
Chapter 142 The Battle of Poland (5)

When the German ground troops and air troops marched toward the border in a mighty manner, the hands on the clock slowly pointed to five o'clock.

when! when! when! when! when!

Berlin citizens who had been waiting all night gathered around the Berlin Palace, quietly waiting for the last moment.

In 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II delivered his famous war speech from the palace balcony, and Germany was swept into a frenzy.

Twenty-four years later, when Wilhelm set foot here, the crowd outside was even greater than before.

In front of a hotel window in the distance, a young man stood on the balcony with a camera in his hand, pointing at the dense crowd on the street and pressing the shutter. He sighed as he took the photo. "It's really spectacular. Look at this posture. Even if the top German officials don't want to go to war, they will be forced to go to the battlefield by the people."

There was also a middle-aged man wearing glasses sitting in front of the desk in the room, writing furiously while replying. "There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty that 'an arrow must be fired when it is on the string.' But if the arrow is not fired today, the consequences will be disastrous." Germany's attack on Poland would be equivalent to declaring war on Britain and France, and it would be another war.

The young man said a little puzzled. "How unimaginable is this? Are you talking about Britain and France? But now that the whole world knows that Germany is the victim, do Britain and France still dare to risk the world's disapproval and continue to support Poland?"

"You are too young to understand what dirty politics is." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he handed the two pieces of paper he had written eloquently to the young man. "Hurry up and send it to the editor-in-chief. If you're too late, you'll get scolded by him again."

"That guy has been arrogant in the office all day long. The boss should kick him out and see what good material he can find." The young man complained, took the paper and walked to the transmitter. Just then, the radio on the table suddenly made a tingling sound of electricity. "It's about to begin." The middle-aged man hurriedly took out a new piece of paper and placed it in front of him, staring at the radio attentively. The young man stopped playing with the transmitter and stared closely at the radio.

"Today, we stand here! Standing on German soil! Standing in Berlin, the land that our ancestors watered with blood and dignity! Before me stands a people, a people groaning in humiliation!

After the last war, the pride of our nation is gone! The dignity of the most noble nation on the European continent!

Those so-called victors and despicable politicians have obviously deceived the entire German nation. They deceive us with sweet words, induce us to disarm with all kinds of promises that will never be fulfilled, and then sit on our necks and dominate us. They divide our land at will, rob our property, and trample on our dignity!

What is even more outrageous is that just yesterday, on the German people's own land, unarmed civilians were brutally killed by a group of beasts."

At this point, Wilhelm thought of the tearful history of the original time and space, and tears couldn't help but burst out of his eyes.

And those who gathered in front of the radio and around the loudspeaker could really hear the choked sounds of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. A feeling of grief and indignation spread crazily from everyone's hearts, and then the deafening shouts of "Long live your highness!" "Long live Germany!" and "Revenge!" resounded in the German sky.

There were also foreign reporters in the crowd. They were first shocked that the actual ruler of an empire cried out on the radio over the deaths of several civilians. But the reactions of the people around them immediately shocked them.


All foreign reporters had the same word in their minds to describe the crowd around them.

Goebbels, who was not far away from Wilhelm, was trembling with excitement. His eyes looking at Wilhelm's back seemed to be looking up to the supreme God, his eyes full of madness and piety.

Wilhelm, who finally controlled his emotions, continued his speech. "If others bully us, even the weakest ethnic group tramples on us, we will only shout: We express our strong indignation and protest. Such people have no bones! Such people are despicable! We should Let the enemy tremble with the deafening sound of cannons! We should crush their dignity and lives and let them know that we are not a group of cowards who only know how to protest!"

"I am very proud. Among you people, there are very few such cowards! In front of me is a legion with unyielding blood for thousands of years! This blood once flowed in the veins of our ancestors, they did not give in! Now, it's are surging inside our bodies. You tell me, do you want it to cool down!?"

There was another overwhelming echo.

"If one day comes, I, Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, will be at the forefront holding the flag of our Germany! Even if I die in battle, I will enter heaven with a smile! I will meet those glorious ancestors of Germany. I can walk up to the great Emperor Frederick the Great with my head held high. I can proudly say to him: I, your descendant, have not embarrassed you. Shed the last drop of blood for the great Germany!"

"We are not fighting for slavery! We are fighting for freedom! We are not machines, not cattle and horses, we are human beings! We are the Germans who have never surrendered!"

"We unite in the name of freedom! Fight for a new, fair world! We fight for a job for all! Fight for our dignity! Fight for our promise!"

"Germans, we fight for the glory of our ancestors! Fight so that our descendants can proudly advertise that we are Germans who never surrender!"

"I gave the Polish government 20 hours yesterday, but not only did they refuse to admit their crimes, they also boasted that they could bulldoze Germany within three days. Since they long for war, let's give them war. Since they are still living in the dream of a powerful country, then we will use our steel guns, our cannons, and our bombs to wake them up and let them see clearly who is the strong one and who are the unyielding people!"

"I declare that Germany officially declares war on Poland!!"

Deafening cheers surged throughout the city like an overwhelming wave, and immediately reached the sky.

"Declare war!" As soon as Wilhelm finished his words, Rundstedt in the war room picked up the phone and issued the attack order. "'White Plan' Plan B is activated! Attack across the board!"

"Plan B activated! Attack across the board!"

The fighter planes and bombers that were already hovering in the sky couldn't wait to fly towards Poland, while the armored troops on the ground also increased their speed and rumbled towards the border.

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