
What a Pervert

Jade Star was a fairly new entertainment building that opened up in the capital's busy streets. It was built for the young, rich second generations and had three large public areas to socialise: a Chinese-style restaurant, a Western-style cafe, two medium-sized areas for parties, and multiple rooms based on luxurious karaoke boxes for smaller groups to enjoy themselves in private. With these sorts of high-class facilities, it was fun enough for many people to want to go to and not wild enough for parents to disapprove. 

Of course, even if the place itself was not wild, the customers could make it wild. 

"Hey," A fat young master grabs the waitress' wrist as she is about to straighten up from placing the drinks on the table, "You're quite cute; why don't you come and accompany Laozi* to drink?"

*Laozi- can mean 'I, your father,' 'this daddy', or 'I' in a very arrogant/contemptuous tone. 

The waitress pales and weakly tries to smile, "Sir, I'm sorry, but I have work to do."

"Heh," The fat young master sneers. He had good skin, and while he was overweight, it wasn't to the point of obesity, just fairly plump. If he was smiling, he would look like a jovial and kind person who many elderly people would love to pinch, but the meanness and arrogance in his eyes couldn't be hidden, and the lustful look on his face was very disgusting to see. "Your work is to make the customers happy. Am I not a customer?"

"A Huang, isn't it our first time here?" A thin and rather plain-faced young master that was sitting next to him awkwardly says, "Maybe we should just-"

"Shut up!" Wen Huang shoves the thin youth roughly, even if they were sitting the force was still enough to push the other into the lap of the next person causing everyone to laugh and jeer while holding their drinks. 

"Haha, Wen Muchen, as usual, you're so easy to fall!"

"Little Chen, don't be such a wet blanket, A Huang is right, we are the customers! And the customers are always right!"

"It's too funny. Do you think the waitress isn't willing? Look at her!"

The pretty girl had her head down, trembling as she heard the last comment. She glances at the only one who is willing to go against the fat young master with vague hope and expectation.

However when Wen Muchen clumsily sat back up, he straightens his shirt and laughs weakly, "As expected of A Huang, you're really strong!" He flatters clumsily. 

The waitress's eyes dim, and the other rich second generations chuckle disdainfully. Wen Huang, encouraged by the attitude of the room, looks at his inferior cousin with a contemptuous gaze. Really… how spineless. 

Wen Muchen's eyes flickered at everyone's faces before lowering his own line of sight slightly as he steadied his breathing, a big smile still plastered on his face. His hands were playing with the hem of his shirt, rubbing off the fine sheen of sweat growing on his fingers. "Should, should we have a drink then?" He suggests.

"Sure," Wen Huang smirks. But before Wen Muchen could relax, his elder cousin who had just pushed away the waitress, was now reaching at the table and moving all the drinks toward Wen Muchen. "Go ahead, drink."

The thin young master's smile froze, comprehending but also comprehending, "A Huang.. this..?"

Wen Huang tilts his head up arrogantly, "Didn't you want a drink? Drink it all."

The rest of the party thought it was quite entertaining and funny and they didn't hesitate to cajole the other loudly. 

"Brother Huang is so generous!"

"Drink it!"

"Wen Muchen, don't reject your cousin's kindness, haha!"




The cheers of the raucous young men roars out in the private room, full of laughter and smiles, but sometimes it was this naivety of youth that was the most malicious. They don't fully understand the effects of too much alcohol, that the jokes they make would be so painful, they just want to follow the crowd and feel good, whether it's true adrenaline or a sense of superiority, it's all okay. 

Wen Muchen also laughs with them; even though he is uncomfortable and nervous like there is a necklace of invisible weights on his neck, he doesn't want to ruin everyone's fun. Plus, to him, there was nothing wrong with having a few drinks either; after all, alcohol was really 'cool' to consume. But instinctively, he knew that it may not be good if he really went through with it as well.

However, under the chanting and his cousin's increasingly impatient eyes, Wen Muchen grits his teeth and grabs a glass. "Haha, well, since you say so, cousin, I'll do my best!" 

