescribable beauty.

Around the tree, the entire village was there, and thanks to the large space around the tree, at least 6500 Na'Vi, who were waiting for the initiation ritual, in which Sukai would cease to be the Olo'eyktan, to pass the mantle to his son.

Behind the tree of souls was a small hut, where Sukai, Aleyx, and his mother; M'aora, now stood. Father and son being prepared by M'aora, who looked at Aleyx with a proud and loving gaze, as she finished writing patterns with ceremonial paints on Aleyx.

Running her painted finger over Aleyx's face, M'aora drew a line from the bottom of his nose to his chin; "Your time has come early Aleyx, yet Eywa acts in mysterious ways, I only hope that I will guide you, and that I will be the bridge to lead you to become more worthy than your father in his prime, for you are here to create great changes..."

"I will bring great changes sa'nu, and the two of you will be a part of it" Aleyx replied, watching as his mother turned away from him, and giving a nod, led Sukai and Aleyx out of the hut.

Once outside, Aleyx saw all the members of the tribe, who were looking at him expectantly, seeing that, Aleyx swallowed saliva, as he stood in his place without moving for a moment, and that if it hadn't been for his mother, who hit his rib with her elbow, Aleyx would surely stay in his place, giving a bad impression to the clan members.

Snapping out of his stupor, Aleyx cleared his throat a little, then continued walking until he stood in the middle of a small altar in front of the tree, in full view of everyone.

M'aora began by addressing the tribe, giving her opening speech, speaking of all the challenges they had gone through together, the thousands of songs they had sung, and the fruitful years ahead for the village.

After that, M'aora turned to Aleyx and Sukai, both of whom approached where she stood, with M'aora placing them facing each other, without turning their backs to each other.

"A new beginning begins, one full of life, prosperity, and balance, today, in front of Eywa, Aleyx, son of Sukai, will take up the mantle and duty of Olo'eyktan, a duty he will have to his people, and one he will have until his death or when he can no longer protect us," said M'aora, looking at Aleyx, who was taking a small knife from a sheath on his chest.

Approaching Aleyx to Sukai, Aleyx proceeded to make a small cut with the knife on his father's chest, leaving a small trail of blood gushing out.

When Aleyx finished his action, the crowd, which had been silent, erupted in cheers and applause, cheering and congratulating Aleyx's ascension as Olo'eyktan, while also thanking Sukai, as the former leader.

However, M'aora raised his hand, causing everyone to fall silent, once silence returned to the scene, M'aora decided to begin the final act.

"As tradition dictates, the four leaders, of the O'subaiya tribes, will have the opportunity for single combat, where the winner will become Olo'eyktan." M'aora, after telling everyone that, turned to the four leaders of the other tribes, who had come to witness Aleyx's ascension as Olo'eyktan.

From left to right, they were Mere'iya, leader of the northern tribe, Tu'tey, leader of the tribe of the fishermen of the gray sea, Reteru, leader of the tribe of the valleys, and Sen'ia, leader of the tribe of the hallelujah mountains.

Of the four, only Reteru and Mere'iya stepped forward, Reteru, a tall Na'vi, more muscular than ordinary Na'Vi, was a slightly older Na'Vi, but a very experienced warrior, with several scars to prove it. On the other side was Mere'iya, a Na'Vi woman, a slender warrior with a strong build and a biting gaze.

As both leaders stepped forward, Aleyx was able to analyze them better, knowing that if he lost today, he would lose his newly won title, something he was unwilling to do.

M'aora, seeing that two leaders had decided to exercise their right, signaled to some young Na'Vi standing at the side of the stage, who brought three long spears, which would be used for the duel.

Giving the spears to the three of them, the whole crowd made a big circle, leaving enough space for the duel. Mere'iya, Reteru, and Aleyx began to walk in circles, as there were three of them, they would all face each other at the same time, with it being seen as defeat if anyone was cut by the spear blade, the winner being the one who did not receive any cuts.

Taking the lead, Aleyx feinted with his spear, which was blocked with difficulty by Reteru, who was a little surprised by Aleyx's speed. Reteru, not wanting to be left behind, used his spear and began to take the lead, wanting to take Aleyx out of the game, however, thanks to his focus on Aleyx, he forgot that the fight was between three, which Mere'iya took advantage of, seeing that Reteru had been pushed back by Aleyx, he ran up to Reteru's back, and using his spear, managed to slash at Reteru's back, causing Reteru to hiss in pain, only to realize that he had been defeated.

Looking at Mere'iya, Aleyx could now visualize her better, she was young, even beautiful Aleyx would dare say, for while Aleyx had adapted to the Na'Vi, she still did not look kindly on Na'Vi women, who tended to have a feline appearance. Mere'iya would come to be the first Na'Vi to look more appealing, even if she was prettier than Neytiri.

Aleyx was snapped out of his reverie, however, as he was forced to parry a thrust from Mere'iya's spear.

Aleyx, in an act of inhuman speed, slid the shaft of his spear upwards, parrying another thrust from Mere'iya's spear, which surprised him by its strength, that even as a woman, and Aleyx being empowered by the flower of the Su'tre, she was able to parry his blow.

However, Aleyx felt that this confrontation was taking too long, so stepping back a little, Aleyx proceeded to grab the handle with both hands and in a sudden movement, swung the spear as if it were a pickaxe, which was again parried, only with more difficulty this time.

But Aleyx's movement did not stop there, and lowering the spear in a diagonal motion, he was able to land a cut on Mere'iya's left leg, which to Aleyx's acceptance, made no sound, only letting his pain show through his scowl.

"Teri'ostu elak Olo'eyktan!" shouted M'aora, ending the fight.

"Teri'ostu elak Olo'eyktan!"

"Teri'ostu elak Olo'eyktan!"

With that said, everyone raised their voices, proclaiming Aleyx as their Olo'eyktan, as Aleyx paid his respects to his two opponents.

Once this was done, Aleyx was led by his mother, who took him to the center of the clearing, where the clan began to surround him, and then began to lay their hands on him, creating a chain. With that done, Aleyx's future had changed, one that he would face with all the tools he could, to lead his clan to new villages.

Thank you very much for the support this modest story has received, also, please, I've been having trouble lately with the gender of the characters, so when you see that it doesn't fit, please don't hesitate to point it out.


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