
Chapter Four

"You should laugh more often my boy, it makes you look younger." The queen beamed at him

"Oh, I had not realized I was getting old too." He laughed again, rubbing at his beard.

“I am going to pretend I did not take offense to that, but I'm not growing any younger and certainly aren't you, my dear prince. I need little princes and little princesses to spoil before my time comes." She laughed softly.

"Mother you are exaggerating. You’re healthy and you certainly look very young for your age." They came to a stop. The queen entwined the fingers of her hands in front of her and turned to look at her son.

"I might, but death knocks at one's door regardless of their health or age." She said

“Does this have something to do with the talk I had with father before? Is this why I’m being forced to marry?” Anger surfaced within him the more his mind ran wild.

“Clam yourself my prince. Goodness, you know I would never use that against you. What kind of a mother would I be?!”

“Forgive me. It has been a long day.” He sighed, “However, I am officially becoming worried, why the sudden talk of death. Should I be worried? Do you have something you want to tell me?" He took one of her hands in his and searched for a clue as to what it could be.

“Heavens, you are taking this the wrong way. I am hinting at one thing and you are picturing something entirely different. No, I'm not dying nor is your father." She laughed at his expression of relief.

“Oh." He simply said.

“Yes, I'm merely wondering when you're going to want to settle and bring new members to our family." She shrugged before turning around and adjusting a few chairs and flowers

"Oh mother,” he threw his hands in the air, “please not you as well. I already have the King to deal with where this topic is concerned." He groaned

"There is nothing wrong with wanting such a good thing to happen to your son." She said with her back still to him.

"Well, since you’ve brought it up. I already have a potential candidate." He said

"Really?” The excitement was evident in her voice, “Who is it? Is it someone your father and I know?" The queen turned around, her eyes shining with anticipation.

"Yes, Rashida Mustafa. You remember her? We first met while I was in university?"

"I thought that ended long back, considering your rather recent associations and long acquired reputation." The queen spat the last word. Obviously it wasn’t just one of his parents who wasn’t happy with his recent life choices.

"Yes. But we met up again before I left California." He explained with a shrugged

"Well good for you, but frankly, I do not think she is the right candidate for this job." She said

“Yes? And who might make a more suitable candidate?" He raised an eyebrow, “She is an assertive businesswoman who is doing quite well for herself, from a noble family. She’s young and beautiful."

“There is no love there. You're just doing this for duty?”

"I didn't realize there was love when you married father. Were you not doing it out of duty as well?" He coldly spat, but he instantly regretted his words.

“My dear," she held his face in her hands and looked into his eyes, " it might not have been love at first sight with your father and me but, it grew into something much more. With time and effort, it grew into a friendship and then eventually great love and respect for one another. I will not lie and say that we got along from the beginning, that we fell in love instantly when in reality it was the complete opposite. I would not want you to go through such a time because you have already gone through that." She moved her hands and captured his in her soft and warm ones, "You and Rashida cannot make a marriage work. You are too much of the same to make anything good out of it. Who you need is someone with a warm heart that can warm that spirit of yours up and mend your soul. And Rashida, frankly, is certainly not the one for that. Remember, not all that we want in life is necessarily good for us, and that sometimes that which we turn a blind eye to is exactly what we do. So I beg you, my son. She might be pretty but, when you begin the search for your wife, look with your heart and never with your eyes, hmm? Now go and get ready. The celebrations will begin soon." She brought his face closer to hers and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before walking off to some of the working servants.

Rafiq cleared his throat and looked at her as she walked away. She was the only woman he allowed to speak to him with such bluntness, and he truly was grateful for her presence in his life, because without her he had no idea where he would be now. Rafiq thought this before he turned around and headed back inside to do as he had been told.


"Here you go Ziza." Lulu, Ziza's waitressing colleague smiled as she passed a doggie bag from the kitchen to her.

"Thanks, Lu. How's the headache?"

"Honestly? It feels like it is getting worse by the minute." She rubbed her temples.

"I hope you get well soon, really, you should go home and rest," Ziza accepted the large bag.

"I wish I could but I can't, I need the extra money this week so I'm working overtime." Lu sighed.

"Well if you need any help let me know. Otherwise I'll see you around, I have to go before I’m late. Take care!" Ziza waved and darted into the staff locker rooms, unwrapping her apron as she hurried along. Today, since she was only working half day she was leaving after lunchtime. Ziza decided earlier to surprise her boyfriend and swing by his place for dinner. She made quick work of changing back into her regular clothes, shoving her uniform into her satchel since she had laundry to take care of anyway.

Ziza unlocked the front door, using the spare key Kevin gave her a while back. She'd just taken out the food and put it in the microwave when she paused and frowned. That's when she heard the sound again, except it sounded like a woman this time. She frowned upon stepping on a clothing item discarded at the top of the stairs.

Ziza thought she would die right then. Distress shot through her heart when she found a discarded garment halfway up the staircase, nothing she owned. Then another and then Kevin's the closer she got. Ziza tried swallowing the huge lump in her throat. Tears blurred her vision.

"I love you so much." Kevin rasped.

Ziza’s heart broke. Oh, how she wanted to bolt out of the house. But she didn't, because for some reason she needed to see this for herself, to know it was the truth. Her shaky hand reached out in front her and pushed the door all the way open. It wasn’t until Ziza broke that Kevin wide ocean gaze stared at her. Instantly, he jerked his sweat glistened body, scrambling from the woaman beneath him.