As he began to chug the drink down, the others began to cheer and hoot, clapping and praising him exaggeratedly. Wen Muchen's ears grew hot, and under the lively atmosphere, he began to scull the alcohol faster. 

Finishing the first glass, Wen Muchen was a bit dazed and excited as everyone patted him on the back and egged him on, eager to see him continue, ready to see how long he'll last. With more enthusiasm than before, he reached for the second glass and the third. 

Alcohol was really not a delicious taste in itself, and it has an uncomfortable, warm, almost burning feeling when drinking it. Generally it was something people learn to enjoy, an acquired taste or learn to ignore, just drinking for the sake of enjoying the feeling of drunkenness instead. 

Wen Muchen and the other rich second generations were still fairly young, only about fifteen, so this was more or less their first real experience with drinking. Because of that, most of the drinks were not heavy and were cocktails flavoured with other things, bright and interesting to the eye. However, no matter how much added syrups and fruits and such were in there, it was impossible not to taste the fairly strong aftertaste that came with many types of alcohol. 

To be honest, the skinny teenager felt it tasted really disgusting, and the burning sensation made his eyes a bit watery, but since everyone was admiring him, how could he show weakness now?

This mentality was quickly shattered, though. In the end, Wen Muchen was really unfamiliar with drinking, and he didn't eat much before coming to the Jade Star. By the time he finished his third drink, his cheeks were red, and he felt sick and nauseous, hesitating as another cup was pushed into his hands. 

"Come on, come on!" Someone urges happily, "It's only three cups, my elder brother said these things aren't high in alcohol content and that you aren't a man if you can't take at least five ah!"

"Our fathers drink all the time for business. Think of it as practice!"

"Haha, you look sick already; it turns out Little Chen is a lightweight?"

Wen Huang raises an eyebrow haughtily, "Aren't you going to drink?" He asks Wen Muchen, but there is a sense of forcefulness in his tone that makes the younger man's shoulders hunch up. 

"I.." Wen Muchen hesitates, "I think I can only do one more A Huang." He admits with a little timidity before putting on a big grin again, "Ahaha, it seems a bit too much for me?"

"Tsk, and here I thought you could do more." Wen Huang clicks his tongue, "Okay, do one more drink then, but I pick what you drink."

"Thank you A Huang!"

The other young men wanted to boo but looking at Wen Huang's face they didn't really dare to. After all his family was much better than theirs and Wen Huang had a bad temper so they didn't dare to go against him too much. Not to mention the other was the one who invited them here and they were already a bit in awe entering this 'adult' and 'exclusive' place.

However, the group was not disappointed for long as Wen Huang stood up and grabbed one of the glass bowls of complimentary candy that was by the entrance of the room and tipped out the contents on the floor. Then under everyone's wide eyes he puts the bowl on the table and gestures to everyone as he announces, "But why should I be the only one to pick what drink should be drunk? Everyone pick something and pour it into my cousin's final cup!"

"How interesting!"


"Can we order more?"

"As expected of Brother boss, haha!"

The candy bowl, in order to cater to the people who enter the private room throughout the day, was of a generous size, maybe slightly smaller than a salad bowl. If one filled it to the brim, it was at least three to four litres of liquid.

Seeing everyone's excitement in joining in on the fun, Wen Muchen who was watching more and more colourful drinks being poured in became pale. Fearfully, he tugs at his cousin's sleeve, "A Huang, I really can't do this…"

"Huh?" Wen Huang slaps his hand away, "If you back out now, then won't I love face with my buddies? If you don't drink it, I will be ashamed to death, you know?! I'll tell dad as well that you humiliated me, and he'll tell Uncle Fei too!"


"No buts! It's just some drinks anyway." Wen Huang waves off dismissively. 

At that time, the same waitress from before who had slipped out during the commotion reluctantly comes in with new drinks. Seeing the scene and the scared face of Wen Muchen, she only slightly keeps her eyes downcast and escapes the room even faster.

Wen Muchen smiles bitterly at this before a heavy weight was placed on his lap. Subconsciously, he steadied the object, but of course, the bowl was nearly filled to the brim, so it was inevitable that some liquid sloshed down from the sides. 

"Hey, hey, don't waste it!" Someone called out jokingly, but there was a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes.


