

"This is truly not my world anymore."

Kurosako Ichigo, contemplating the facts before him, just decided to accept the new reality.

"It is not impossible; I already have experience with weird situations. For now, I should go back with Geto and the others. They seem connected with the supernatural so that they may know something."

With a plan in mind, Ichigo returned to Jujutsu High to speak with his new friends about his predicament.


"Ichigo-san, you are back. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"About that, I wondered if you could hear me out."

"You save Riko and me; of course, we can help you."

"You didn't save me, but I can use some entertainment, hahaha."

"Thank you."

"So, what is troubling you?"

"Well, you see."


"So you are from another world?"


"And you got here because a train hit you?"

"Is more complicated than that, but yes."

"And you are a reaper."

"A substitute one"

".....You know I may act. Like a clown sometimes."

"So you are aware."

"Shut it, dwarf."

"Like I said, I may act like a clown, but I am not one, so forgive me if I have a hard time believing you."

"Didn't you come back from a death like with wounds that for sure would kill you in the same day?"

"You got a point."

"So, any idea of how I may return to my world?"

"None. What about you, Suguru?"

"I can't think of anything."

"We can ask Yaga"


"Sorry, I have no experience with people from another world."

"And you call yourself a teacher?"

"How are those two related?"

"No idea, it just means you failed as a teacher."

"Satoru, enough fooling around, Ichigo needs our help."

"But are you kid serious about his?"

"Does it look like we are playing around with you?"

"You always are, but forget about that. If what you are telling us is true then your best bet may be Tengen-sama. You told me that you were teleported to the Tengen-sama star corridor."

"Who is Tengen-sama?"

"An immortal jujutsu sorcerer who keeps the barrier of Jujutsu High"

"How do I speak with him?"

"Normally you will need to speak with the higher up first but considering your situation, I am sure you can just go back to the star corridor."

"I see, I remember the way back so if you excuse me."


The substitute shinigami didn't waste time and left for the star corridor immediately, leaving the four people alone.

"How unusual of you, Yaga"

"What do you mean?"

"Usually, when it comes to stuff like this, you are very strict about following the proper steps."

"...sigh, Satoru, I have lived and experienced many things, and with those experiences, I gained the wisdom to know what is dangerous. That man you brought with you, I can feel the danger he emanates as if death itself was in front of me. He is powerful."

"I know, isn't that exciting?"


In the infinite star corridor 

Ichigo was already in the place he first appeared, looking around for anyone but his eyes didn't see a single soul.

"Hello!! Is someone named Tengen-sama here?"

After shouting for someone, Ichigo's surroundings change to a completely white space.

"Now where I am?"

"My apologies for making you come here, Kurosaki Ichigo"

"Are you Tengen?"

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Same. Sorry for being rude but I am in a hurry you see"

"I am aware of your issue at hand, Kurosaki-san but I am sorry to be the one to say this to you but I cannot help you."

"I understand, thank you for hearing me out, and no need to apologize it's not your fault."

"...What a surprise"


"Usually people with your strength tend to be more volatile"

"talking from experience?"

"You could say so. Kurosaki-san while I am not able to help you let me give you a warning"

"About what?"

"You see I have lived for a long time thanks to my curse technique but in exchange for that ability my body evolves and little by little I become less human, and the less human I become the more I can feel my connection with the world trying to influence my will."

" How does that relate to me?"

"Kurosaki-san I don't know if it's a good thing or not but I can feel the world's will on you as if trying to engulf your body but it fails as if it was unable to touch you."

"The will of the world on me. Is that bad or good?"

"I don't know"

Thinking about Tengen words Ichigo was in deep thought, whether to be worried or not.

'Is not use thinking too hard about it, I will deal with it later if it becomes a problem'

"Thank you for telling me, can you send me back? I want to speak with my friends"

"Hmmm it was a pleasure meeting you Kurosaki Ichigo"


Back with Gojo and the others.

Ichigo told them about his conversation with Tengen

"I see so Tengen-sama said that sorry we don't have a way to help you Ichigo"

"it is not your fault and I shouldn't expect someone else to solve my problems, that being said I need your help with something."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I am planning to investigate how to return to my world but I don't know how long it is going to take and well that would be kind of hard when I don't even have a proper identity in this world."

" So you want us to help you with that, okay, but you will also need a place to stay and money, so why not attend Jujutsu High?"

"Is that possible?"

"Why don't we ask the future principal, what do you think Yaga?"

"It is teacher Yaga and yes, it is possible. It is not weird for someone with an obscure past to enroll Jujutsu High, after all, people have their circumstances."

"That would help me a lot but there is another issue"


"I don't have a body right now"

"What do you mean?"

"I think I know what he means"

"You know something Satoru?"

"When I look at you it's almost as if you weren't there, when we first met I thought you were just a mass of weird curse energy"

"That is probably because my physical body is in another world, and while you guys can see me, people without spiritual energy or curse energy can't see me."

"Can you possess a human body?"

"No, and I don't want to."

"There goes my idea"

"I have one."

Yaga who remained silent through the teens' conversation had a proposal

"What if I make a vessel for you?"

"A vessel?"

"A puppet to be more clear."

Ichigo was unsure if that could work but he remembered something about his world. 

"Like a gijai(Faux body), yes that could work but how long will that take?"

"I need to gather the materials and get your sizes to make the vessel more realistic but it shouldn't take over a month."

Chapitre suivant