
I'm not overly envious, I'm just a jealous lover

Snowball nuzzled closer against Isabelle's chest.

"My poor baby..." She murmured, sighing deeply as she scratched under Snowball's chin, stroking the soft white fur there. "Your poor tired kitten."

She stopped to get his kitten sling, putting it on - with help from her husbands - and then encouraging him to amble in and curl up in there.

She wanted to let him stretch his legs as much as possible each night so he didn't get too cooped up, but right now while he just wanted to sleep but be next to his mama - and especially if she was going to dance at all - it was best for him to be safe and secure in his cozy sling.

Lyov kissed her cheek before letting her go and heading towards the door.

The room was just down the hall from where they were.

She adjusted the strap to accommodate Snowball's tiny bulk before following him into the room, along with the rest of their party.

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