
Chapter 2

Inside the storm cellar, Leonardo stood in front of the ship awaiting the answer that will determine his future. Only the longer the silence remained the more worried he became. Since, this isn't a situation that the longer the wait the better the news.

"It is impossible to return you to your own body and world."

Leonardo felt his heart dropped at the news since it made things he previously didn't put much thought into to surface. Such as not being able to see his brother, his mother or even his grandparents again. His friends and all those games and movies he wanted to play or watch.


"From what I know, Kal-El must have wished to swap, but an accident caused him to leave himself in his own body while dragging you into it." Jor-El explained. "A few similar events have occurred in Krypton History, one being Rao the God of Krypton. However, each time one appears, great things happen be it good or bad."

'Ah, I did silently wish to be normal before going to sleep.' Clark mumbled.

'We will talk about this later.' Leonardo answered back. 'Right, now it's time to figure out how to separate us.'

"Then is it possible to separate us?" Leonardo asked.

Jor-El stayed silent for a while. "Indeed it is possible, however, it will require forming the Fortress of Knowledge to succeed. However, Kal-El is not ready to handle the responsibility of having all the knowledge of 28 known galaxies at his disposal."

"He is not ready for his own abilities either. He is almost scared of his own shadow." Leonardo sarcastically said.

'Hey.' Clark shouted.

"Then this shall be a learning chance for both of you. For when you gain a new body, you will be a full blooded Kryptonian as you will be fully adapted to Kal-El body by then." Jor-El replied.

Leonardo paused for a moment as he looked at the ground. The thought of being Krptonian hasn't crossed his mind, but it made sense in a way. Since it will take time and if going by Jor-El words, there is still a few years until the Fortress is built. By then he would be used to Clark's body and from the times he lost his abilities, his body doesn't react well unless it is due to blue kryptonite.

"It would be suspicious if another look alike of Kal-El appears." Leonardo stated a slightly important issue.

"Upon the time to make your body, we can adjust it slightly." Jor-El answered. "Now until the time to begin your training. I wish you luck, my sons."

After finishing, the ship landed back on the ground leaving him standing stunned. Then he fell to his knees as he began to cry. Since Leonardo felt immense heartache at his new situation not to mention he would be stuck inside the mind of a love sick teenage boy. A phase he didn't want to be in again.

'I'm sorry, Leonardo. It's my fault.' Clark tried to comfort.

'What done is done. No use of crying over spilt milk.' Leonardo said with pain lacing his words. 'I'm going to sleep for a bit.'

After saying so, Leonardo retreated into Clark's mind and ignored Clark's calls. He needed time to process everything and figure out his new situation. The situation of never being able to see all family and friends again, not to mention all the money he saved up.

It was later after letting it out and moping, Leonardo decided to pull himself together. Crying over it won't fix it and like he said, what is done is done. So while it will always hurt, he can't let it stop him from living his life.

When Leonardo took a look out from Clark's eyes, he found him eating breakfast with what he assumed to be his adopted parents. Jonathan and Martha appear to be in their early forties, with a few dabs of gray and wrinkles on their face. 

'So this is your family?' Leonardo asked, making Clark slightly jump.

'Leonardo?' Clark sounded surprised. 'You sound better already. It's only been a few hours.'

'Clark, the mind runs faster than you think and yours even quicker. Well if you use it, but this is beside the point. Introduce them to me so I am not caught off guard.' Leonardo asked.

'Well, the older man with graying dirty blonde hair is our father Johnathan Kent, a farmer. The woman with red hair next to him is our mother, Martha Kent.' Clark replied back. 'These are the two who found me and took me in. Though I think you already know that.'

'What is on the agenda today?' Leonardo asked to change the topic. 'Besides your chores.'

'It Saturday. I was thinking about hanging with Pete and Chloe.' Clark answered.

Leonardo thought about it for a moment, before remembering that most of the time the farm is always on the verge of bankruptcy. So he began to think of ways he could help fix that while still giving Clark the freedom of a teenager as well as generate a decent profit. Then it hit him, he could just become an author or draw comic books..

'Just put that on hold for a while. What do you know about the farm finances?' Leonardo asked.

Clark didn't answer right away, but when he did he only said one word. 'Bad.'

Leonardo wasn't surprised by it. 'After your chores give me control for a bit. I might have a few ideas that could help alleviate the issue.'

'It's not illegal or requires showing off my powers, does it?' Clark asked worriedly.

'Clark, can you really not think of ways that won't expose you? There are more options to gain money than doing illegal things or showing off.' Leonardo sighed. 'While stock trade is out since I have no idea about those. I do know a thing or two about writing books and drawing. So let's write a few fiction adventure books and bam, royalties.'

'Will we be able to earn much from them?' Clark asked dumbfounded.

'Depends if they become a catch or not. However, earning a bit isn't out of the question as I don't expect to have something like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter.' Leonardo answered.

While Clark seemed to be a bit uncomfortable about such ideas. He didn't object since it wasn't illegal nor did it require him using his powers. It just requires to put himself out there a bit, something he never did and felt it goes against his parents' teachings.

'Don't worry so much. It's just as if you became a journalist for the Daily Planet, but instead of writing news articles, it's writing fantasy stories.' Leonardo answered.

'Ok.' Clark agreed.

Leonardo then watched as Clark basically ran around the farm for about forty minutes doing chores that would take hours and nearly four farm hands all day to do. Which he silently noted down so he could do them too if need be. Though, he felt Clark could have done it faster, but was slowing down slightly for him.

After finishing the chores, Clark stopped in the loft before allowing Leonardo to take control. Which was a bit unsettling as he attempted to walk and nearly ran through the loft wall. So using slow motions he took a couple steps forward getting used to Clark's body.

Luckily a kryptonian brain helped him adapt quickly allowing him to walk at a normal human speed and pick up books. However, turning pages and tapping took a bit more effort as he nearly ripped the book apart or the pages out.

'Your not doing too bad.' Clark lightly laughed at his slow actions.

'You grew with your strength so adjusting your strength is basically instinct at this point for you.' Leonardo grumbled. 'I have not and now it basically is like being supercharged.'

Clark didn't continue his laughter as Leonardo did have a point. So after a bit of time and once Leonardo was basically well adjusted to the strength and speed. He left the loft and headed to Clark's bedroom and switched on the old computer by his standards.

'Time to research and begin plotting our first fantasy story.' Leonardo said excitedly.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts
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