
Forget Me Not

From the lighted balcony of the chalet, Jin Young and Ah Reum peered out over the dark horizon that the night had brought, the beautiful green of the trees now concealed. However, being at this point of light amidst the darkness of the forest didn't frighten them; instead, it generated an enigmatic and pleasant atmosphere that drew them even deeper into their own world.

Jin Young briefly stepped inside and returned with a box brimming with Christmas decorations.

"A kiss if you can guess what's in the box," he playfully challenged, a mischievous expression on his face.

"Is it food? lol," Ah Reum's stomach seemed to respond for her.

Jin Young discreetly searched for another item to add to the box, though his attempt to be discreet was in vain.

"Where did you go? lol. Did I guess it right?" Ah Reum inquired, laughing with a certain excitement.

"Ta-daaaa!" Jin Young exclaimed as he excitedly opened the box. "You guessed!"

Ah Reum bursts into laughter when she sees Jin Young's mischievous expression after said she successfully guesses what's in the box.

"Are you sure that chocolate bar was there? Lmao," she asked, squinting her eyes and smiling.

"Hihi, you guessed right. Now, you have to earn that kiss!" Jin Young flirted playfully.

He leaned in and gave her a kiss, his satisfaction clearly evident, and he beamed with a radiant smile after finally getting the kiss he had been waiting for.

"How about we decorate the chalet?" Jin Young whispered sweetly to Ah Reum, their faces still close.

"Isn't Christmas a few months away? lol," Ah Reum playfully questioned.

"Come on, come on, we have to make our chalet more beautiful," Jin Young said as he began unpacking the decorations.

The cottage is becoming even more vibrant, with every nook adorned with twinkling lights, wreaths, and an array of Christmas decorations. The Christmas ambiance is already in the air, and when the snow begins to fall, it will be truly magical.

"You already know, right? Christmas is my favorite time of the year after my birthday. The atmosphere is so warm, and everything becomes more beautiful! People even seem to become better, and it would be wonderful if it were like this all year long. The world needs good people tear round!" Shared Ah Reum with happy.

"I've been found out hihi. My informants provided me with this valuable information, and we're in our chalet, it has to have our face." Jin Young explained, he was loving the idea of ​​decorating the chalet with Ah Reum.

"Then, do you like Christmas too?" Ah Reum asked excitedly.

"Yeahhh! When I was a child, my parents and I always came to spend Christmas here in the forest. I would look out of the window and see thousands of Christmas trees covered in the purest snow. It felt like I was on Santa's planet, hehe. We built many snowmen, and it was truly special. My childhood was a wonderful time in my life." Jin Young reminisced with love.

"Is this your family's chalet?" Ah Reum inquired, surprised.

"Hmm, well, it's actually ours now, mine and yours! My family's cottage is a bit farther into the forest, it a bit larger and more modern, I'd say." Jin Young replied.

As they arranged the Christmas stockings on the balcony, a loud clap of thunder echoed.

"Uh!" Ah Reum exclaimed, startled getting closer to Jin Young.

Jin Young smiled, holding her hands and quickly watching the rain.

"The rain is getting heavy again. Maybe we should stay the night here for safety," Jin Young suggested.

"Okay..." Said Ah Reum.

They both felt a bit bashful.

"Oh, I didn't plan that!" Jin Young clarified, his voice tinged with nervousness and worry. "Please don't worry. I want to love you, but I also want to respect you equally, one step at a time... and remember, I promised to be a good boy, haha. You can sleep in the bed, and I'll take the sofa!" He said sweetly, with a slight blush on his face.

"I know, and I trust you!" Ah Reum said, hugging him warmly as a satisfied smile appeared on his flushed face.

"Tomorrow, we can visit the National Arboretum before we leave." Jin Young suggested.

With Jin Young's idea for tomorrow in mind and the rain increasing, they went inside and settled down by the fireplace, warming themselves and savoring a sweet chocolate chaud.

"There's something I've always wanted to say..." Ah Reum said with an embarrassed smile.

"What is it?" Asked Jin Young, already laughing curious.

She took a deep breath, trying not to laugh. "Okay, here it goes, please don't laugh too much, okay? Today..." She giggled, blushing. "Today is our first day!" She rushed through the words, her hand covering her face with excitement.

"That's right! Today is our first day!" Jin Young smiled sweetly, dying of love, saying: "How can you be so cute?"

"Let's capture the moment with some pictures!" Ah Reum exclaimed bubbly.

They took numerous pictures, brimming with joy, laughter, and sweet, little kisses. While they did, Jin Young began to share some of his reflections on his time away.

"Just so you know, you weren't the only one who felt afraid. While I was in Busan, I thought about us a lot! I wondered: what if she suddenly doesn't like me, what if she has another guy, what if I've scared her off somehow...I was afraid that you would pull away and leave, very afraid." Jin Young said, apprehensively.

He continued: "But I'm glad things turned out the way they did, because you're here!" He gently held her hand and gave her something.

"Another little box! Can I guess what's in it too? hihi" Ah Reum asked jokingly.

Jin smiled with boundless hope, making a request in his heart, he answered her by saying: "It's my heart's desire! What's in it!"

"Your heart's desire?" Ah Reum asked intently, then opened the small box. "Waaa, how beautiful, it's so delicate!" Ah Reum exclaimed, delighted to see what the box held.

Inside was a heart-shaped crystal necklace with two blue myosotis flowers, and Jin Young was wearing one just like it.

"As I said, I've been thinking about us a lot during the two weeks I've been away. I missed you a lot, but I still managed to smile every time I saw your face in my mind. I thought we'd probably have difficult days apart because of work, you flying and me filming, but because I remembered you, because I could see you in my thoughts, I could smile until I found you, then I remembered when I promised you not to forget who I am, but honestly, I can't forget your face, ever! You're forbidden to forget me too hehe." He joked, smiling.

"I want to make you another promise, the name of this flower is don't forget me, the name already says a lot, there's a legend that says that lovers who share it will never part, will never be abandoned by their partners, let's promise, now, on our first day, don't forget me!!!" Jin Young finished with hope screaming in his chest.

"I promise!" they both said sweetly.

"It's a promise! I won't forget who I am or how much I love you!" Jin Young affirmed.

"Out of curiosity, the flower forget-me-not is undeniably beautiful, just like its meanings and the legend we've discussed. But, did you know there's another legend? A young man once crossed a river to pick and give this flower to his beloved. However, when he got close her, he was swept away by the current and the only thing he managed to do before disappearing was to throw the flower and say, 'Forget me not.' It's a heart-wrenching tale... his beloved carried that flower with her all her life, forever in her heart, never forgetting him." Ah Reum became emotional while sharing the story.

She continues: "You know, many people claim to prefer sad stories because they seem more real, but not me. While those stories have their own beauty, I will always prefer a happy ending and I'll fight for it! Now that we've made this promise, let's stick with the first legend." Ah Reum smiled happily.

"I'm well aware of your passion for flowers, haha. That's why the idea of visiting the arboretum seems like the perfect plan. It's as if all the pieces have come together to bring us here."

Hours passed, and they remained there, sharing laughter, discussing various topics, and realizing there was still so much to talk about. As dawn approached, Jin Young fell asleep with his head resting on Ah Reum's lap.

"I think I've said too much hihi" She said leaning over him and whispered in his ear: "I love you!" before gently kissing him on the cheek.

Hi Hi Everyone! These love sequences between Jin Young and Ah Reum have made me cry hehe.

Thanks for following us so far, see you in the next chapter!

Thank you so much!

Lua_Ccreators' thoughts
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