
Live To See Another Day

After a few minutes of stunned silence, the angry mob was no longer angry, and they filed out of Wu Bai Hee's house like the good little idiots they were.

Closing the door behind them, she twisted the lock and leaned against the door, breathing out a sigh. 

If they were looking for someone to kill, it was best that she focus their attention on someone she wanted dead. Like that fucking Angel. 

She snorted at the name. Who would ever accept that as a nickname? Clearly, that woman was more than a bit narcissistic. 

Whatever, she was no longer her problem. The mob would go next door, pull her out of Bin An Sha's home, and execute her. 

She couldn't wait to watch. 

"Since when have you been speaking to a God?" asked an amused voice from the kitchen. 

Suppressing her groan, Wu Bai Hee turned her attention to the woman leaning against the counter, two baskets of fruit in front of her. 

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