"Ziza..." His voice trailed off as he grasped the sheets to his body to conceal his nakedness from her tearful gaze. His counterpart who’d done the same, sat up slowly. Ashamed was the last thing she looked. When Ziza blinked the tears from her eyes, that's when she saw the woman's face. She hadn’t thought the pain tormenting her chest could get any worse. The legs that carried her threatened to bulk beneath the weight, as she swayed unsteadily on her feet.


"Ziza I can explain..." Kevin scrambled from the untidy bed.

"Explain? Explain what?!!" Anger tore through her.

"You bastard! You were cheating on me with my sister?" Aliyah was her half-sister, Faizah's daughter. Younger than her by roughly a year.

More tears rolled down her cheeks, “How could you do such a sick thing?" She directed the question to her half-sibling that sat cross-legged on the bed. Not a single sign of remorse in her onyx eyes. Her face was as passive as ever, giving away nothing of what she felt.

"You had it coming.” She said, "It’s a little something called karma."

Ziza saw red.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" Aliyah saw her coming, so she tried to evade her by rising from the bed, but Ziza moved faster. Pulling her by the waist, she pounded at the girl's back.

"You slut! How could you! How could you do this to me?” Tears, hot and big rolled down her flushed cheeks.

Ziza was about to throw another punch when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist and forcefully pull her away. Ziza struggled to escape Kevin's grip, but nothing worked. He was too strong.

“You will burn in hell! Do you hear me?! You will burn—" She sobbed as Kevin harshly deposited onto the cold marble floor. Ziza fell on her bum but was quick to regain her footing.

“Enough Ziza! Are you crazy?! You could hurt her!" Kevin shouted. Anger evident in his bellowing voice.

"What?” Ziza gapped, her teary eyes wide, “all this is happening before your very eyes and all can do is defend her?" This was utterly unbelievable—all of it! It had to be a nightmare. There was no way this was real.

"I never wanted this for us!" He snapped.

"And I did?!" Ziza shoved him in the chest causing him to stumble a little.

"I cannot believe this." She wept into her cupped hands, shaking her head from side to side as if trying to wake up. She’d always known Aliyah hated her, but she’d never know this bad.

"You better. It is what it is." Aliyah shoved her way into a vest. Kevin’s.

“Shut up! Shut up you little tramp!" Ziza charged in the girl's direction. But Kevin’s next words stopped her dead in her tracks before she’d jumped over the bed to reach her target.

"No! She's pregnant, Ziza!"

"W-what?" If anymore blood drained from her face she’d start looking like a corpse.

"Aliyah's pregnant." He murmured.

Ziza dropped to her haunches finally giving into her powerless body, "this is too much." She shook her head in disbelief.

“I can’t take this.” Nausea hit her hard until she thought she would see stars.

The past two, almost three years, were being undone just like that. As if they hadn’t meant anything. All his words had been lies. If she could go back in time, she would have gone back to that party and told her younger self to turn him down, that she wouldn’t regret it. She’d have told herself to look the other way when he smiled at her in the quad that afternoon and told herself not to fall in love with his smile. It hurt so bad, being discarded as if she didn’t matter.

“We actually were celebrating before you barged in here." Aliyah sneered.

Aliyah, please." Kevin warned, racking his hands through his already dishevelled tresses. That's when Ziza spotted the sonogram on the bedside table.

"What? It's the truth." She rolled her eyes.

"You've been busy haven't you?" Ziza asked after taking a deep breath

"Ziz. I—" Kevin didn't get to finish his sentence before Ziza threw a strong punch to his jaw.

"Don't you call me that again? You lost the right to do so when you decided my sister was all you needed." She spat, “You lied to me, and used me. You told me you loved me, Kevin. You could have told me that was all an act and I would have been out of your hair sooner rather than later." She said.

"Aziza I do love—"

“Yeah? But you loved my sister more? Don't even try to deny it. I already heard you say it." She sucked in air through her lips to try and do away with the nausea.

“Gosh, I can't believe I fell hard for a jerk like you. How long has this been going on?" She asked.

Kevin scratched the back of his neck, "A year," he whispered.

“A year,” she laughed. She was finally going mad, Ziza thought. He’d done it, he’d driven her to madness. Why else would she be laughing as if she’d the best joke in her life?

“Kevin, what have we been doing all these years? How—,“ she stopped herself.

“I wished he’d been wrong, can’t believe Ferran was right about you. You weren't worth my time."

“Well how do I know you haven’t done anything with that guy? You’re always too close with him. It would explain why he hates me in the first place—,“ she didn’t wait for him to finish before she slapped him so hard even Aliyah jumped back from the echoing sound of her hand connecting with his face. She used so much momentum that he stumbled and fell onto the bed.

Her palm stung, which was good, because it meant it hurt.

“I should have listened to him. It would have saved me the disappointment. Have a good life.” Sending Aliyah one last glare, Aziza bolted out if the room.

“No wait!” She heard him shouted after her,” Ziza I didn’t mean it like that—,” never looking back, not even when Kevin called out her name again she kept on running. Everything in that house was suffocating and she needed to get out.

She got into her car a sobbing mess. Everything she was doing from that instant was autopilot work. It all felt like her life was gone and she didn't know what to do. The only person she loved and thought they loved her back had stabbed her in the back with a huge cleaver.

She didn’t know how she’d made it or how she’d thought it, but Aziza found herself knocking the door of the only person she knew would always be there for her. Who loved her unconditionally?

“Ziza, what’s wrong?"

"Fezza..." Tears continued to stream down her crestfallen face.

Ferran didn't need any explanation, he simply opened his arms wide and held the sobbing girl in his arms.

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