Wen Muchen looks at everyone who was smiling and laughing happily. It was such a bright scene, but he could only feel the malice and stares piercing him. He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't understand what he should do. Wen Muchen could only try to join in and laugh with them. Laugh like a fool.

Lifting the bowl up, and pressing the rim to his lips, Wen Muchen nearly threw up at the mix of smells that entangled chaotically in the bowl, but the most distinct of all was the overwhelming scent of alcohol. 

Almost numbly, he swallows the foul, burning, disgusting concoction, barely registering the laughter, gagging, and jeers. In his mind, there were only three thoughts in his mind. 

I want to throw up.

I want to go home.

I want my dad. 

As he closes his eyes and tries to ignore the taste in his mouth and how his stomach curls around itself, threatening to unload its contents, he suddenly feels the heavy bowl in his hands snatched away. 

Opening his eyes, Wen Muchen was shocked to see the furious face of his father holding the bowl of liquid above him. He looks around to see everyone was as quiet and timid as quails, and realised that it had actually been a bit quiet for a little while now, he had just never noticed as he was concentrating too hard to block everything out. "Dad.." He calls out softly but it was hoarse and pitiful. As he speaks, he can taste the flavours on his tongue, and the teenager's face immediately twists with disgust, but he stubbornly holds back on vomiting in front of everyone. 

However, in Wen Fei's eyes, this sort of struggling appearance hurt his heart more. The original body still had some remnant emotions, but even without it, Wen Fei was already very upset at what he saw. Fuck, children can really be the most vicious types of people sometimes. 

Shifting the bowl so he only balanced it on one hand he leans over and comfortingly strokes his son's head gently, "Good son, let's go home." 

Wen Muchen, who had been trying to keep up a smile, could no longer maintain it anymore. Wiping away the tears that sprung from his eyes vigorously, he stood up and nodded, "Okay." He sniffles softly.

Wen Fei touched his head again in distress, "Baby, go outside and clean yourself up in the bathroom down the hall, then wait for me at the entrance there, okay?" He coaxes. 

His son didn't need to be told twice, even if he looked a bit reluctant to leave his father, he was more reluctant to keep the awful taste in his mouth for any longer. So, after looking back a few times, Wen Muchen skittered off obediently. 

Once Wen Muchen disappeared from sight, the soft and gentle expression on Wen Fei's face turned vicious and fierce as he faced these little brats. "Zou Heng, Gong Enlai, Kang Chao…" One by one, Wen Fei named each and every bully in the room, making everyone shudder and pale.

He knew their names. They were really… finished. 

After all, they were still young and were still pretty afraid when the teacher called their parents. And now this gave the exact same feeling, if not worse. A few rather weak-willed boys were already shedding tears; for them, it was great to join in on the fun, but when the pressure was on them, it was easy for them to break down. 

After all, they understood more or less who Wen Fei was. He was high society's walking gossip magazine. As long as he opened his mouth, everyone will know of their deeds. 

However, Wen Fei had little intention of spreading this around currently. While he likes to maintain the specialities of the original bodies he enters, if they had any, that doesn't mean he will use their talents blindly. 

Rumours can kill, and everyone is still young enough to change. Not to mention his son was the victim and it wasn't good to bring him under the spotlight like this. There was too many children with too many bear parents here, it was easy to reverse black and white in this situation. 

It sounds terrible but victim blaming was unfortunately far too common, and even though the person was innocent and didn't do anything wrong, the result of bringing the incident to the public eye can produce far worse effects for the accuser then the accused. 

They could blame their actions on Wen Muchen for not standing up for himself, for being too weak, to crying easily, and can even blame him for being so unlikeable, otherwise if he knew how to behave they wouldn't have bullied him at all. These sort of annoying and infuriating comments and illogically logical arguments were both frustrating and painful to be targeted with. 

Wen Fei won't be a hypocrite and say he hasn't manipulated public opinion or callously wielded rumours around like a weapon before, nor will he say he will never use it for his own gain in the future. Public opinion was as powerful as it was disgusting, righteous as it was villainous. It could weave the most beautiful and flawless coat to keep someone safe and warm, and it could just as easily be directly be knotted into a noose to hang someone with. 

