
Chapter 49

At the dining table when Leonardo excused himself for a moment. They all watched him whisper and more than one tried to listen in. Only they didn't hear much besides mumbles. Thus they turned their eyes to Amenadiel for answers. Since he seems to know more about the guy then he lets on.

"What?" He asked them.

"Leonardo, what do you think of him? Also where did he go?" Aurora asked first.

Amenadiel just lightly hummed to himself. "Leonardo is a good person and tries to do what he feels is right. Much like he said, he is confused on what to do in the future and travels in hopes of finding out."

"And?" Linda asked.

"And what?" Amenadiel asked.

"What mom is trying to say is you two are being very cryptic and dodging certain questions." Charlie asked. "While he would probably get away with other families, there is a retired therapist, detective and bounty hunters here."

"In time, it will be revealed." Amenadiel replied calmly.

"Well he must be a good person if you speak highly of him. So I will put my curiosity about him on the backburner for the moment. He will tell in time and when he is more comfortable." Chloe said. "Now what I want to know is how well he matches Aurora and if they will have a happy future if they stay together."

"Mom." Aurora whined.

"I'm just worried dear. He will grow old and frail and possibly resent your youthful looks." Chloe said.

Amenadiel just looked amused as if he heard a funny joke. A kryptonian under a yellow sun growing old is highly unlucky. In a century or two, even without the consent of the yellow sun, they will live on indefinitely unless they are killed. They were mother's favorite mortals so father always had a soft spot for them.

However, he decided to humor Chloe and just took a light peek. "While they will have some ups and downs like most relationships. They are happy."

Amenadiel looked slightly amused as one of the most common bicker between the two is due to Aurora being like her father and wanting to bring too many pretty women to their bed at times. While the other is, Leonardo's identity being exposed due to his lack of attention. While the saddest times is when they have to bury their children as not all inherit either their angel or kryptonian powers.

"No more, don't say anything uncle. I don't want to know anymore." Aurora said.

"Well the future isn't set in stone, so if I told you more it might not come true." Amenadiel replied calmly, while he said this, he lightly swiped his hand.

While not much trouble would come by for Leonardo for his actions with the plane, he decided to give the teen a bit of help. His dual identity isn't really in place yet, so he just helps by erasing the video and pictures of the incident while blurring his face a bit. It will help him in a few decades when his first child goes through puberty and looks a lot like him.

Then not long after, Leonardo stepped back into the room. "Sorry about that. My brother needed my help with something."

"It's fine dear. So, shall we move onto dessert." Chloe smiled.

"Great." Leonardo smiled before seeing a bunch of blueberry muffins appear before him. "How did you know blueberry muffins were my favorites? I don't think I told Aurora that yet."

"Oh, another blueberry muffin lover huh." Eve said.

Leonardo smiled as he let it slide and not be too picky about the details with them. Since they are the Aurora family and while he is strong. He is not quite strong enough to fight an army of angels or demons. Well yet anyways and he doesn't actually know how strong they are either nor himself as Kryptonian strengths tend to fluctuate due to many writers' thoughts or ideas.


When the slightly eventful dinner ended, Leonardo said goodbye and was walking the street. He only walked a few blocks right before he stopped on the sidewalk. A sidewalk that was empty beside the hobo on the other side and down the street. Then he noticed the car on the road slowing down to a halt as if he entered super speed.

"You know, for someone who doesn't want to take an active role in his position. Someone was quite busy tonight." Leonardo said. "Not that I am against you or anything, but thanks I guess."

"So you do know who I am?" Amenadiel stepped out from behind.

"Not a whole lot, but a tiny bit." Leonardo replied as they walked down the street. "So is there a reason you chose to seek me out?"

"I just want to remind you not to stop Aurora from jumping back in time. She began a time loop and I'm sure you know what messing with time does." Amenadiel said.

"Even if I tell, it probably won't do much. When one gets wrapped up in emotion, especially grief, some do things even if they know it's wrong." Leonardo pointed out. "However, while I may know a bit, I won't claim to know nor pretend to know the whole story."

"Well, you are wiser than others like you. I remember a few who appeared on Earth, some became kings while others died gruesome deaths." Amenadiel lightly praised.

"That's comforting," Leonardo joked. "That can't be all."

"Aurora is a lot like her father in lots of ways and grandmother. I am not just talking about her fun loving and caring side. Just like them, she is open about sex and will pull many women to join you two in bed." Amenadiel explained. "Mainly because she knows you don't want men joining."

"Oh," Leonardo was all he felt like he could say.

He felt weird since while he might joke about multiple partners, he never actually thought of putting into action. Though he probably should have expected this since immortals tend to be playful in relationships. Even if they haven't reached the first century yet.

"I thought I would give you a heads up so you know what you're getting into." Amenadiel said. "However, she won't ever betray your trust."

"Do you often peek at your nieces' relationships?" Leonardo asked.

"I just want to know more about who she set her sights on. Though don't tell him either, but I do the same for my son." Amenadiel answered. "When she traveled back she didn't say much."

"I won't tell, though once they find out you're on your own." Leonardo answered.

"Take care, Leonardo." Amenadiel said as time resumed to normal.

'Well that was a weird chat.' Leonardo thought while shaking his head.


A few days passed since Leonardo had dinner with Aurora's family. Which he found to be quite quick in meeting the other family. Not to mention he wasn't thrown out so he guessed that was a good sign.

While he was packing his bag as it wasn't quite a week yet, but it was drawing close. Hence he felt it was time to continue his travels and was preparing to head down to some Maya temples. Which was delayed a bit since he didn't expect to meet Aurora.

Hearing the knocking on his door, Leonardo walked over to find Aurora on the other side. In her hands were a couple bags filled with her clothes and personal hygiene things one needed for traveling. Which made him smile as he placed his hands on the door frame.

"So you decided to travel with me." Leonardo smiled.

"I was unsure as was my mother. However, my uncle suggested I go out and stretch my legs so to speak." Aurora answered. "It's not like I couldn't return quickly if I needed to."

"There that too, but I am glad you decided to trust and come along with me." Leonardo smiled as he let her in. "Traveling just got a whole lot more fun."

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts
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