
Town again

It was around sunrise when we reached the town, nobody had anything to eat all day. Food was far more scarce than we thought, even the drinking water we had was almost out. Walking into town after doing the same check for humans again, we split up going into different alleys. This time I went alone and let the gang loose to have fun in town.

'Now is the time for payback.'

Slipping into an alley I got out of my armor with everything in place, both the skills needed for the plan were just learned today. I then put on the clothes I had prepared and hid inside an alley far from the bar in question. Going around town getting information I needed for the meating, using both my armor suit and real body I quickly found the answer to my one question.

"Oh it's you, welcome back."


I sent my armor inside without me in it, going for my improvised plan. The old bartender greeted me, then I saw using the armor was that bitch. She was drinking at the bar with one arm wrapped around a man's neck, while he awkwardly tried to stay away. Not even bothering to be polite I ripped the bar stool out from under her, and sat down next to her.

"The hell!?"

"Shut it."

The guy remained shocked and seeing me look over at him in full armor he ran out the door not looking back, meanwhile she got up from the ground with a mad face. The entire place became empty instantly when the bartender also left putting a closed sign outside, just me and her alone.

"The hell are you doing chasing my prey away! I spent the last hour trying to get in his bed, and you ruined it all!"

"Cut the shit, you know why I am here."

"Oh did a little girly try not to grow up? Too bad I'm not ending it, not until you're ready to be a priestess."

'She is part of the same group as the giant monster, just she doesn't know I know about them.'

"Oh what does that mean?"

"Heh, little girly you really don't know much about this world do you. Don't worry little girly let big sis guide you down the right path, to save little girls like you we send them someplace special. We call it Paradise island, don't worry you will thank me later."

"Paradise island?"

It all started to seem like a cult, with priestesses, giant green monsters and even a weird secret island. But I didn't do all this for no reason, I needed information on who exactly this group is and why they are targeting me. Indirectly and both directly they changed my life, also for some reason the giant monster called me priestess. That mistaken identity may have saved my life, but it left me more questions than answers.

"Silly girl, playing with your boy toys interests you so much? You have no idea what real power is, matter in fact nobody in this pathetic town does."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean? Look around at these humans, do you think they are truly worthy of this world? Don't you see them immating their lives back on earth like one big fraud, as if playing pretend could mask the fact we aren't ever going home one day. They aren't the ones born for this world, instead they are the cattle brought to it."

'She is probably a high ranking nutcase, only people who are high ranking blabber on about nonsensical garbage. I'll just play along to get more out of her.'

"Sure, but aren't we all human in the world?"

At my comment she just began laughing like hearing the funniest joke in her life, and she stopped on a dime. I also realized how stupid of a statement that was, hell it was funny for me too. We have seen nothing but non-human things in this world, and here I am talking like some hippie loser on earth. Her head suddenly turned over to my exact spot in the alley away from the suit of armor, and a wide smile was put on her lips. 

"Stop playing childish games with me, come here before I get serious."


I always knew my skills that were literally learned today wouldn't beat her, it wasn't even thought up as part of the plan originally. It was just a convenient ploy to make her believe that was my plan, while I could go for my real goal. I needed her to remove this pregnancy issue, since she was the only one who might know how around here. I had already checked the town and nobody had the ability to solve my issue, and nobody was capable of making any medication either for it. 

She was my last potential lifeline, so to me this meeting had more importance than it did for her. Walking inside I made my armor suit sit down at the end of the empty bar, while I boldly walked up to her nearby seat sitting down. I still had cloth tightly tying my chest to prevent it from growing, while my clothes were worn and nasty from the island hopping.

"Well, well, look what we have here. You blow me away, truly you're developing perfect in every way. It is a shame you still hate your body treating it like it is a disease to you, but tell me something… Did you enjoy it last night?"

I was left befuddled by the question, but I tried to remain impassive. I couldn't tell if she was testing me without grounds or if she actually knew what happened last night. Every nerve on my body was on edge trying to gauge what exactly she knew.

"No need to give me such a death stare, I know why you are here. You got impregnated didn't you, one of the little goblins get you?"

Cold sweat came down my head when she said impregnated, but I felt a weight get removed when she said little. Nothing about that creature last night was little, it was big enough to rip me in half even before the change. She only knew partially of the story, and it wasn't based on information. 

'It was her judgment and quick thinking, seeing my tier two body enhancement…. Calm down, calm down, she is clueless about what happened I think?'

"Still to decide to go for tier two, even I am impressed. Truly you belong in the nursery, maybe even becoming a grand priestess isn't impossible for you either. To think someone with so much potential was once a measly human male, never have I seen that before."

"Well thank you for the compliment, could I ask you for a favor?"

"Don't worry, it's right here. This little pill will remove the pregnancy for good, well until you get creampied again that is."

Twirling in her fingers she held a black pill that I came here for, the solution to my biggest issue. Lying to a person I was going to beat to death while speaking like their friend was something I personally enjoyed, it wasn't hard for me to dance with her bullshit. While she relied on her skills to analyze me, I used years of living on the street to find her weak point. I needed that pill, and I was determined to pay any price to get it.

'Just I can't make it seem like I will sign anything for the pill.'

"My little darling, can't you please just go to the nursery and stop playing pretend? I know you will love it."

"I can't, I love my gang and they need me too. None of them would last a day without me."

'Love? Them? Those idiots are replaceable, if any of them turn snitch I would kill them on the spot..'

"Muuuh, fine. Have it your way, go play pretend then, but I won't hand over this pill until you agree to ensure you will continue body modifications and mind modifications until tier five."

'Five?! That is a little steep you damned bitch.'

"Oh really? I was hoping for four instead, you know it just sounds better."

She had a playful smile like a cat playing with a toy, while my eyes remained glued to the pill she moved in her fingers. My mind kept drifting from the deal onto the pill, making it hard to focus on what she was saying exactly. At that moment I realized I fucked up, she knew I was desperate for it now. Her attitude changed also, going from playing into demanding terms instantly.

"Nope, I am not compromising on this. Now if you want the pill it's tier five and I want a year of time in the nursery too now. Keep trying to negotiate and I will increase your nursery time."

'Increase my time? Is it a jail sentence or something? Bah, I will just duck out of doing the time like I always do. Living a life on the run is better than any form of jail sentence, screw that crap.'


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