
chapter 61: Hentesa

" now let us get down to business shall we?" Elvis spoke

" Ah yes, I suppose your people are the ones that took faro?" Iver asked . Not really expecting an answer

"Yes they did but that isn't 'OUR' business Iver , see I agreed to meeting you because you said you have information that is useful to me . Now talk." Elvis released a miniscule amount of his aura at the end of his words.

Iver smiled for a bit. " What do you know about the tablets of ancient?" He asked clearly baiting Elvis

His strategy seemed to work as Elvis sat up straight and looked at him in the eye " continue"

" I have happened to stumble upon information regarding the location of one of them ....but this information comes with certain terms and conditions" Iver kept direct eye contact the whole time

"State them." Elvis did not waste time with words

"First , make me a doom general -" Iver was interrupted by laughter coming from the doom generals

"Silence" Elvis raised his hand . Their laughter died down

"Second , a drop of blood from the devil you have in your possession"

"Is that all?" Elvis asked with a raised eyebrow . Iver nodded.

Elvis stood up and unsheathed a sword from one of the generals before approaching Iver . "Kneel"

Iver did as he was told . Elvis raised the sword slowly and tapped it on both sides of Iver's shoulders . knighting him.

" Saint Iver , from now on you will be known as Doom general Iver ....my Doom general " Iver smiled . Elvis returned to throne .

"The drop of blood you will get it after you have given me the information and I check it's validity."

" Very well.... One of my people has been traveling with king zaloz's little sister the warring princess , and has reported to me that they have found the location of the tablet but it is in one of the world's most dangerous place . KE'SI the islands of pangu" by the end of Iver's last sentence Elvis stood up from his throne and laughed like a mad man

" It seems like you were right after all ,father."

" Esther , Holt . I'm tasking you with him , show him how we do things "

"Understood my Lord " they answered in sync

"Now why did you bring the boy?" Elvis's eyes were now on Morgan who was standing beside Iver.

" Oh , the boy is my apprentice . I just recently took him in" Iver explained with a smile . Elvis did not say anything else . With a flick of his hand he dismissed them

Walking down the hallway Morgan kept stealing glances at Iver.

" What is troubling you boy?" Iver had long noticed morgan's uneasiness

"Forgive me mentor but I have to ask , why would you give yourself to the enemey like that" Morgan finally asked the question that was troubling him

A long sigh escaped Iver's lips

"I'm guessing that in your eyes I just betrayed the kingdom right ? That I just committed treason of the highest order ? Well it does look like that but I assure you that what I did is for the sake of the kingdom . One might say I sacrificed myself inorder to give the kingdom a fighting chance. See lord Zaloz has escaped to another kingdom so that he and his blades can get stronger , and I just bought them the time needed to do that. Am I a bad guy?" Iver's voice resounded in his mind

Morgan shook his head at Iver's question .

-No you are not - Morgan answered in his mind in hopes that Iver head him since he was able to hear his voice in his mind

Iver's mouth opened and closed as if the words he wanted to speak got lost in his mouth responding with " I see ".....


Bermun sea

Kora was currently flying at a steady pace . A vague outline of giant lifting up what looked like a huge crystal orb could be seen from five thousand yards away . Finn was now sitting on top of Kora's beak enjoying the view , while the rest of the group were meditating .

"Timothy" surprisingly Lus was the one calling him

Timothy opened his eyes and stared at the white haired boy with a raised eyebrow


" Ever since that day you came out of the scroll with your little fox , you seemed different . You no longer speak to Jake and ver the same way you did before and it's like your body is with us but your mind is somewhere else . So if you do not mind would you care to explain to us what is going on with you?"

The rest of the group stopped meditating. All eyes were on Timothy now , he seemed rather annoyed

" Actually I mind and frankly I don't have to explain anything to you"

" Is that so?" Komoni spoke up

"Yes captain , as long as my performance within the team is still good then you do not have to worry about me " Timothy answered komoni without looking at her .

"He is right , if his performance is top notch then you have nothing to worry about " Finn chimed , everyone turned to look at the king of Zebha standing behind them and that's when they saw it.

Wow. Hentesa , a kingdom built in the middle of the sea . From up high they could see a very large sinkhole in the middle of the sea and inside the sinkhole was a floating piece of land almost as large as the whole kingdom of Zebha . In the middle of the floating land was a giant rose gold statue of man with beastly features lifting up a huge crystal orb the size of Zebha's Capital . On the statue , there seemed to be houses built on it and a flight of stairs that went from the ground all the way to the palms of the statue . The structure of the kingdom was a very basic plan consisting of a central forum with kingdom services, surrounded by a compact, rectilinear grid of streets, and wrapped in a wall for defense. To reduce travel times, two diagonal streets crossed the square grid, passing through the central square. A man made river flowed throughout the kingdom , providing water, transport, and sewage disposal.

The kingdom was surrounded by a wall to protect it from invaders and to mark the kingdom's limits. All roads in the kingdom were made of carefully fitted flagstones and filled in with smaller, hard-packed rocks and pebbles.At the end of each main road was a large gateway with watchtowers. A portcullis covered the opening when the kingdom was under siege, and additional watchtowers were constructed along the kingdom walls. And a long bridge that connected the landing platform on the edge of the sinkhole and the kingdom gates

"Wow . I have only heard tales of Hentesa's beauty but this is on another scale" Carolyn looked flabbergasted . They were now about to land on the huge landing platform where many flying steads were resting. No ship could travel to hentesa , so everyone who visited the kingdom used a flying stead

Finn chuckled a bit " it truly is amazing but that is not where it's true beauty is. You see that huge crystal orb up there ? That is the capital of hentesa , Piho. But we will not be going there since we are all here as travellers. Hentesa is very different from our kingdom , they do not have cities but instead they have districts . There are four districts namely 2, 8 , 12, 20 and they are all divided by that river down there . We will be heading to district 8, I have an old friend there . Do not worry about the language barrier , people of hentesa speak modern fayek " Finn gave them a few notes on hentesa

Kora circled the landing platform before she found a spot to land ,landing gracefully under the jealous gazes of the other travellers on the platform. Kora was the biggest stead there plus they had never seen one as unique as her .

Timothy and the rest got of Kora's back . 2 men in light armor approached them both wielding tridents.

" Unknown party state your business ." The men spoke in sync

Finn took a step forward and bowed .cupping his hands . "Greetings esteemed guards .we are a bunch of travellers from the islands of Sok tasked with a mission to study the various governing systems of all the kingdoms in the world , so that we can determine the superior system and use it to better the lives of our citizens" Finn spoke in a respectful manner

The guards looked at one another as if a silent conversation was going on between them . Then after a few seconds they turned to Finn and tapped twice on the ground with their tridents

"Welcome to Hentesa mighty travellers . Follow us and let us get you registered at the gates ." After the guards spoke the rest of the group panicked but Finn kept his cool and smile "we are right behind you then " the guards turned around and left with Finn and rest closely following behind

guys remember the tablets of ancient ? if not check the earlier chapters of the story

oh and for this who do not know 1000 yards is equals to 1 kilometre /0.568 mile..

SHADOW_IVcreators' thoughts
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