
We’re Going Live!

[Name]: Alexander Aphelion

[Level]: 383

[Occupation]: Hero (Yon Augenn)

[Class]: Scout

[Subclass]: Archer

[Hit Points]: 2,100 / 2,100

[Mana]: 1,210 / 1,210

[Stamina]: 1,200 / 1,200

[Talent]: [Smart (Common)] [Brave (Common)] [Great Reflexes (Common)] [(Acquired)Sharp Combat Senses (Uncommon)] [Dagger Enthusiast (Uncommon)] [(Acquired) Deadeye (Uncommon)] [(Acquired) Wind Affinity (Rare)] [One With The Shadows (Unique)] [(Acquired)Dragon Amongst Men (Epic)]

[Blessings]: [(Permanent) Blessing of the Wind God (Minor)] [(Permanent) Blessing of Greater Agility] [(Permanent) Blessing of Greater Dexterity] [(Permanent) Blessing of Greater Intelligence] [(Permanent) Blessing of Greater Strength]

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