What was more scary is the coat can turn into a noose and a noose can turn into a coat, rumours were hard to fix in place and can evolve and change faster than the tides turn as long as there is someone pushing the boat. 

Because of that, it wasn't appropriate to use this method to protect Wen Muchen. Maybe when the child is older and stronger it can be a possibility but right now it's not even an option. From his understanding, Wen Muchen wasn't strong emotionally or mentally right now and wasn't capable of handling the weight of being in the eye of the storm.

But just because Wen Fei couldn't spread rumours about this incident to vilify these little bastards out, that didn't mean he couldn't give these brats some scandals to chew on instead. 

The original body's memory was really good, in fact, if the person wasn't always thinking of rumourmongering and gossip all day long and actually applied his talents in the company, he may have become the most capable master of the Wen family by now. Unfortunately, all he has is a lot of different types of tea ready to be spilt. 

Fortunately, that's all Wen Fei needs. 

"You boys…" Wen Fei clicks his tongue angrily as he glares at them, the picture of an enraged father trying to suppress his anger. "How can you do this?! Don't you know bullying is bad! Ah, forcing my Little Chen to drink so young, aren't you just asking to hurt his body in the future?! Fuck, do you think you all are Zou Heng's elder sister who likes to coax little white faces* into her bed with alcohol?! Or are you learning from Gong Enlai's mother, who likes to do the same secretly with her husband's subordinates?!"

*little white face is essentially a 'pretty boy' - handsome, young, soft, somewhat feminine/metrosexual guy, generally young fresh meat idol vibes

Zou Heng and Gong Enlai turn pale then red then pale again as they balk at the words. There's no way, they understood some things about high society but they were still sheltered and never thought the dirty, scandalous things of the rich were actually so close to them, to the big sister they admired or the mother that raised them. 

Wen Fei sneers at their expressions and everyone's faces of discomfort. They didn't show half the remorse and fear when bullying Wen Muchen, and according to the original plot they would have continued their behaviour not only to Wen Muchen but extending their hands further and further as they became more unscrupulous and unruly. This is also in part because of their family, who blindly indulged and protected them. 

In this case, let's rip off a few filters and see if these spoiled children can bear it. What he said were all true things anyway, most of the scandals the original body knew were. Wen Fei carefully picked a few that would impact their worldview greatly and hopefully shake a bit of consciousness out of them. At the very least, the shame may help themselves from distancing against these people. 

Children will imitate those around them as they grow up, whether subconsciously or consciously. Zou Heng who admired his sister began to help her cover up her scandals at seventeen and then by twenty also find joy in intoxicating young women to bring to his bedroom, when this wasn't satisfying enough he turned to drugs. Gong Enlai chose to follow his mother when his parents divorced, and seeing the way those of lower status worshipped his mother, he too sought out this power imbalance dynamic, forcibly harassing his employees, using them and throwing them away once satiated. 

In short, at least half of the youth in this room, when grown up spoiled with riches and unregulated doting by irresponsible role models, would become complete and utter scum. The other half would at least learn to be more human, but were still rather insidious and corrupt individuals. 

Wen Fei had no obligation to redeem them. If his airing of their family's dirty laundry did help, that was simply just an added bonus. The main thing was to make their faces red enough that they looked like he had actually physically slapped them. 

With this in mind, he began a whole, long rant at the rich second generations. On the surface Wen Fei was just a furious father scolding everyone but not one person was left unscathed from being smacked with their family's dirty laundry. The young men were wide-eyed and dazed, barely processing their own family's drama much less others. Some directly cried and covered their ears with their hands refusing to believe their mother was actually not their dear mother but a mistress who took over or that their elder brother was secretly in a gambling debt so big it can threaten the family to bankruptcy. 

Honestly, as long as they can get over the denial, this information can really help them avoid some harm to their futures in the long run… But also… 

"-if you keep it up you'll be big bastards like T, U and V's father who has at least two illegitmate children outside! Of course, even if they're scum who have no scruples in betraying their wives, at least they are smart and can read people well, picking relatively honest mistresses! W, X and Y's fathers apparently might have illegitimate children that aren't even theirs! From what I heard from a friend in North Hospital, one of their bastard sons is actually the son of Z's father instead! I don't know if Z knows this, but.. tsk, tsk, it's really shameless."

