
The Dream

"Babe, cheers! Dad has approved of our relationship," Lily said to Adrian. Lily's father has tried every possible way to stop them from continuing the relationship. But it seems nothing can separate the two. They were so cleaved that nothing could break the bond binding them.


Adrian: "What did I just hear you say, babe? Has Dad approved of our relationship? How did this happen, and what made him change his mind?" He's very surprised by what Lily just said. Lily's father hates him so much, and now how can he just change his mind all of a sudden?


Lily: "He called me at about 8:00 p.m., and when I went to him and sat down, he said, "Lily, my daughter, you know I love you so much; the gods have told me that if I don't let you be with that boy, Adrian, from the earth, you will be stroked with demantia, and no man will be interested in you anymore. I can't watch you suffer this. I love you so much that I have thought over and over again about the gods message. Now I have decided to let you and that boy be with each other." This was what my father told me. I'm so excited, and all thanks be to the gods who made my dad change his mind to give us his consent.


Adrian: "Nice one from the gods. But I want to ask, "Would your father still not change his mind tomorrow? You and I know he hates me so much. What if he hardens his mind?"


My father won't dare to do that. The reason being that he loves me so much. He can't let me get demantia.

The gods had given him a condition under which he couldn't bargain. Babe, I'm very sure we have won the battle. If the gods are for us, who can be against us? As she said this, she tickled Adrian on the cheek.


Adrian: "I pray he doesn't change to his formal self. Finally, the battle is over, and we are more than conquerors. Adrian is so excited, as he has received the best news ever in his life. It's as if he now has all-around rest.


The two lovers were super excited. Daddy's consent means a lot to them. A real source of happiness. The impossible has now become possible. They kissed, licking each other's lips as if there was honey rubbed on their lips.


Mum needs to hear this; let me call her, says Adrian. "Mum,  good day. I trust you are good."


"I'm fine, and you, my lovely son?"


Adrian: "Good too. Guess what, mom?"

"You know I'm not good at guessing. What is it, my son?"


"Lily's dad has approved our relationship."


" Wow! I'm so happy for you and her. That's awesome news. Now my son is a happy man.

The woman was also so excited. She knew that this had been causing a torgue of war in Adrian's life. "See you and Lily soon."


"Okay, mum. Thanks."

"Good bye, son."


Lily: "Now that dad has consented, you are very free to come to Jupiter for your fortification. And much more, we are going to spend a lot of time together. You know your first visitation was cut short, right?"


Adrian: "Yeah, I still remember. Everything will go smoothly now, as it ought to. Now I will feel free to roam about on Jupiter.




"Yeah, babe, Jupiter is now your second home. You're free to roam about anywhere on Jupiter. I think when next you are visiting, mom needs to come over with you so she can at least feel the environment. Is that not a nice idea?"


Adrian: "It is my love." So if I marry you know, automatically I will become part of your royal family. Wow! Destiny can just change in a twinkling of an eye."


Lily: "Yeah, my love. That's why one shouldn't look down on anyone. The world rotates; you may be at the back today, but tomorrow you will be at the front. No one can really tell what's going to happen next."


Knock… knock… Someone was knocking on Adrian's door. Adrain jerked off from the bed. "Where is my Lily? he asked, looking hastily at every corner of the room as if Lily had gone to  hide.Lily was nowhere to be found. Now he realizes it was a dream. All the conversations they had were not real.


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