
The Rule of Power (Part 6)

Among her family, Osana was called a rebel, and for good reason, coming out of her decisions and behavior at social events and with the other members of her big family.

However, thanks to Nirosh who fell in love with Osana and wanted to possess her, the Rouzet Family had a way to subdue Osana and finally get her to act like a high noble instead of a regular Phantom.

Sure, the reason for this was that Osana was only a K2-Phantom, and she reached that level recently, she had known about the wedding while she was still a K1-Phantom.

Apparently, such power wasn't enough for Osana to act freely based on her will.

She was the youngest daughter of the Rouzet Family, well not of the whole family, but in her branch, she like Reinal was from the main branch, since their mother, Mariel, was the wife of the current head of the Rouzet Family.

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