The young men T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z: QAQ?! Worldviewcollapsing.gif

Wen Fei's mouth curves into a sadistic smile.

It was a bit.. funny.

TangTang: Σ(°△°|||)︴Wao! It turns out my host has that sort of taste!

After taking a deep breath, Wen Fei rubs his now parched throat. It seems it was time to finish it up soon. 

"And finally.." He sharply turns to his dear nephew. "You."

Wen Huang flinches violently and his large body tries to shrink into the seat subconsciously, greatly intimidated by this new side to his usually quite witty and kind uncle. In his impression, his Uncle Fei was very nice, always gave him candy, and treated him really well. He can be sharp, but he was cool and suave and popular. Wen Huang actually liked this uncle a lot, in his mind, his uncle really treated him the best out of the family.

But his uncle didn't treat him the best. Only Wen Muchen, a weak, spineless and ugly guy with no good qualities got nearly all of Uncle Fei's love and attention, just because he happened to be born as his son. For Wen Huang, who was used to getting the best, it was really unfair and unacceptable. 

However, now, he had just witnessed his gentle and thoughtful uncle raising his voice loudly and firing off words like a machine gun, with the contents as piercing as real bullets. How could Wen Huang not be timid at such a big change?

Wen Fei sneers, and picks up the bowl of mixed drinks, the contents sloshing around loudly. "Don't think I know you are the leader here, Little Huang. I wanted my baby to be friends with you and trusted you could take care of your cousin well, little did I expect… For the sake of our blood relationship, I won't say too much." 

Before the fat bully could breath a sigh of relief he suddenly felt a lukewarm liquid pouring onto his head, his nostrils instantly filling with the smell of alcohol. His uncle's usually light and smooth voice was now cold and emotionless, making him not dare to look up despite his shock. "But because we are related by blood, I feel obligated to punish you for this much."

As Wen Fei declares this he unceremoniously empties the entire contents of alcohol onto his nephews head before throwing away the bowl carelessly and striding out, but not before grabbing some tissues and wiping his hand as he did so. 

The youths immersed in doubting life inhaled sharply at this, as if they were the ones doused in alcohol. 

Glancing at each other, they didn't know what to do and fell a little silent. 

Maybe because everyone was hit, it almost felt like the blows they just experienced wasn't that heavy once shared with others who received the same treatment. Even those who were crying had wiped away their tears as more and more of their friends were hit by the machine gun that was Wen Fei's mouth. At the very least they were a bit better than Wen Huang who looked completely embarrassed. 

Looking at the arrogant Wen Huang, soaking wet and wide-eyed, he no longer looked so cool and powerful. The glittery, wanton, adult life that seemed to be promised in Jade Star was no longer so beautiful. And the people they once admired no longer shined very much in their hearts.

It was hard to explain the dull feeling in their heart, but this day would definitely be engraved into their memories for sure. 

And they would certainly make sure their families back home also deeply remember this day too. :)

Leaving the room Wen Fei walks down the hall, still focusing on trying to get the sticky feeling from the liquid that had dripped onto his fingers, off of him as best as he could. It wasn't that he had any mysophobia or anything, if he had, many years and worlds of living would have long wore it down. But if he had the ability, he still preferred to be as clean and as comfortable as he could be. 

The sweet mixture of various cocktails was uncomfortable when dried on one's fingers, like the stickiness of coke or syrup. The bowl was filled up and a lot had dripped onto the sides so even his palms had a sticky sheen to them. It was barely bearable, but Wen Fei still couldn't help but keep touching and wiping at it. 

Maybe because of this distraction he failed to notice the other man walking his direction who was immersed in one-handedly typing on his phone while holding a small paper bag in the other. Both men, immersed in their own things, naturally collided in the fairly narrow hallway. It wasn't a head-on collision, more like a heavy bump to the shoulder that startled both of them.


