
13: All is right in Love and War

Rimuru's Perspective:

Argh, those two dense fools. Don't they see how hard my sisters are trying to court them? Are they a freaking black hole? For God's sake, they even had a bath together, and those two just thought they were bonding. Argh! And my sisters have read too many mangas, to the point that they think just trapping those two will work. Though that isn't entirely wrong, it would leave a scar on their relationship.

Veldanava: Oh, hello, Rimuru. Looks like you're having a bad time.

Rimuru: Yes, and to be honest, all of you are giving me a big headache.

Veldanava: Why is that?

Rimuru: Because of those two dense idiots and my stupid sisters going in the wrong way in their relationship.

Veldanava: Well, you should give them some advice.

Rimuru: Not just for these. I have something for you as well.

Veldanava: Oh, what is it? I think I am doing a good job keeping my relationship.

Rimuru: That's the problem. You have been dating for the last 10 years. Look, for us, 10 years is not a problem, but for Lucia, who used to be a human, that's a lot. And due to her kind nature, she tries her hard not to look disturbed. So, for the love of all that is holy, just man up and propose to her.

Veldanava weakly nodded, not refuting. So, I turned to my other siblings and said in a tired tone:

Rimuru: And you two are even worse. You just give hints and never say it to their faces. What's even worse is that you two definitely know that those two are dense as a black hole. Aren't you two dragons? So be a dragon and go after your mate in a direct way. Don't beat around the bush if you two want to be the main wife. Since I, for a fact, know that they have more girls, you can count on trying to be their main wife. So, if you want to be first, then put your damn pride away and chase them.

At first, those two were looking down like bad children who got caught doing mischief. But when they heard there were more girls, they released their aura. After the lecture, they both turned into their dragon forms and flew straight to their mates.

Veldanava: Well, putting that aside, where did you get this knowledge? As we know you, you never had a boyfriend.

Rimuru: Brother, I already have a wife.

Veldanava: Oh, that's wh— Wait, what? When did you have a wife, and when the hell did she snatch you?

Rimuru: Sigh, brother, do you remember when I said a skill can evolve into a manas*? Well, my skill evolved, and she became my wife by default.

Veldanava: But why didn't you introduce us to her?

Rimuru: Because she said you guys are utter failures for dragons, and trust me, I totally agree with her since the facts she says are true.

Veldanava: But what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Rimuru: Think a little, and you will know. Also, there is a good jewelry shop in hell at Lust's place. You should go there. We'll see ya.

After Rimuru disappeared into a portal.

Velzard's Perspective:

No way in hell will I let those bitches get close to my mate. I will be first, and the worst of all, I was scolded by my elder sister about my useless pride. I still remember when we were training, Nee-sama always tells us that one's arrogance is one's downfall, and yet I let my pride get the better of me. Well, whatever. I will take what's mine and make him fall in love with me. As I was thinking this, I was near the White Palace. I transformed into my human form and ran towards Guy. Some people might have tried to ask me, but I ran like a tornado towards my destination until I reached a throne room. I blasted the door and saw Guy sitting in the throne room, looking bored.

Guy's Perspective:

This is so boring. Until I fought Rudra, I hadn't been able to stretch my muscles. As I was in my own monologue, the throne room door blasted open, and Velzard came in front of me.

Velzard: * authoritative tone* Guy, let's have a fight right now.

Well, I would usually question her who she is to boss around me, but my senses say that it will be the last of me if I decline this offer. I nodded absentmindedly, and the next moment, Velzard and I were teleported to a place I really felt nostalgic about. It's in the underworld and in a really deserted place. Then, I heard a voice.

Rimuru: You two can go all out, and don't worry about the damage. I made sure to clean it all, so have fun.

And that was the signal before the battle for my life started. As the battle in the underworld ensued, a similar battle took place in another dimension, later known as the Abyss. There are two people fighting: the 3rd true dragon, Velgrnd, and the first hero, Rudra. As the situation with Velzard and Guy unfolded, Velgrnd stormed into the castle and challenged Rudra, who was doing paperwork, to a duel. They were transported to this realm, and the one who transported the two couples? Well, she is happily drinking tea with her wife.

Time Skip - 2 Weeks:

The first one to finish their battle was Rudra and Velgrnd, in which Rudra managed to win by a small margin. After the battle, Velgrnd confessed her feelings to Rudra, and he accepted her. While they were chatting, they were teleported to a restaurant, and next to them, another couple was teleported. They were Guy and Velzard. Like the other two, they fought, with Guy's victory and Velzard's confession, which he agreed to. As the two couples were having an awkward moment, the door of the restaurant opened, revealing Rimuru in a maid's uniform (having expected her female self, she doesn't mind wearing them).

Rimuru: Well, since your little battle is over, let's celebrate. Come inside; I already made some food for you all.

The couples looked at each other before nodding and went inside to have a feast they would never forget in their eternal life.










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