
78:The resolve of two parents

Lucia in her dim conscience state only heard her daughter crying. Even when she wanted to run towards her daughter her body wouldn't respond to her. Despite the numerous attempts she tried she couldn't get up.

She then tried her last hope, her Ultimate skill Wisdom Skill Raphael. " Raphael can you find a way to help me "

' Notice the host has too much blood. It is advised to stay where you are. Notice the injury is currently being healed from host's magicule reserves. ' came Raphael's monotone reply.

" How long till I'm able to move? " Lucia asked.

' Notice it is estimated to be about 30 minutes. Any movement or use of skill would delay the time even more. ' Rapahel answered.

" No that's too much , make it happen in 5 minutes. No make it happen even sooner. " Lucia said . She can't stay here for 30 minutes and do nothing when her husband and baby are in danger.

' warning it advised to stay and not move around ' Raphael advised again.

" I can't stay here, Rahael. Not when my daughter is taken by that man. I need to rescue her even if it means I will die in the process, " Lucia shouted angrily.

Rapahel was silent for a moment. She couldn't understand why her master was so distressed. But even when she had no emotion she knew her master needed her help. So she began to look for alternative ways to help her master.

After a while Raphael said, ' Notice an alternative was found. By sacrificing some of the host's spiritual power it is possible to hasten the recovery. But this method has the draw back of weakening the soul. '

" It doesn't matter do it. "Lucia said decisively. She didn't care what the cost would be if it allowed her to rescue her daughter.

' Host's approval received . Starting process in 3….2…1. ' Raphael announced as she began the process.

Slowly the injury on Lucia's stomach began to heal. But despite this Lucia didn't bother to see the result. As soon as she felt she could stand up she stood up. And with help of her staff she began to head back to her house.

In her mind she only had one thought ' I need to rescue my daughter '












Veldanava gritted his teeth as he glared Ravan with killing intent filled in his eyes. If that bastard didn't have a dagger pointed at his daughter's neck he would have killed him on the spot.

" Hey there! It seems you have no love for your daughter. " Ravan said as his eyes were filled with madness. He brought his dagger close to Milim's neck.

This action infuriated Veldanava even more but due to his remaining rationality he tried to calm down. With his teeth grinding he asked , " Let my daughter go. I will surrender"

Hearing his words Ravan laughed maniacally. He then said in a condescending tone , " oh negotiating are we ? Well that's good. But you forgot a tiny little detail.

You have no right to negotiate with me, peasant. Drop that weapon if you want to see your daughter in one piece. Oh I can very well make sure gets the same treatment her mother got. "

Veldanava at that moment almost lost his sanity. He was hoping they wouldn't do anything to Lucia since she was a member of the Royal family. But it seems the situation is way worse than he could ever imagine.

' I need to check Lucia's condition fast. And most importantly I need to rescue my daughter from this vermin ' Veldanava thought.

Since agreeing to his demands may allow him a chance to save his daughter he decided to comply. He threw away his sword and said , " There i did what you asked, now give me my daughter "

Ravan whose expression was filled with madness cackles evilly as he said, " Why the hurry. Don't have to pay for the consequences of killing my men . You even killed Silvan.One of our commanders. "

With a cold smile Ravan said, " Men beat up this trash. Don't worry if this peasant values his daughter's life he would be a good dog and do nothing and accept his punishment. "

Although the men were still afraid of Veldanava they still moved forward. It was either to beat up Veldanava or be tortured by Ravan who was cakeling in madness. And these guys knew what the correct choice was.

With hesitant steps they arrived near Veldanava. But even when they are so close Veldanava did nothing. He only glared at Ravan who was still holding his daughter. One of the bravest of all of them clenched his fist and punched Valdanava hard in the face.

Veldanava stumbled a little bit but didn't retaliate. He was still looking at his daughter. Seeing nothing happened to them the men slowly began to lose their fears. They then began to beat up Veldanava without holding back.

Despite having such exceptional swordsmanship and soul arts Veldanava at the end of the day only had a body similar to a normal human. So after taking a few punches from these elite soldiers his body slowly began to break. His internal organs were a mess. His wounds which he accumulated in the fight with Silvan were covered due to how much blood that was using out of his body.

But despite such a situation Veldanava didn't scream or show any discomfort. He didn't even blink as he still glared at Ravan.

Seeing that Veldanava didn't give the reaction he wanted, Ravan clicked his tongue in annoyance. He wanted to weaken Veldanava's will so he could put him under his unique skill's control.

Since he lost all of his elite soldiers Ravan desperately needs some good soldiers. And Veldanava just happened to be the best pawn. So he tried his best to break his will. He killed his wife and kidnapped his daughter. He made his men beat the hell out of him but this mut is still not breaking.

Sighing in annoyance he was now left with the last option. That is to heavily injure him so his will would be shaken. But the problem with this option is that he must do it himself. As a general only the ones he personally defeated would be his pawns.

' What to do' Ravan thought as a calculative glint passed through his eyes.

While Ravan was busy thinking about what to do he didn't realise a staff was about to head his head. He only saw it from the corner of his eyes when it was millimetres away from his head.

' Fuck ' he cursed but it was too late. The staff hit him right in the head making him temporarily disorganised.

This time lapse was enough for both Lucia and Veldanava.

Veldanava sprang into his feet as he kicked the soldiers who were beating him up. And ignoring the injuries he had he dashed towards Ravan by utilising Shunpo.

And before anyone could react Veldanava punched Ravan right in the face. Due to Veldanava using Stellar mana to enhance his strength he effectively broke Ravan's nose.

Despite feeling immense pain Ravan in his last effort of taking revenge used the dagger in his hand to kill Milim without any hesitation.

His goal was to earn a chance for him to strike. His strategy proved to be effective as Veldanava used his own hand to block the dagger from harming Milim.

And when Ravan stabbed Veldanava he knew he had won. Because in the next second he swiftly took it out and stabbed it in Veldanava's heart.

" Veldaaa " Shouted Lucia as she saw her husband being stabbed by Ravan.







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