
First time for everything

(Midtown High, New York)

Elijah had been working for SHIELD for 6 months now. He was 17, and as for what he was doing before he started out at SHIELD? He'd rather not bring those memories up. He had never been in a school of any kind, so he had no idea what to expect. He was never the type to be nervous. That's simply how he had been trained by them. But now, standing in front of his new high school, he had no idea how to describe himself other than as nervous. His mission was simple; attend the high school, watch out for any supernatural events and people. If they were dangerous, report to the Director, and maybe eliminate them. If they were potential heroes, keep them alive long enough for SHIELD to contact them about maybe joining the Avengers. Simple, right? Absolutely not.

He was an assassin. He was quite simply not trained for this. Protecting and assassinating do not go hand in hand. However, he was told a certain agent was stationed in New York and he could rely on her if he required assistance, but that did nearly nothing to quell his nerves. This was definitely going to be a pain in the ass.

He walked in the main doors of the school, lamenting the events that led to him being here. He walked through the maze of hallways in the school, making his way towards the administrative office. Upon walking in, he saw the school secretary sitting behind his desk.

"Hi, I'm here to make my enrollment official"

Secretary: "Ah yes, Mr Elijah Cole. Please fill out these forms and we can get you enrolled right away"

...did SHIELD seriously use his real name? He knew he wasn't exactly undercover, but still. The least they could do was give him a fake alias. That's like spying 101.

He took the forms from the secretary and sat down on a nearby chair. It was all the usual information a school would require. Date of birth, blood type, primary residence, any existing medical conditions. His eyes then went further down the page to see that the line for Emergency Contact was already filled in. 

"Huh. Weird. I guess SHIELD had it filled in for me. But who the hell's number is this? DON'T TELL ME. IS NICK FURY MY DAD NOW."

Somewhere in the skies high above the United States, aboard a Helicarrier, a shiver went down the spine of a certain Eye-patch wearing, trench coat rocking Director.

Elijah filled the forms out and handed them back to the Secretary, after which he promptly followed him to his current class. The classes must have already begun as there was nobody in the halls, and he'd heard that Midtown High had an abundance of students.

Upon reaching the class, Elijah knocked on the door and entered what seemed to be a science lab. In front of him was a bespectacled man in a labcoat, who he could only assume to be the teacher of this class. Elijah walked up to him and introduced himself.

"Hello sir, my name is Elijah Cole, I'll be joining your class from today"

Teacher: "Ah yes, the new transfer student! My name is Professor Curtis Connors. You can call me Professor Conners, if you'd like."

The man exuded an energetic, yet intelligent vibe. Like a Chihuahua with more than one braincell and without the psychopathic tendencies. (Elijah had had one too many close calls with Chihuahua's, but that's a story for another day)

Professor Conners: "You can introduce yourself to the class, and then take any empty seat you'd like"

Elijah turned to look at the class and had to admit, he was no longer as nervous as he was before. He'd been on life-endangering missions, attending classes with a bunch of teenagers would be a piece of cake.

"Hey, my name is Elijah Cole, nice to meet all of you. Is that good? I have no idea what I'm supposed to say here"

He said, turning to Professor Connors. The class was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. At least, it was until Elijah heard someone snickering in the back of the class. He looked towards the source of the sound to see a blonde girl with piercings laughing into her hand. She stopped once she noticed Elijah and the rest of the class looking at her, the class having dumbfounded expressions, and Elijah having the most unamused look on his face that she had ever seen.

???: "Sorry, it was just so quiet, and that introduction was so bad"

Elijah looked at her with a blank expression and mentally added her to the list of people to suggest for elimination if he ever found her to be superhuman.

Professor Conners: "Well, now that that's out of the way, Elijah, why don't you take the empty seat next to Miss Stacy there"

Elijah turned to see where the Professor was pointing, only for his eyes to land on the empty desk next to the same blond girl that had just laughed.

"Perfect. Time to observe her for supernatural tendencies and promptly eliminate her."

Of course, he was only joking...probably.

He sat down next to the girl as the Professor continued his lecture on Electrolysis.

"So, my introduction was so bad, huh"

He whispered towards the girl. She turned to look at him, her teasing smirk not faltering for a second, before whispering back.

???: "Well, it was awkward. And in most cases awkward is bad, so yeah, i might have to classify it as bad"

"Hmm. At least it's an improvement from so bad. The name's Elijah, Elijah Cole. What about you?"

???: Nice to meet you, Elijah Cole. The name's Gwen, Gwen Stacy."

End of Chapter 2~

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