
Chapter 84

Over two months later, Leonardo finally cheered as before him inside the Fortress the virus for Brainiac was completed. Even when working at super speed, it still took this long to complete otherwise, without super speed it would take over a few decades to complete. Since programming and studying the knowledge he gained from Dax-Ur was a massive pain.

Since the amount of coding involved was a massive project and not to mention he has to work on it between work and helping either his girlfriend Aurora or Clark. Hence he probably would have it done in a month and a half. Which led him to having the issue of not knowing where the said computer currently was.

For in the last few months, Clark finally figured out that the Kryptonian he was so happy about meeting turned out to be a computer. Now besides knowing that Fine, his alias was working with Lex Luthor. Even Leonardo was a bit helpless in figuring out where the computer ran off too.

"My Son, a situation that requires your attention has appeared."

Jor-El's voice booms throughout the fortress.

"What happened?" Leonardo asked curiously.

He didn't hear the alert button he gave to Clark or a few others if they needed him. Not to mention Clark tends to handle most cases throughout the world from Forest Fires, Earthquakes, and other natural disasters. While Leonardo would rarely hop in from time to time, now that Jor-El basically asked him for the first time. It has made him curious.

"It seems that Kal-El has found the Brain Interactive Construct and has been sent off to the Phantom Zone." Jor-El stated. "Not to mention now the Brain Interactive Construct has released a virus of his own shutting down all electronics on the planet."

Leonardo became dumbfounded at hearing this. He wondered how all this happened suddenly. Did he sleep for a while and not realize it? How did it go from Clark crying over his break up and getting on track with his life to him being sent off the Phantom Zone? Not to mention, did Brainiac find a host to release Zod into or was that even his goal in the first place.

"How did this come to be? Didn't Kal come by the Fortress to ask for help in this?" Leonardo asked. "Surely, Brainiac didn't just grow bored of playing with him and sent him off."

"The details on how this happened are unknown at this time. All I can tell you is that Kal-El has informed me he found the House of Zod symbol in a field hours before this." Jor-El replied.

"Fine, fine. What do I need to do?" Leonardo asked.

"Head to the source of the virus and take it down. I have pinpointed it to be in Smallville. Then you will need to track down the Vessel and bring him down." Jor-El said. "In the meantime, I hope that Kal-El can find his own way out of the Phantom Zone."

Leonardo nodded to himself and took off to the sky as he rushed towards Smallville. While he ignored the shouts of chaos below since he needed to shut off Brainiac virus to stop the chaos. Otherwise it would be an unending battle if the source is still active.

So crashing onto the ground with a loud bang, Leonardo strolled into Luthor Mansion and into Lex's office. Where he grumbled since he didn't really like Lex that much. Much like Lana, he seems incapable of even making friends with each other. For it felt like the two were natural enemies and incapable of being in the same room with each other even if they barely met each other.

Just as he walked into the office and saw the spinning tablet that was also the hard drive and power source for Brainiac. Which was even fairly advanced for Krypton supposedly. Leonardo didn't know nor cared how true that fact is since Krypton technology is like a cheat patch since if needed a new advance technology or gadget seemed to pop up. 

Alongside this discovery, he seems to have walked in at an odd moment. For he found Lana doing the clothed version of the horizontal tango with Lex. Well, if Lex wasn't talking like a general of a far off planet that is no more.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Leonardo joked. "Don't worry, I will be out of your way soon."

Then he walked towards the spinning tablet and flicked the virus to the tablet. Where it was absorbed and the tablet began to shift through a variety of colors. For what the colors landed on, Leonardo didn't know since Lex threw him out the window.

"Do you know what you have done?" Lex screamed.

"I have done a great many things so you will have to be more specific." Leonardo joked.

"Human, how are you not dead?"

"I've been told I have great endurance by many lovely ladies." Leonardo stood him.

Then he moved where he began to trade blows with Zod within Lex's body. From blocking a fist to heavily slugging Zod's face causing him to slam into the ground. Right before his leg was grabbed and found himself being spun around and thrown across the field a few miles away.

'Look mom, I did it. I plowed a field.' Leonardo mentally jokes.

Then rising up from the ground as he watched as Zod flew in with Lex's body. Leonardo felt this scene seemed weird, but then again. If Lex was in control of his body and knew he could fly, then it would probably be the same scene. Not to mention he probably would do his best to eliminate others who would threaten him.

"You're not human are you?" Zod said as if stating a fact.

"What gave it away?" Leonardo asked. "It must be my good looks right. That must have clued you in. Not being thrown miles and carving the ground with my face and came out mostly unharmed."

"It doesn't matter. You will soon be dead and my plan can be continued. I shall raise a new Krypton and rule over it." Zod said.

Leonardo wanted to roll his eyes at these words but he had to move quickly since Zod went on the offensive. So an impressive display of martial arts were displayed as the two either parried or took a few body shots.

'Is this Dragon Ball?' Leonardo lightly wondered as he hit Zod.

Under Leonardo fist, Zod's head was slammed into the ground before Leonardo attempted to kick his neck. Which was blocked by two arms and ended up being chucked away. Where the fight took flight as their strikes were a series of sonic booms.


Back inside the mansion, Lana who was looking out the shattered window was beginning to question life. All she knew now was that Leonardo who she had a strong dislike for was suddenly thrown out the window and not long after. She could hear sonic booms in the distance.

"Is it the military or Leonardo?" Lana question. "It must be the Military. No way someone as bad as Leonardo has strength to match up to Zod or Lex when he is like this."

Then her eyes turned to the dust pile or would be dust's pile if it wasn't blown away in a gust of wind. Which made her frown since clearly it was alien tech and if there was a chance for scientists to study it. Then maybe they could make weapons for an impending alien invasion.

"Tsk, Freaks and Aliens. This world seems to be getting chaotic." Lana grumbled.


Leonardo who heard Lana off handed comment as he was beating down Zod again. He just sighed since he was sure she was getting better, yet why did she suddenly make a one eighty in personality again. Then he remembered that she wasn't really all that stable either in the show after Clark broke up with her due to Lex manipulation.

'Deal with Zod now, and wait until later for her.' Leonardo thought to himself.

For how to deal with Lana, Leonardo figured he would just throw Clark or Chloe at her. Clearly her therapist isn't working much anymore either.

"Die already." Zod screamed.

"No thanks." Leonardo said as he slugged Zod into the sky.

However, upon sending Zod off, Leonardo noticed something great. Lex's body wasn't healing as quick and was steadily growing weaker with each attack. It seems that the serum that Brainiac injected into Lex was wearing off since its energy was draining faster then it could recharge. Since Brainiac probably didn't imagine Zod would be in a battle this intense after getting rid of Clark.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts
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