Wen Fei was fine, but the younger man was wearing some fashionable heeled boots, and stumbled from the impact. Seeing that he was fairly responsible for the fall, Wen Fei who was guilty immediately knelt down to help the other man. "I'm so sorry, I was distracted, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay. It was my fault as well, I was distracted too." The other man's voice was clear and crisp, and a little low which was pleasant to the ears. Different to Wen Fei's more honeyed, gentle, deep voice, it carried an underlying strong firmness that many professionals in the boardroom or courtroom tend to have. 

Such a nice voice really was deserving of being owned by such a good-looking man. This was Wen Fei's first thought as he briefly glances at the other's face. However he was a man with a romance target already, and a son that needs attending to immediately, he was in no mood to take a few more looks to introspect on his potential sexuality right now. 

Still, because he did bump into the other, common decency says he must at least do the bare minimum. "I suppose we're both to blame then." Wen Fei sighs, "Can you get up?"

The young man tentatively touches his right ankle, furrowing his brows a bit as he did so. It was a bit sore, but it wasn't anything serious. "I think so. It might need to be iced but I don't think it's twisted or sprained at least." He casually responds before lifting his gaze up to see the other's face. "…Fuck." He breathes.

Wen Fei looks at him with concern, "Is there a sharp pain?" It wasn't a big fall, but the other party was quite tall, the momentum might have hurt his ankle or something more than he had realised. Oh, this was a bit embarrassing. 

"No, no, no," The other shook his head, "I just didn't realise.." That you were so good-looking! Wuwuwu! I don't even have any makeup on! "That there was a bruise on my leg! When I brushed it with my hand I involuntarily swore, but there's no worries, really." He assures as he carefully but quickly stands back up.

Looking at the sudden, energetic appearance of the handsome young man, Wen Fei was a bit suspicious but relieved. Even if the other was faking it, it just meant that he was an amiable, good man who didn't want a stranger to worry. Thinking about that, Wen Fei's expression softens into a gentle, warm smile. "That's great." 

The young man: (」,,,> ♡ <,,)」 Wao! He smiled at me!< p>

"Well, let me at least help you pick up your things-" Wen Fei offers as he bends down to pick up the fallen items scattered on the floor. 

The young man who had a slightly dazed look suddenly snaps out of it and widens his eyes in alarm, "No, wait, there's no need to-!"

But it was too late. Wen Fei raises an eyebrow as picks up a circular container that was labeled in bold pink cursive 'Sex on the Beach'. The container was glittery and hard to tell what was inside but the outside was gaudy with love hearts, shell prints and a design of… a man and woman's swimsuits, untied and fallen to the floor in a messy tangle. 

He then looks at the fallen bottles on the ground labelled 'Spring Night Scented Oils', which had its own ambiguous design as well, with two shapely legs stretched out in a small kicking pose like one of those old fashioned bubble bath pin up girls, but instead of bubbles there were soft pink flowers dancing across. It was a bit more tasteful, but coupled with the label*… Wen Fei's mouth twitches violently. The implication was really damning. 

*Spring night is also a term for having sex (cuz in spring animals will tend to have mating season etc). Spring dream btw can also mean wet dream :3

Both men looked at the objects on the floor and fell into a deep and meaningful silence. 

Wen Fei: …

Ye Lan: …

Wen Fei glances at Ye Lan's beautiful face, then down at the rather indecent items before shaking his head slightly and smiling helplessly. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything." He says lightly.

Standing up, he dusts his pants and waves silently as he leaves, quickly picking up the pace when he notices his son who had left the bathroom try and peek over curiously. Pushing Wen Muchen forward the teenager couldn't help but ask, "Dad what did he drop?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Wen Fei assures, "Let's go home I learned a new recipe from one of the aunties I met today and I want to try it out before it gets too dark." 

"Sounds good!" Wen Muchen cheers, immediately forgetting his previous inquisitiveness. 

Wen Fei smiles and doesn't look back at the young man behind him. 

Inwardly though he clicks his tongue and sighs at the boldness of youth.

Tsk, what a pervert.




Little Theatre: 

Ye Lan with his Er Kang hand: No! Don't go! This is a misunderstanding! A misunderstandinggggg!!!! 

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