
Chapter 133 : Paying Kiyoshi Matsumoto For A Lifetime

Apparently, when men hung out together, they had an inexplicable urge to brag.

Tonight, Midori had unwittingly become the target of their competitive boasting.

Tsukasa happily poured everyone sake, making sure that all the cups were filled to the brim.

Ryouichi beamed at everyone and offered everyone a second bowl of fried noodles.

Akiyama played deaf and blind, focusing only on eating and drinking.

Kiyoshi seemed to have lost his appetite altogether. He glared at everyone who shoved food in his direction, intentional or not.

Midori drank her soybean milk while watering her heart with blood, wishing with every fiber of her being that she could just pass out and retreat for the night.

The only silver lining of the horrible situation was that the dinner was generally a great success. 

Just as the last morsels were finished and the guests bade farewell for the night, S-9898's voice resonated, marking the end of the Seventh Mission.

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